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Skyman vs. Zapi

3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 8 days
Damage cap: 25%
Banned moves: OHKO moves, weather-changing moves, 20 chills
Arena: Surrounded plain

A fairly large and unremarkable plain, with the exclusion of the fact that it is surrounded entirely by rock walls, has a sizeable lake on the southern side, and the fact that the heavens refuse to obey any pokemon, thus preventing the weather ever changing from a nice autumn day.
Other: Only 100% unevolved pokemon may be used

Team Sky

Psy – female
Health: 35%
Energy: 27%
Status: “SLEEP!” Moderately mad. (Safeguarded: 1% energy per action, one more round)
Chills: 7/20​

Team Zap

Violet – female
Health: 90%
Energy: 33%
Status: “ZzZzZz…” Asleep. (+1 attack, +1 special attack | Burned, moderate: Power of physical attacks is ¾, 3% damage/ round | Paralyzed, moderate: Speed halved, ¼ chance of full paralysis if movement | Levitating, can't evade: five more actions | Asleep: one more round)
Chills: 12/20

Round XXIV Begin

After twenty-three rounds of battling, fatigue had begun to show on the trainers and referee’s faces. The strong winds of the plain had bitten their skin and the temperature was dropping fast as the sun achieved its course, setting on the horizon in a ballet of fiery colours. Hiding his face in the large collar of his black trench coat, he waved his flag and shouted the round open, but his voice was lost in a whirlwind.

Violet was still hanging in mid-air and snoring. She dreamt of jungles and ice cream, of adventures with her trainer and the warm comfort of nights camping at the Pokémon Center. Needless to say, the actual battle she was battling for was far at that moment. Until Psy made her move, that is. Suddenly, Violet’s dream became cold and grey, unnerving. Someone was pulling her away…

Back to the Surrounded Plain, Psy observed her foe with detached amusement. Her Disable had obviously worked its way to Violet’s mind, seeing how she was now agitated in her sleep, jaws clenched and bulb shaking – quite violently, if you ask me. Soon, it deflated abruptly; releasing a cloud of somniferous powders, and it fell all over Psy gently. However, the irony wanted the Safeguard Psy had snatched earlier to flicker to life at that moment, blowing the spores away.

Psy took a second to thank the forgotten Safeguard, and concentrated on her foe again. Her breath was inconsistent and her heartbeat faster than normal. The grass-type was obviously fighting against her forced sleep.

It would just make it easier to play with her.

Psy’s horns began to glow blood red, and a stream of energy began to seep out of Violet’s half-open mouth and into the Ralts’ body. Soon, glowing orbs of life energy found their way out, and a shiver ran over the grass-type’s spine. After several seconds of surreal life drain, Psy ceased, leaving the Bulbasaur with even worse than a nightmare: an empty dream.

Again, she convulsed in her troubled unconsciousness, and her bulb rumbled as it began to produce a toxic mixture of powders, shooting a second blurry mass of spores, this time designed to invade her foe’s immunity system. Unfortunately for the grass-type, the Poison Powder was as inoffensive as a light breeze to the Safeguard, as soon was dispersed by the wind. Psy groaned, more annoyed than anything. Violet was now hanging by a thread, on the edge of fainting. Mercilessly, she snatched the last sparkle of energy the Bulbasaur possessed and let go her Telekinetic grasp. Violet, as lively as a rag doll, fell to the ground gracelessly and landed with a thump.

The referee raised his head inspected the Bulbasaur for a second, and declared the round – and the battle – finally over.

Round XXIV End

Team Sky

Psy – female
Health: 35%
Energy: 13%
Status: “There you go. T’was a pickle.” Glad she’s done.
Chills: 7/20​

Team Zap

Violet – female
Health: 90%
Energy: 0%
Status: Knocked Out!
Chills: 12/20

Damage and Energy Calculations

Disable – 4% energy
Sleep Talk (Sleep Powder) – 7% energy
Dream Eater – 17% energy damage, restored 1% energy
Sleep Talk (Poison Powder) – 7% energy
Dream Eater – 2% energy damage, 6% energy


- Sleep Talk rolled Sleep Powder and Poison Powder, both blocked by Psy’s Safeguard. Sorry Zapi ;_;
- The second Dream Eater would’ve wakened Violet up, if it hadn’t knocked her down.

Arena Notes:

- The grass where Persephone was hovering is rotten and decayed. The few feathers still lying there have turned black.
- There are two large holes connected to each other in the ground.
- There is a large depression in the ground, where the Power Whip hit.
- There is also a smaller depression, where Violet fell.
- There is a hole in the ground just in front of Psy, where the soil was used to create the substitute. Dried remains of it are scattered about.

End of Battle

The battlers shared a handshake and recalled their Pokémon. The referee quickly distributed the prizes and they all climbed on Lord of the Fireflies’ Piloswine, glad to get some warmth from the thick fur. The pig / mammoth / whatever began to walk towards the setting sun, beginning their short journey to the nearest Pokémon Center were they would all enjoy their money and a hot chocolate.


Skyman is the winner and gets 24$!
Starly Star the Starly gets 1 exp. point!
Pichu Pika the Pichu gets 3 happiness points (and three exp. points, I guess)!
Ralts Psy the Ralts gets 2 exp. points!

Zapi is in second place and gets 9$!
Gastly Persephone the Gastly gets 2 exp. points!
Axew Johanna the Axew gets 1 exp. point!
Bulbasaur Violet the Bulbasaur gets 2 exp. points!

oh yeah and I get fifteen bucks

Final Word

Whew, that was a long battle. Good game guys! By the way, was this the first battle of one of you? I remember you were newbies when this started, months ago.
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It wasn't my first battle.

Also, I KNEW IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO KEEP MY SAFEGUARD UP!!!!!!! I was going to dispel it, but then I thought better of it, so YES! Good game, though, Zapi! I didn't know who was gonna win at a couple of points.
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