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Slender Man: The Thing That Scared Something Awful And CAD Forums

The other night I woke up at like 2 AM having this random shivering fit, even though it wasn't cold in my room. I was rather freaked.

I hate it when you know something's not real and you still get like this. |:<
I was watching a youtube video that had absolutely nothing to do with Slender Man or anything (it was a LP of a video game) and I swore I saw Slender Man in it HHNNGNNGHG

seriously this is getting on my nerves.

*glances towards window suspiciously*
I was playing the Akinator the Web Genius game and TOTHEARK(with a picture of Masky) came up as one of his guesses. This kinda threw me off a lot.

But yeah, no other Slender Man related stories for now. My pale in comparison to ya'lls.
Eww Akinator guessed Slender Man right. And I knew he was going to and I shuddered visibly when the picture of Slender Man came up.

Hello, my name is Zuu, and I have a problem...
This isn't a freaky Slender Man story, but I did have a dream while napping about an hour ago that Entry 24 was up. I woke up when my phone vibrated, hoping it'd be a MH twitter update, but it was just AT&T spam again.

AT&T seems to know just when to sent me bullshit while I'm excitedly expecting something. :(
I do have acouple of strange sightings of him. When I was five, in my room, which only contains two windows, each outlooking my backyard, which is to stories down, and I saw a guy pass by my window, stood there watching for like ten minutes, and he never came around. Then I've seen this on and off. He walks in MY HOUSE[b/] then dissapears.
So I was at Michael's today and just had to pick up one of these. I think I'll put a little suit on it. :>

...Once I figure out how to do it without fucking it up. I'm thinking just paint. I am so bad at crafts.
Right when I can finally walk to the bathroom at 3 AM again. *sigh*

I mean, oh yes I'm excited! I hope it's good. Jay needs to stop being mopey and get back into it.

ETA: well that was sort of lame. Probably just buildup to another TTA video like Return.
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I liked it. The moment where I realised Slendy was right behind him while he was asleep on the couch got me freaked. And it's nice to have a plot-advancing video once in a while.
I liked it. The moment where I realised Slendy was right behind him while he was asleep on the couch got me freaked. And it's nice to have a plot-advancing video once in a while.

me after reading this post:

no way, I don't remember seeing ~anything~ like that.

*goes back and watches it*

He's asleep on the couch from 0:20 - 0:26.

This is my theory so far on what's going on, which I've just added to Marble Hornets' Wild Mass Guessing page on TVTropes. It doesn't address a few issues (Slender Man's intent, the significance of the bullet casing or what actually happened to the cast and crew of Marble Hornets) but it covers most of the current events, i.e. those happening to J.

The Masked Man isn't totheark, they're separate people with separate goals; though both are opposed to Slender Man, totheark is equally opposed to Masky.

totheark is actually Alex (Alex R. Kralie = ARK) and he's trying to help J defeat Slendy once and for all, which is why he tells him to go back to the house; he wants J to get into the bathhouse, Slendy's lair. He and Seth had been there before and were attacked by Slendy but survived and fled, though he has since gained the knowledge to defeat Slendy. When he saw that J had started looking through the tapes and uploading them online, he realised it was too late to stop J getting involved with Slender Man and instead decided to help him. This is why totheark has such good skills in video manipulation; he's a film student, he'd be knowledgeable in that area. Also, the reason that totheark starts running back into the woods at the end of Exit is because he's trying to get back to where he left J before J does; he didn't want J to find out about his encounter with Slendy and get dragged into the whole mess. After he saw J intended on going to the tower in Entry #20, he went there himself, planted the tape and then watched from a distance to make sure J got it.

Masky is actually Tim and he's trying to stop J from interfering in order to keep Slendy placated. He attacks J in Entry #18 so that J will run away before he can be teleported to the bathhouse, a stunt that he repeats in Entry #23, which instead ''causes'' J to be teleported to the bathhouse; he breaks into J's house, drugs him with the pills from #16 and kidnaps him in #19 to bring him to the house to try and placate Slendy. However, Alex rescues J, though not before Slendy shows up himself ("Return").

In Entry #23, Alex follows J to the house and waits outside to make sure he comes out; when too long passes, he realises that J has started being teleported and enters himself, where he encounters the Masked Man. After a fight, tothark kidnaps the Masked Man to stop him interfering with J, but leaves a Masky mask dangling to let J know that Masky is gone. In Warning, the reason Masky is moving so erratically is that Alex has him tied up; Alex advises J to stay indoors in order to draw Slendy there, causing J's house to start acting like the abandoned house, meaning between the two actions (the kidnapping and the staying indoors), J now has the means to enter the bathhouse without Masky interfering. Soon, once J has mastered the ability to enter the bathhouse, Alex will reveal the way to defeat Slender Man and J will try to do so. Try.
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This doesn't really have mountains of evidence to back it up or anything, but I think it's a possibility that totheark is Seth, who like Jay is looking for Alex ("WHEREIS THEARK?").

Regardless of who TTA is, there are a few things that I believe about him:

1. If he is indeed someone Jay knows, he's been mentally disturbed, probably through dealing with Slendy. We know TTA has to know a thing or two that's particularly important to this whole situation, so he probably has to be pretty familiar with Slendy - and that's why my two biggest candidates for TTA are Alex and Seth. Alex for obvious reasons; Seth because we know he's been to Slenderland, and it can at least be assumed that Slendy attacked him while he was there. We've seen Slender Man's effect on people through Alex, but maybe it doesn't effect everyone in the same way. Maybe Alex rips up paper and draws strange pictures, and Seth makes weird-ass videos?

2. He's in the house somewhere. Evidenced by the "COME BACK / find me" in Signal (although that's also evidence that TTA == Masky which I'm really starting to not like much), the multiple sleeping bags on the floor, and so on. In entry 23 when you see that weird blip of an image that looks like a hand reaching out, that's probably TTA.

3. He's most likely working with Masky somehow. At the very least, he knows about Masky.

4. It's been assumed by a lot of people for a long time that "OPERATOR" is something directly related to TTA, but considering both the word and the symbol appeared in Alex's drawings three years earlier I'm not so sure that's the case.

I know the "wtf did Alex mean by 'gone'" thing has been done to death, but it's possible that Seth and Alex got separated after their venture into Slenderland (supported by "I just woke up in this house with the tape" with no mention of Seth besides that he's 'gone'). This could possibly support my theory above that Seth is TTA and is looking for Alex.

It's hard to gauge what exactly Masky and TTA's motives are at this point, but I do think that Jay is being used by at least one of them, and that considering he keeps getting his memory of things like Return happening wiped it's probably not something he'd go along with willingly. If Masky and TTA are indeed people who Jay used to consider friends or at least acquaintences, they've gotten pretty desperate at this point.

eta: The main thing that keeps me from thinking that TTA is Alex is that if 'ARK' are indeed Alex's initials, it feels too silly that Alex would make his screenname "to [alex]" and ask questions like "where is [alex]". Everything else seems like it could add up, though.

tl;dr I think TTA is Seth but I wouldn't be surprised if it were Alex. I would be surprised if it were anyone else.
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1. If he is indeed someone Jay knows, he's been mentally disturbed, probably through dealing with Slendy. We know TTA has to know a thing or two that's particularly important to this whole situation, so he probably has to be pretty familiar with Slendy - and that's why my two biggest candidates for TTA are Alex and Seth. Alex for obvious reasons; Seth because we know he's been to Slenderland, and it can at least be assumed that Slendy attacked him while he was there. We've seen Slender Man's effect on people through Alex, but maybe it doesn't effect everyone in the same way. Maybe Alex rips up paper and draws strange pictures, and Seth makes weird-ass videos?

I share this assumption.

2. He's in the house somewhere. Evidenced by the "COME BACK / find me" in Signal (although that's also evidence that TTA == Masky which I'm really starting to not like much), the multiple sleeping bags on the floor, and so on. In entry 23 when you see that weird blip of an image that looks like a hand reaching out, that's probably TTA.

My view on the "COME BACK/find me" is that totheark was in the house in #16 and he wants J to come back so he can get into the bathouse ("COME BACK") and he's also encouraging J to keep going with his mission ("find me").

As for the sleeping bags, I don't think anyone lives in the house, I just can't imagine anyone who knows anything about Slender Man sleeping in a house that acts as a gateway to the bathhouse.

Also, what is this hand you speak of? Do you have a screencap? (I'm honestly too afraid to watch #23 again. I loathe rewatching any of them.)

3. He's most likely working with Masky somehow. At the very least, he knows about Masky.

I believed this up until Warning; but the way Masky was moving made me think he was tied up, meaning he must have been captured by totheark, therefore totheark is a separate person.

4. It's been assumed by a lot of people for a long time that "OPERATOR" is something directly related to TTA, but considering both the word and the symbol appeared in Alex's drawings three years earlier I'm not so sure that's the case.

I'm doubting the OPERATOR=TTA connection based on the drawings too. I'm just assuming the symbol is meant to represent Slendy.

I know the "wtf did Alex mean by 'gone'" thing has been done to death, but it's possible that Seth and Alex got separated after their venture into Slenderland (supported by "I just woke up in this house with the tape" with no mention of Seth besides that he's 'gone'). This could possibly support my theory above that Seth is TTA and is looking for Alex.

Arguments in favour of Seth:

  • The whole "OPERATOR" thing, as Seth was Alex's cameraman for at least some of the filming, therefore he operated the camera.
  • Seth is never explicitly stated to have moved away from where the events of MH are taking place.
  • It would make Exit more plausible, even though I still think that's Alex.

Arguments in favour of Alex:
  • The handwriting in Warning has been compared favourably to that on Alex's drawings from #16 and #19.5.
  • "OPERATOR" also applies to Alex, as he also seems to have done at least some of the filming.
  • totheark is apparently familiar enough with the layout of the house that he was able to hide there and film J without J realising; Alex is living in the house in #11 and #14.

It's hard to gauge what exactly Masky and TTA's motives are at this point, but I do think that Jay is being used by at least one of them, and that considering he keeps getting his memory of things like Return happening wiped it's probably not something he'd go along with willingly. If Masky and TTA are indeed people who Jay used to consider friends or at least acquaintences, they've gotten pretty desperate at this point.

I blame the memory loss of the events of Return and his braindead expression on being drugged with the pills from the house. My reasoning behind it was that he was brought there by Masky to attract Slender Man but then Alex showed up, camera in hand, to rescue him and had an encounter with Slendy for his troubles.

eta: The main thing that keeps me from thinking that TTA is Alex is that if 'ARK' are indeed Alex's initials, it feels too silly that Alex would make his screenname "to [alex]" and ask questions like "where is [alex]". Everything else seems like it could add up, though.

In the case of the username, I think Alex was cryptically referring to what he's doing; helping J find him and defeat Slender Man. The former gives us his username because he's leading J to Alex i.e. himself.

In the case of the question, I think it's a rhetorical question, kinda like a taunt at J because to try and get him to keep doing what he's doing.

The main reason I think that it's Alex is Warning. The way Masky is moving just instantly makes me think of a struggling prisoner. If Masky was filmed as totherak's captive, then totheark and Masky must be separate people. But if Masky is Tim, then who is totheark? Apart from the handwriting I already mentioned, there's also the opening of Warning "The following are raw footage excerpts from Alex Kralie". If we take raw excerpts to include not only the weird doll-thing but also the clips of Masky, the writing in the mask and the recorded writing, then that means the whole video is from Alex Kralie, making him totheark.
Here, I managed to get a screenshot. Also, scribbled on for clarity! It's only there for like a frame or two. It appears at the end of some distortion, almost immediately after Jay ends up in Slendyland. The orange-ish bit is just from Jay's flashlight where the image overlaps what's actually going on.

I think it's highly possible that Alex and/or Seth know the trick to getting to Slenderland. It seemed like they had a set goal in mind when they went there.
My shit school computers won't let me see the images, so I'll comment on them later.

I think from the way Alex was talking at the end of #22 that the reason he and Seth went there was to save the others who had been taken by Slender Man - Brian, Sarah, Tim and J.

EDIT: Saw the pictures. I actually caught that freezeframe the first time I watched it but I didn't realise what it was. I don't think it's Masky though. It seems unlikely that Masky would deliberately go to the bathhouse since he seems to be doing his utmost to make sure J doesn't interfere with Slendy. Even though it sounds like an asspull, my first instinct tells me that it's Brian. Somehow.
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