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Taliax's Sprite Contest

You would have placed 4th, Mewtwo. It was really good, but something seemed wrong that I couldn't put my finger on. Oh, and I'll save you a spot.

My first clothes edit, Yay! I don't expect to get a high rank, but It's cute.
Okay, got one. Christmassy things aren't my specialty. It's not one of my better fakemon, but it's pretty good for being thought up and drawn since my last post with a one hour break.

Okay, I extended the limit for how many people can join, but that is for this contest only. I felt like making it special. (: Oh, and I'll judge your new one, Shiny Spoink, but try not to make the outline pure black next time.
Just a question, but since I can't see the trophies, when you judge can you say something like
First Place-Name
Sencon Place-Name...
Just so I know who got what place, please.
I don't get what you mean when you say 'trophie' under the name and place, but I always post the results on the first post of the thread.
Oh... can you post all the ranks so that people who didn't place can see how they did. Other than that, ignor my last post.
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