• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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sup /tcod/


Really old guy
Anyone remember me?

I'm BlackChaosMew, but feel that sounds kind of stupid now so I'll just go with BCM.
And I swear I'm not a noob anymore.
I feel all nostalgic now.
I missed you. :)

I've been bored with the internet a lot lately, so I figured, why not come back here?

There's lots of drama in my life now. :/
Damn, I remember you. I think I was like Poffin or something unoriginal like that when you were here. It's cool. Welcome back! :V
Oh! I know you!

Yeah uh, don't know if you remember me, but I've got the same name as before if you don't~

Hello there and welcome back~! I am Ze Lett, otherwise known as Arylett. So yes, welcome back!
Computer screwed up, then didn't feel like coming back for some reason. *shrug*

Don't remember Arylett, sorry.
I remember Kusari, Full Metal, moon-panther, most of the forum games people, and the well known people here.

The past few months I've been checking back on this place, mostly the Debating Hall, Coughing Cupboard, and Miscellaneous.

looks like you've been hanging around too many imageboards lately.

anyways, hi. i think i remember you. i dono.
Uh, that just popped into my head so I decided to make it the title.

What was your username before the forums crashed?
Oh it's all right~ I wasn't too notable, I just posted a few times in Forum Games really. Oh and I had this uh Arial font too, I guess.

Have a cat plushie :)

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