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Suicide Game! =D

Banana turns out to me made of stone, kills me when it hits my head.

*sets self on fire, ashes fall onto next poster*
I get covered in ashes, and some fall into my mouth, block my windpipe and my nostrils, and continue to clog up my insides until I am full of ash, then I die.

I drop a Nugget (Pokemon nugget).
I see gold, happyspazz, then die of excitement before I can sell it.

*drops §*

It looks like Unown S!
The Unown § stares at me blanky. When I poke it, however, it turns into ! Unown, calls on its friends, and they all use Hidden Power and... D8

I drop a Tomato.
*tomato splats on my head*


*drops a small peice of paper with ⌡ on it*
Looks at the piece of paper with the ⌡ on it, and figures out how to get that character into normal text without copy-pasting. I find that there is no way, and I go mad trying, eventually crashing three computers and burning out a modem. Then *pop* goes my mind and I collapse over the monitor, just as a ⌡ pops up on the screen.

I drop a Fulcrum.
I start to wonder which definition "fulcrum" he meant. Before I could put in much thought, I get blasted by a MiG-29 Fulcrum jet.

Drops own skull.
I pick up the skull and examine it but I'm then arrested for murder and they Execute me.

I drop a Pokéball containing a Sunkern
Sunkern comes out, I try to eat it, but it wedges itself in my throat and I choke to death on a Pokemon that's weak to my type.

*drops ↔*
I get confused on which way to go, head left, and fall into a quicksand pit D8

Drops a Pokeball containing Azurill.
*picks up Pokeball and opens it*

*The Azurill apparently had Rabies, and I get infected and die*

*drops a sticky note*
I notice that the sticky note has a small crinkle on one corner. Being OCD, I simply must fixes it. So I do, and place it neatly up on the wall with a quick memo written on it. Later that night, I feel a strange sensation in my fingertips. I turn on the light to see what's going on, and see that my fingers are being visibly eaten away by the second, apparently from the inside out. As it happens, the sticky part of the sticky note was infested with flesh-eating bacteria. Within the next hour, my hands have been eaten away and as I go to facepalm my stupidity for touching the sticky note in the first place even though I knew that I was going to die somehow in this game, my face is eaten and my brain falls out through my eye sockets.

I drop my prefrontal cortex.
I pick up the cortex. I then get mobbed by brain-eating zombies, and get my own brain eaten in the process.

Drops the pencil that happened to be in my pocket.
Being insane, I run away from sanity afraid of it and fall off a cliff.

Drops a Pokéball containing a Ditto
Ditto transforms into me and comits suicide. Do to the paradox of me watching myself kill myself, I kill myself. (Confusing, I know.)
I start running around looking for what the last person dropped, and found nothing. In the confusion, I accidentally run off a cliff.

*Drops a Walmart gift card*.
I use the Walmart gift card to buy a nuclear bomb (yes they sell those at Walmart) and I kill myself with it.

*Drops Game Boy Printer*
I stand there for a minute, wondering if such a thing even exists. In speculation, I realize that they don't, and that the one in front of me must be a doppelganger of one from a parallel universe. I hack the damned thing to bits with a hatchet, but I miss on one swing and hit myself in the shin. The sheer pain causes me to pass out, and I bleed to death at the same time.

I drop the hatchet.
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