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Sprite Contest!

I took out originality because they are all the same Pokemon spliced. And I'm doing them one at a time.


Creativity: 10/10
Quality: 10/10
Overall: 20/20

This sprite is too good for a comment.
Out of curiosity, what is it that makes my sprite any more "creative" than anything else?
Everyone's splicing the same two things.

Not that I *mind* I appreciate the rating :3
Although everybody is using the same Pokemon to fuse you still have to think; 'how do I want to fuse this?' If nobody had creativity all the sprites would be the same, but it's the little things like adding the facial expression or the pattern onto the sprite that makes it original. Personal touches, like your use of dithering, gives the sprite it's own feel, something that couldn't be thought of by twenty other people.

It's also the fact that you can use any sprite you want to. You can scratch it, reshade it, revamp it, there are numerous things that you can do to a sprite to make it your own. It's just figuring out how to use the resources around you that give it creativity.

And this just may be me, but you seem to be coming off as very self-centered. Yes, you're sprite is good, but even you should know that everything has it's own flaw and that nothing is ever going to be perfect. This again, is my personal opinion and you shouldn't take it to heart. =\

=P Hey now, everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. I usually can't crit without coming off as mean, so I usually have to like...butter them up or something. Don't let it bug you and just practice at it.


Please don't write in red. I can't see it properly and have to prettyu much put my face to the screen to read it. How many entries were there again?
And this just may be me, but you seem to be coming off as very self-centered. Yes, you're sprite is good, but even you should know that everything has it's own flaw and that nothing is ever going to be perfect.

I don't mean to drag this thing on, but.. do I really come off as 'very self-centered'?
I hardly ever *say* things about my sprites either way and if anything it's that I don't think they're all that amazing at all.
i agree with espeon. the quality, at least, is not a ten. look at the tails scratch shading......
If you aren't a great critter then well, get someone else to do it. It doesn't matter if you're bad at critting, no one will think bad of you. I admit I suck at critting so I wouldn't make a contest. You seems reasonable at making a contest but the critting is ehh. 20/20 means that they are GOING TO WIN. 20/20 isn't saying that it's so good, it's saying it's perfect. Nothing is perfect. 15/20 is something like REALLY GOOD and 10 is average or so. Each point can make a big difference if you're total score is so little. 'This sprite is too good for a comment means you

a) Can't crit well or find any flaws
b) Can't be bothered
c) ~Some other reason~

I'm not doing this for my sprite or anything and I don't mind too much if I don't win or anything[Blastoise's is so cute :D].
i would offer, but i am already an entrant so it would not be fair. by the way, does anyone know a good program (other than the expensive flash that my trial has run out on) to make animations?
and as an example, though mine was not creative in which sprite i usedi used colors that noone else did, which can be seen as creative. you need to be able to look at it from different perspectives.
I could be a judge! I to late to enter the contest my self. So I would love to help and I have experience from judging contests on other forums.
I've been waiting a while to get these judged and now we need judges? But DarkMaru might be good and wouldn't favorite some people because of who they are not the sprite.
Ooh, contest. *Awwz* I can't join and I suck at crit so bad I would die doing it.
OK, DarkMaru... *steals Arylettian Sceptere from Arylett and waves it* You are now a judge!
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