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Squornshellous Beta vs. Skyman

Bluh. Rain Dance, then use Scald until it is burned, and then switch over to Surf.

Rain Dance~Scald~Scald/Surf
10vs10 single
Style: Set
DQ: Three days
Damage Cap: 60%
Banned Moves: None
Arena: Field with a Lake

A fairly simple arena for the most part. A several-acre field with grass roughly half an inch long all over, and a lake in the centre full of sparklingly clear water that cannot be muddied or obscured, no matter what happens to it. The lake is big enough to comfortably house a Gyarados. There is a mysterious substance diffused throughout the air, water and ground that deals 3% damage per action; this damage cannot be negated or reduced in any way.


Skyman didn’t waste an instant (the ref had already wasted enough already) and hurled his fourth Poké Ball in the middle of the field. The device activated and opened in a flash, revealing a small, blue, indescribable four-legged amphibian. Really, I have no idea what Mudkip is supposed to be based on. Nevertheless, the water-type began to run around happily, oblivious to his weird appearance.

Team Squornshellous Beta


Golem – living artifact
<Iron Fist>
Health: 88%
Energy: 100%
Status: “…” Soberly enjoying its victory.

Team Skyman

Jack – male
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “I heard u liek Mudkipz? Just being cute and everything.

Round XIII Begin

Unable to contain his happiness towards life, Jack began to hop, then jump, and finally his joy-filled moves somehow looked like a kindasorta dance, and before Golem could even say “Y, M, C, A!” a heavy rain was pouring all over him, and the rest of the battlefield. Jack croaked in a very awkward way, but then the humans realized it was his way of laughing.

Golem was emotionless as always, but inside it was growing moderately annoyed. He groaned reasonably, but began a totally unreasonable move. Its unknown insides began an ominous whirr, and it slowly turned into a bizarre spine-chilling chant. Jack, happily rolling in the mud, didn’t notice anything of the curse seeping into him but a slight chill, and he didn’t make a drama out of it at all.

After a moment, Jack decided it was time to, you know; begin to participate in the battle he was fighting. Derp-faced, he opened he mouth wide, wider than Golem thought amphibiously possible, and shot a stream of nearly gaseous, boiling water. The attack poured all over Golem, penetrating its porous armor and searing its innards. When the rain finally washed the burning water away, he found its joints to be more painful than before and his movements jerkier.

This was just an objective analysis, though, and in no way it would interfere with its course of actions. Inside its left hand began to form a small, pitch-black sphere. Shadows around the ghost-type began to seep in it, increasing its size quickly. Soon enough, it was the size of a basket ball. Arm raised and pointed towards Jack, Golem shot the projectile, and the ominous blob exploded when it crashed on its target, right under his belly. Jack cried out in pain – the Shadow all had hit him right were it hurt the most – and felt the ghostly energy burn his skin, leaving permanent marks.

The water-type ran to the lake and jumped in it, perhaps in hope of relief. Only his fin was pointing out of the surface and giving away his location, just like a shark’s. For a moment, Golem believed he would stay there for a while, perhaps afraid of receiving another of its attack in the face.

That was until it noticed the water level was rising. The blue fin disappeared underwater without a sound.

A slight rumble shook the air, and all of a sudden the lake seemed to explode, and an unnaturally tall wave came out of it. Riding the tsunami was Jack, his head popping out of the “summit”. Golem shrieked in surprise, and the wave crashed down on him with the sound of an airplane crashing on the ground.

Everything finally calmed down, and the water retired back to the lake, leaving Jack seemingly alone in the middle of the field, his opponent nowhere to be found. There was only a mossy rock a few feet away. Oh, how weird! The mossy rock had eyes now. And arms! And between those arms a weird pitch-black sphere was forming!


A second Shadow Ball hit Jack, this time nailing his head fin. The ghostly energy burned him again, moreover now that it could seep in his body through his wounds. And like lemon juice, The Curse kicked in, like a frozen, searing wind, stealing his energy.

Round XIII End

Team Squornshellous Beta


Golem – living artifact
<Iron Fist>
Health: 28%
Energy: 85%
Status: “…” Battered and rusty, but silent. (Burned: Power of physical attacks is ¾, 3% damage/ round)

Team Skyman

Jack – male
Health: 56%
Energy: 83%
Status: "Ouch >:/" Unhappy. (-1 special defense)

Damage and Energy Calculations

Rain Dance – 3% energy
Curse – 15% health, 3% energy
Scald – 17% damage, 7% energy
Shadow Ball – 17% damage, 6% energy
Surf – 19% damage, 7% energy
Shadow Ball – 12% damage, 6% energy


- Scald caused a burn.
- The first Shadow Ball was a critical hit and lowered special defense.
- Sorry I'm late...

Arena Notes:

- The whole area is drenched. The holes and tunnels are now filled with water.


Squornshellous Beta:
Drifloon: 1 exp.
Dragomelet: 2 exp.
Nincada: 1 exp.

Timburr: 2 exp.
Vulpix: 1 exp. (Fire Stone)
Pichu: 2 hap.

Next Round:

- Skyman orders first.
Really? Damn...

OK, well this battle ends in a draw, as agreed by both trainers.

Soooo both trainers get 24$ and Summergale and I get 20$ each (iirc).


Squornshellous Beta:
Drifloon: 1 exp.
Dragomelet: 2 exp.
Nincada: 1 exp.
Golett: 2 exp.

Timburr: 2 exp.
Vulpix: 1 exp. (Fire Stone)
Pichu: 2 hap.
Mudkip: 1 exp.
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