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Sprite Contest!



Creativity: 9/10
Quality: 8/10
Overall: 17/20

The head is a bit off and the shading on it. But other wise I like it. Using a different Pokemon's pose gives it creativity and uniqueness. The body seems to flow together as if it were a real pokemon. With some work on the head it could look like a real Nintendo sprite.
He couldn't get a full overall score because his sprite wasn't perfect.
Are you talking about me? If so... I am female.

DarkMaru said:
The head is a bit off and the shading on it.
How? Is it the transition between the beige and the pink? Does it not look round enough? Do the ears look funny? Are the eyes misplaced? What? D: Also, not that I'm complaining, but what'd you take off a point for creativity for? Is it because this is a splicing contest and everyone is doing the same sprite?
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^ Are you trying to get a better score because that is what it seems? Creativity is how creative the splicing was done. Like if you did the old take the head and stick over the other's head then that isn't creative. If you stuck the head, tail, eyes, and other details like the little things on Skitty's tail then it would get more creativity.
He couldn't get a full overall score because his sprite wasn't perfect.

Am I the only one that sees this as extremely rude? I mean, seriously. No sprite is perfect, but that sounds really insulting.
Why are people calling me a he when I clearly have the genderthingy in my... userbarthingy? And sorry I made it so rude, and sorry I ignored Bakuphoon's offer to judge. *waves the stolen Arylettesceptere in front of Bakuphoon* You are now a judge.
^ I'm sorry but when I think of Mewtwo it makes me think 'boy' even if Mewtwo are genderless. Mew seems more 'girly'. My avatar makes me seem like a girl and Eevee and Skitty are cute which girls seem to like.
^ Yeah this contest is going really slow.

Edit: HELLO? Anyone there? If no one comes I'll BUMP. It has been ages since the last judging.

Why did you make a contest if you can't crit and even come?
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this is boring...... judges are supposed to judge, and no judging has bee dome in ages...... and my spriting thread is not getting posted on...... and BUMP...... and you really need to judge soon...... and BUMP...... and we need more judges two i think...... and did i mention BUMP?......
Give it a rest, people. Does it really matter if he judges or not? He already gave out a perfect score.
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