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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Sky City Caverns

*sigh* Not again. Next time, try to fing the North Exit. Then you can go back to the Star Room whenever you want.

Owed:$2; Room #4 (Star room-5)
Inventory: Skarmory (M)

You immediately send out your Skarmory before going into the Egg Chamber again. It'll be good protection for the onslaught you know is coming. As expected, once you walk into the room, an Alakazam levitates in.
Owed:$2; Egg Chamber (4)
Inventory: Skarmory (M)

No sooner has the Alakazam cried out its name than a Shelgon comes out and tackles it out of the way. It seems like it wants to deal with you itself.
Owed:$2; Egg Chamber (3)
Inventory: Skarmory (M)

A Pidgeot flies in to join the other pokémon.

BTW, is the tree with sacks tied to it still open?
THAT'S why I have mine posted in the thread.

Inventory: Skarmory (M)

You throw a Great Ball at the Pidgeot. It shakes once, as the other pokémon gasp in horror, minus your Skarmory. It shakes twice. They pull themselves together and prepare to attack. Thrice. They lunge. You are so overcome by the attack that you barely hear the Great Ball click. Then, they all pile off of you, allowing you to recall Skarmory and pick up Pidgeot's Pokéball. Not wanting to go through the whole Ho-oh thing again, you just walk over to the hole in the floor and throw yourself down it, hoping for the best.
...Which doesn't happen, but what does happen is good enough, you guess. The great bird has you in its claws once again.
For the third time it flies over to the entrance and drops you, in a crumpled heap, at the front desk. This time, though, it uses Will o' Wisp on you, as a warning. The guy at the front desk gives you a Rawst Berry, in exchange for four dollars.

Congratulations, lucky person! Now yours are:
Skarmory (M), Pidgeot (F).

If you come again, you may enter from either [Room 8, Start]
Owed: $0; Room #0 (8)
You walk, yet again, into room 8.
[Far left/Forward left/Forward right/Back right]?
Owed: $0; Room #1 (26 from 8)
You walk into the passage on the far left, and find yourself in room 26. Lying in the middle of the room is a

[Pick Up/Ignore]?
[Go back/Forward/Far right/Back right/Stay and search]?
Owed: $0; Room #2 (33 from 26)
You pick up the Razor Claw and head forward. Coming into what appears to be room 33, you feel a breeze coming from the passage in front of you. Probably an exit. And what should hop in from that direction but a Skarmory. You've sure been seeing a lot of those lately.
In successful,
[Go back/Forward/Right/Stay and search]?
Ya know, getting an extra exit is actually to your advantage...

Owed: $0; Room #3 (34 from 33)
Inventory: Razor Claw

You ignore the Skarmory and walk left; You are now in room 34, and you can see a little light coming from the left chamber. A Solrock breaks itself away from the ceiling.
If successful,
[Go back/Left/Center/Forward Right/Far right/Stay and search]?
ANNOUNCEMENT: Free map to the first person who finds every exit!...Maybe.

Owed: $0; Room #4 (35 from 34)
Inventory: Razor Claw

You ignore the Solrock and walk left. In room thirty-five, is an exit. You take it.

Congratulations! You have now fount the West exit, room 35! You may now re-enter from this room any return visit.

Congratulations! The following are now yours to keep:
Razor Claw

If you choose to re-enter, you may start from:
[Room 0 / Room 8 / Room 35]
Owed: $0; Room #0 (35)
As soon as you're established to have found Room 35, you turn right around and go back in.
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