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Star Fox 911 Prank Call

*uses only Star Fox quotes directly from the games*

Operator: Hello? This is 911 emergency.
Pranker: Get this guy off me!!!(Slippy)
Operator: Excuse me? Sir is someone attacking you?
Pranker: This is no good, I can't shake him! (Falco)
Operator: Alright sir, I'm sending a unit to your location and-
Operator: Oh my GOD! Are you alright!? Are you still there!?
Prankster: I've taken a few hits, but I'm okay! (Peppy)
Operator: Sir how badly are you injured? Are you sure your okay?
Prankster: You see my ship? Does it look like it's okay!? (Falco)
Operator: (..he must be traumatized). Try not to panic sir, lay low and stay on the line with me. A unit should be there shortly.
Prankster: Hang on guys, help is on the way!(bill)
Operator: Wait, is there someone else there with you??? Is anyone else injured or hurt?
Prankster: Daddy screamed REEEEEAL good before he DIED!!! (pigma)
Operator: ... dear God, theres been a murder!?
Prankster: Life form indicated at twelve o' clock! (Rob)
Operator: What? Is someone coming?
Prankster: Brace yourselves!! (peppy)
Operator: Alright sir, listen. You and whoever your with need to protect yourselves at all costs, grab whatever you can find for defense and-
Prankster: Alright, GOT THEM!! (krystal)
Operator: No wait, that's not what I-
Prankster: Aim for it's back!(Peppy)
Operator: It? What exactly is going on in-
Prankster: They're everywhere! (Peppy)
Operator: Oh God, just how many-
Prankster: Enemy down. Oh wait, that was one of ours!(peppy)
Operator: ... O_o ....
Prankster: Aaah! I'm hit!(Krystal)
Operator: Oh man, please try and hang on! Where is that unit!?
Prankster: I didn't expect I'd have to use this.... (mechbeth boss from N64)
Operator: What? What are you doing???
Prankster: NO MERCY!!! (slippy)

*random explosion noise from game*

Operator: Hello? HELLO?
Prankster: .....
Operator: Is anyone there? Hello!?
Prankster: .....
Operator: Oh God, what happened in there.... IS ANYONE THERE!?
Prankster: ...... is that you, Fox??? (pepper-possessed)
Operator: ... he must be delirious... hello? Can you hear me?
Prankster: ..... I.... have one last request.... (General Pepper)
Operator: ..... sir?
Prankster: ...
Operator: ...
Prankster: ...
Operator: ...
Prankster: ....... DO A BARREL ROLL!!!!!!!

Operator: *slams phone down* DAMN IT! thats the fourth time I've fallen for that!!!!
It's funny when it's not real. If it was real, that'd just be a waste of the operators time when a real emergency might not be getting through. Which is never funny =/
It's funny when it's not real. If it was real, that'd just be a waste of the operators time when a real emergency might not be getting through. Which is never funny =/

Agreed. There are real nonStar Fox-related emergencies out there.

Also, I highly doubt that it was real- it had what the operator said AFTER HE SLAMMED DOWN THE PHONE.
It's funny when it's not real. If it was real, that'd just be a waste of the operators time when a real emergency might not be getting through. Which is never funny =/
Goddamit Milla why do you have to ruin our fun? XD

Agreed though, if you have to talk about prank calls to the emergency services at least make them up. ^^ This would make a great skit, however.

(This really doesn't sound as though it could be real actually ^^ If it works the way I think and the "prankster" is playing voice clips down the phone. It's highly unlikely that they'd have the exact right character speech to make it work. Even if they were played separately and not as one continuous thing I still don't see it working. Emergency services are saved from another prank ^^)
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This is very funny, but the operator would probably hang up about twenty seconds through the prank. He has better things to do. DDD:
You know, one day the Star Fox team really are going to get attacked and it's phone calls like this that'll stop the emergency services taking them seriously and make the difference between life and death >:(
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