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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Mafia

I don't see why a Mafia would claim Samus. There wouldn't have been anything to gain from it. I think the only person who would claim Samus in this case would be an activated alien...so I'm disinclined to vote.
Okay, Emerald Espeon! I'm going to assume you had some good points in there! I can't see your post, and I tried looking both on the thread and on your list of posts. The blurb mentions that you think Mawile might be alien, and that seems possible! I considered it myself. With Mawile refusing to defend herself and the day phase ending, I'll abstain until I can actually read your post and see what Mawile says, if anything.
So while we still have time, I want to suggest that the Assist Trophy (who I'm fairly certain picked Hammer Bro) target Mawile tonight, and then we can get a better idea of what's going on. I mean, it seems obvious for them to target Mawile, but...I'm saying just in case.
Emerald Espeon: I found your post now! And the blurb apparently was the post! So... uh. Looks like we'll be abstaining today. Or sometthing, if anyone else has an idea.
The brawlers discussed again who they could lynch. Names were thrown back and forth, but at the end of the day they found it better to just abstain for today.

48 hours for night actions.
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