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Stonewall Institute for Magical Arts -- A Canadian Harry Potter Roleplay


Active member

A Canadian Wizarding roleplay based on Harry Potter

“I'm sorry, Ms Darling, but our budget just doesn't stretch far enough to give you the funding you desire. I'm sorry.”

“That's a lie and we both know it! My transfiguration classroom has moved seven times this week! Seven! We need this money to keep the school away from the Muggles!”

“Ah – what about your benefactor, a Mr Wentworth, wasn't it?”

“He's dead.”

“Oh. How unfortunate. My condolences. But this changes nothing: I'm afraid we don't quite have the budget to give you what you desire, but I'm told the funds we do have will at least keep the school open this year.”

“Wonderful. I'll keep the damned thing open and find a way to stop it falling apart; I'm Elizabeth Darling, not that it means anything here. Thank you for your time, Mr Hornby.”

Of course, how the Ministry (or perhaps more accurately the ill-conceived Board of Educational Funding, a sub-division of the Department of Magical Education) expected her to run a school on the pittance they were willing pay was completely beyond her. Still, she was Elizabeth Darling and that name had meant something once – and it would again, if she had anything to say. Stonewall would stay open and thrive, damn it.

Stonewall is a new, literate intermediate/advanced Harry Potter-based roleplay set in the fictional school of Stonewall Institute, Canada, which is under-funded and severely ailing, staying open only by the school's own force of will (it's a rather forceful building). Run by the vivacious Elizabeth Darling, a student's time at Stonewall is something unlikely to be forgotten, although perhaps not for the reasons one would usually expect.

Moving classrooms, failing wards and a severe lack of funds are a common theme throughout the school with the transfiguration classroom being the most fond of moving around. The Muggle-repelling wards seem to choose the best moments to fail and the professors make do and mend.

We have a dedicated team of admins working to ensure everything runs smoothly. Stonewall aims to be a fun, literate roleplaying environment with a focus on good, quality posting – our motto is 'quality over quantity'.

We're open to players of all skill levels provided they can at least use English to a good standard, the idea being that people can only learn from practise, so come and apply today! Applications for professors are still open and we always need more students!

Come and have a gander, and if you like what you see join up! We're looking to build a community of good, active posters but we need your help!

Stonewall Institute for Magical Arts
Harle, Tailsy, and Verne put a lot of effort into this :B

I'm no roleplayer, no, but I say it's worth a look-see!
ty very much! We did work really hard on it and it's starting to pay off! If you're interested in HP roleplay then please take a look. We don't bite and there are several members of tcod who are already playing!

Me, Tailsy, Verne, ultraviolet, vplj, midnight...
Me, Tailsy, Verne, ultraviolet, vplj, midnight...

obligatory 'I play here and it's really good'

except that it is actually very good

so join
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