Round Five End!
Team Simulator

Rayquaza (-)
Ability: Air lock
Health: 80%
Energy: 182%
Status: Pretty tired. Paralyzed (moderate). Cursed (10% of overall health per round). Burnt (3% a round). Severely poisoned (3% this round, 4% the next).
Item: None
Commands: Rest ~ Chill/Rest ~ Sleep Talk/Chill/Rest
Team sreservoir

Vilya (F)
Ability: Air lock
Health: 94%
Energy: 42%
Status: Tired, but feeling a lot better. -1 speed.
Item: None
Commands: Encore / Confuse Ray / Chill x3
Round Six Begin!
Vilya looked coldly at the monstrous dragon that, just last round, was horrendously powerful and could tear her to pieces. Looking at it now... it wasn't that bad, actually. She had cut it down to size. Excellent. Now, all she had to do was watch and take appropriate response to its actions... she couldn't encore blindly, after all. She looked closely, trying to wait it out, and---well, it seemed Rayquaza was getting bored of her inaction. It had fallen asleep, after all. Sighing, Vilya turned to the unresponsive legend and decided to work her magic.
<Oh, wow, that's quite impressive,> she telepathically admitted, albeit with a large amount of exaggeration.
<You... seem to have healed every bit of damage I managed to inflict. C'est la vie, I suppose--something like this is to be expected from an impressively tenacious creature as you. I do
hope to never see that again, however. It would be most... unhelpful. Really.> Reverse psychology was very effective, in most instances. She had no doubt it would work; while she was not Darkrai, her power was surely great enough to infiltrate the dreaming mind.
... Or perhaps it wasn't. The serpentine creature had made no change in behavior, except for slowly coiling into an apparently comfortable position. There was nothing to applaud, she was afraid, and her foe did not seem very susceptible to distraction... so she supposed she could rest a small while. Slowly, carefully, her eyelids fluttered shut, and only just managed to stay upright through sheer luck. The answer was unclear as to how Vilya slept upright, but either way the kirlia balanced on those stilt-like legs like that sort of thing was natural. Perhaps it was, considering that she was a psychic type.
She stayed in that position for a significant amount of time, thoroughly content--however, this sort of break could not last forever. Rayquaza roared emphatically, rustling in its sleep and somehow managing to exude ice from claws. Vilya originally dismissed it as the dragon just being restless (possibly because she refrained from opening her eyes to check), but she was soon proven wrong; Rayquaza tossed a large volley of rocks at her, dropping their temperature to below freezing in the process. Vilya didn't even pay enough attention to see the projectiles flying her way until they hit her; that woke her up, certainly, and sent her tumbling to the ground in the process. Too drowsy to fling off the boulders telekinetically, she was forced to dig herself out--only to make sure she suffered the full force of an unexpectedly powerful gust of air racing through the arena.
She would have preferred to stay asleep. After all, she didn't even see Rayquaza cringe with pain as her partner's curse took effect; perhaps that would have softened the deal.
Team Simulator

Rayquaza (-)
Ability: Air lock
Health: 158%
Energy: 138%
Status: Waking up from its nap nicely, but still wishing that sleep could shed a curse. Cursed (10% of overall health per round).
Item: None
Actions: Rest ~ Chill ~ Sleep Talk
Team sreservoir

Vilya (F)
Ability: Air lock
Health: 82%
Energy: 56%
Status: A bit fussed up. -1 speed.
Item: None
Actions: Encore~ Chill~ Chill
Was sort of confused where "encore everything" intercepted with confuse ray, but it didn't matter anyway.
"Hit" is a pretty weird word in this case, actually. With encore... there's no real effect other than being encored, and it's not a punch in the face in which it would
hit, but just not work. Vilya wasted the first action (because she wasn't really sure whether encore would work), but spent the rest chilling.
Ice moves were boosted this round; otherwise, avalanche would have both dealt and cost 6%. I guess you're lucky, blazhy?
Gust was used at the end of the round; I had it inflict a flat 4% damage.
Blazhy commands first! (For everyone that's just randomly reading the reffings, I'm temporarily replacing Dragon in the simulations.)
Rest - worked = 0% damage, 50% energy, no accuracy/crit roll (cannot miss; does no damage). Paralysis roll 59, needed 75 or higher to activate.
Encore - failed = 0% damage, 4% energy, no accuracy/crit roll (failed with sleep; does no damage).
Chill - worked = 0% damage, +10% energy, no accuracy/crit roll (cannot miss; does no damage).
Chill - worked = 0% damage, +10% energy, no accuracy/crit roll (cannot miss; does no damage).
Sleep talk/avalanche = 8% damage, 4% energy, no accuracy roll (cannot miss). Crit roll 22, needed 90 or above to activate. Paralysis roll 61, needed 75 or higher to activate.
Chill - worked = 0% damage, +10% energy, no accuracy/crit roll (cannot miss; does no damage).