• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Suicide Game! =D

Unfortunately I'm walking past at the time and it lands on my foot causing me to hop, sending me through the table and ultimately breaking my neck!

I drop my old username from here: Connor O'Reilly!
*Examines username but it turns into a Beamos statue, scares me to death, then blasts me with its laser*

*Drops a hungry squeaky green ferret*
Follows said white rabbit down the rabbit hole only for me to meet the Queen of Hearts and get my head chopped off!

Drops my Custom Deck's strongest card: Zhuqiao: Sovereign of the South!
Picks up plastic cup wondering "What the hell...", then gets sniped by that *bleep* sniper again!

Drops the Sniper Rifle I have decided to use to finally rid myself of that *bleep* guy once and for all!!!
Unfortunately this attracts people who are after the plastic things in this box and I get trampled to death by them!

I drop the Tokyo Wavepool we've just seen on RudeTube!
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