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Closed Task Force: Code Ryuusen

Kali the Flygon

Devourer of Sandshrews
... Incoming Transmission ...

Greetings. This is Commander Stern speaking. I am sure you are aware of the hostilities between the United Terrestrial Empire and our Lunar Alliance. We are the only remaining safe haven against the corrupt despotism our former home planet has degenerated into.

We have recently learned of a new technology that threatens our very infrastructure, but should it fall into our hands, could tip the scales in our favor. It is thus imperative that we get our hands on this technology. Because of your skills, you have been chosen to form a new task force, Code Ryuusen. Your first mission will be to steal a prototype for this technology. You will be given a standard-issue laser pulse pistol, not the most powerful weapon, but silent and deadly. You may also take one more personal weapon of your own choosing.

What we know is that it is being held in a maximum-security space station orbiting the planet. In order to bypass the initial security, you will be entering inside a delivery hull. The driver will be unaware of your presence. Once inside, your goal is to meet up with an operative who has been working deep undercover. His identity will be revealed to you when you arrive. He is an expert hacker, and will complete your briefing, providing further details about the package we are to steal. Once objectives have been met, you will need to secure mobile suits from the hangar. You may need to blast your way out. We will be ready to pick you up once you are far enough from the facility. Remember, the package is our primary objective. It must not remain in the hands of the enemy. Over and out.

... End Transmission ...

Basically, this RPG is set in the future, in the year 2108. Cybernetic implants to improve speed, vision, intelligence, and communication are common. Humans have set up permanent, self-sustaining colonies on the Moon, and have created massive spacecraft capable of supporting powerful weapons. About 20 years ago, a small but technologically superior fringe organization began a campaign that ended with the entire Earth under their brutal regime. They have now turned their attention outward, to the moon, the last bastion of freedom remaining. Your goal, as part of the new Task Force: Code Ryuusen, is to defend the moon colonies from the threat posed by the motherworld, by completing the missions given to you by higher command.

Mobile suits are personal armor and weapon sets, roughly 15-20 meters tall, humanoid shaped, and capable of flying short distances in space. They have special controls that allow your own body movements to control the suit's movements. Each one is equipped with a primary weapon, for basic combat, and a special weapon, usually more powerful but more applied for certain circumstances.

Sign up sheet

Codename: (not your full name, but rather a single word to call yourself within the task force)
Full name:
Age: (try to stay between 17 and 50)
Speciality: (Pick one skill that your character is known for. For instance, perhaps you're an expert at handling explosives, or perhaps you're a sharpshooter with impressive sniping capabilities. You decide)
Special weapon: (choose one additional weapon to take with you. Make sure it is something you can carry. It may or may not be related to your speciality above)
Quick Biography:

Mobile suit details
(To be used later... remember, you do not start with one. You will have to steal yours near the end of the first mission. But in many future missions they will be highlighted.)
Primary weapon:
Special weapon:
Other: (any details/description you would like to list)

I'll be looking for about 6-8 people to join. Make sure that you follow these during the course of the RPG. I reserve the right to remove someone following multiple violations.

1: Please be ready to write AT LEAST one full paragraph per post (5 sentences).
2: Do not control other people's character's without their permission
3: Do not powerplay. Yes, you are elite, but you are not invincible. Keep that in mind when getting yourselves into circumstances.
4: I have the right to add additional rules, but mainly, if you know you shouldn't be doing something, don't do it:p

Most of all, though, try to have fun ^^

My Character

Codename: Talon
Full name: Lieutenant Kurt Martin
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Speciality: Tactics
Special weapon: Grenade launcher
Quick Biography: Kurt was just a boy when the Revolution began. He used to live on Earth, but his parents fled with him to the moon for safety. He showed prodigal mathematical and logical understanding from birth, and developed them throughout his childhood. When he was 18, he enlisted in the military and became a career officer soon after. He now has a wife, Cathy Martin, and 2 young daughters, and only wishes to leave them a world where they can grow up to be anything they dream of
Other: He will be the operating leader of the group, at least for the first mission

Mobile suit details

Name: Blue Renegade
Primary weapon: Automatic chain rifle, with standard or explosive rounds.
Special weapon: Plasma sword. It can penetrate practically any armor, but it has a very short range, about 20 meters. It has the appearance of a giant light-blue, glowing sword
Other: It was built for speed and agility, and thus has a bit less armor than standard.
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((Ooh, a mecha RP *ish a fan of Code Geass and Eureka 7*))

Codename: Zero (totally not taken from Code Geass XD)
Full name: Takashirou Ryukuro
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Speciality: Takashirou has a thing for explosions and large weapons, he likes bazookas and high-powered weapons. Ballistics is his specialty.

Special weapon: Super-long range custom bazooka that bursts into multiple projectiles on command.

Quick Biography: Takashirou lost his parents when he was just a little kid. Having no parents, he grew up much wiser than one would expect. Being one of the youngest members of Task Force Ryuusen, Takashirou is regarded as a brat and a greenhorn that knows nothing of tactics and strategy. But his quick wit, ability to maneuver his way through tight spots, and an intricate knowledge of mechanics and weapons make him a valuable ally, whether on the battlefield or at home base.

Other: Takashirou's weakness is a pretty face. He loses all get-out over a cute girl, which is quite dangerous out on the front lines.

Mobile Suit Details:

Name: Zero Ryukuro MK-II (designed and "fixed" by Takashirou after he stole it)

Primary Weapon: Powerful short range rifle

Special Weapon: Kurozu Cannon - a large radioactive cannon capable of destroying an entire fleet (still work in progress; operational, but dangerous to use; can self-destruct and cause considerable damage to the user)

Other: None
(Grrr. Stupid Internet explorer. Cut me off JUST when I finished >.<)

Codename: Garuku
Full name: Nathan Garuku Sky
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Specialty: Sharpshooter
Special weapon: Socom w/ suppressor
Quick Biography: He doesn't talk about his past much, but from the records, it shows he grew up inside an incredibly rich family. Weather he used money to get into the task force is still unknown.While as a kid he never really worked for anything, but as he grew up he started taking more and more responsibility, which is what lead him into the task force. Even though his parents are still trying to support him in anyway they can, he refuses and uses only what he should have.
Other: He's incredibly shy, and will only start to show his true self once he's know someone for long enough.

Mobile suit details

Name: Metal Gear Rex
Primary weapon: Rail Cannon (used from afar)
Special weapon: Twin auto-fire guns.
Other: For anyone who's played MGS 1, you'll know how this looks like. The Mobile suit looks a lot like The Metal Gear Rex, but smaller, and with many of the weapons removed.
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Sign up sheet

Codename: Ghost
Full name: Sky Rezden
Age: He says he’s 20 but real age is unknown.
Gender: Male
Specialty: The Hacker
Special weapon: Tech Claw. It’s not so much used for fighting; instead it’s used in hacking electronics. If he would had to use it in battle, it would send a electromagnetic shockwave to anything it touches.
Quick Biography: Any information about his past before he got enlisted into the military has been blocked by sky himself. Other then that his record in the service has been very well. This makes it seem like he has no life outside of his job.
Other: Have been given permission to be the undercover operative.

Mobile suit details
Name: ( X for short ) X60-Retribution
Primary weapon: A Standard rifle and his Hacking computer.
Special weapon: It has a golden cross (tilted to resemble the X) on its back that can be taken off to use as a shield or a boomerang which the weapon heats up to melt through most armor.
Other: It is a light armored mobile suit, this allows it to have much more agility then the standard suit. Sky is currently working on trying to get it to sustain flight.
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Codename: Kitten
Full name: Tabitha Hunter
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Speciality: What Tabitha is most well known for is her famed nine lives. Aware of her surroundings to the point of hypersensitivity, she has more than once saved someone's life with a well-aimed shot at an undetected enemy or a quick reaction to an unexpected complication. Some people blame it on luck, but it seems there is enough confidence in her for her to be chosen for an important mission.
Special weapon: Viper Gun - a wrist-mounted weapon that shoots a blast of (painful) energy that can temporarily stun an adult human with a single shot. A second shot will kill them. Admittedly, it's an pretty old gun, and there are more efficient models, but she's had it on every mission she's been in and it's never let her down before.
Quick Biography: Tabby, as she's often called, was sent to the moon to live with her aunt and uncle when she was young. She hasn't heard from her parents since she was twelve, and believes them to be dead. She showed aptitude for a number of academic courses in her schooling, from maths and sciences to, strangely enough, the arts, where her passion was. Why she decided to join the military instead of continuing her art education is a mystery; she just said it was something she had to do. She did well in her training, becoming satisfactory in various skills quickly, but, despite not excelling in any particular form of combat, she took to fighting as if she were born on a battlefield, showing a strange sense of battle situations that came across as almost supernatural.
Other: Despite being competent, Tabby is often the victim of rumours circling around her private life. Many are lead to believe by her good looks and her taste in clothing outside of work that she is easy, and she loathes it when people think she's used her feminine wiles to get something she genuinely worked for.

Mobile suit details

Name: Silver Liger
Primary weapon: Claw Blasters - A pair of energy blasters that resemble Viper Guns. Can sometimes mess up energy shields when striking them, but usually just function as a short-range energy weapon.
Special weapon: Liger Roar - A number of explosive missles are launched from numerous places on the Silver Liger's body. This can only be used once, maybe twice, in a single fight, and aiming is pretty much a foreign concept, but it can blow up a lot of ships.
Other: She called it the Silver Liger because it was silver-coloured and because it's big and bulky like a large cat. It is the least manuverable, but can take a large amount of damage. And, yes, she came up with those names for her weaponry herself; her artistic background and flair for the dramatic made her want to give them creative names.
Sign up sheet

Codename: Patashu
Full name: Tim Stiles
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Speciality: 'Patashu' is mechanically minded, knowing how to build and fix and modify alike.
Special weapon: The 'Autocannon', a gun slinged down the arm with two barrels that can aim separate from each other and with specific movements of the wrist automatically lock on to moving or heat-emitting targets while firing.
Quick Biography: He was born and lived all his life on the moon. From the age he could walk he could be seen experimenting with toys and devices over and over to see how they worked the way he did. Soon reading and talking he began studying in depth into the way things work, building engineering knowledge little by little, and by the time most would have finished secondary school he was able to build sophisticated devices thanks to guidance from tutorships.
Other: Carries gadgets and tools at all times, got implants to make his eyes blue-indigo

Mobile suit details
Name: Ziggurat
Primary weapon: Railgun mounted on one arm, chaingun on the other
Special weapon: Cluster rocket barrage, emerging from the shoulders and upper back
Other: Something...I want it to look 'interesting' somehow, but I haven't decided yet. I guess I have until the point in the RP where we actually seize our mechs at latest, though :P
Patashu: Accepted.

Well, we have just enough players to begin. I'll start this in the morning likely (it's quarter after 4am here), but in the meantime, I'll keep sign-ups open in case 1 or 2 more people want to join.
(( Hey, hope i'm not too late Kali. ^^ Err.. Not sure whether it's worth mentioning, but i'm Shadowedblaze if anyone hear remembers me. Just soo you can brace yourself for my oddly posted RP. ^^; ))

Sign up sheet

Codename: Sock
Full name: Sokke Rhage
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Speciality: Melee-Combat. Sokke excelled through various training regimes without any sort of projectile weapon, even when faced against multiple enemies wielding firearms, his skill has allowed the disarm and even death of some in such situations.
Special weapon: Battle Gauntlets. Though skilled, everyone can be fall easily to a gun. No matter how fast or agile they are, Sokke realising this spent several years creating these gauntlets. They're a darkened silver/black and much larger than say gloves. Once worn they react to Sokke's nervous system and greatly enhance his reaction time and movement speed, thus making him a nasty threat to have upclose. The gauntlets were designed after Sokke was shot, when a training session put him to the edge of his skills. In a way the gauntlets allow Sokke, in his own head, to slow down time, allowing his to avoid bullets and such. Though being connected to the nervous system they take a massive toll on Sokke's body if used to often, resulting in paralyzis of limbs or even falling unconscious. The gauntlets also realise small electrical charges to add more of a punch to the victim. The Gauntlets also have one more feature, though still experimental and only ever used once, they can create a small protective shell made from electrical energy to protect Sock and it's roughly big enough to fit two other people, (It's like a big bubble that can't be penertrated.), though it has a major cost, the gauntlets power gets drained within 10 seconds and then shell breaks and the gauntlets go offline for anywhere between 5 minutes and an hour.
Quick Biography: Sokke was born into the 'back-alleys', the people who don't quite know the full story, why they're on the moon or what's actually happening. The people who had nothing, his mother died when he was young, so Sokke had to resort to fighting for money just to survive. Though helping his combat skills, the realisation grew of how meaningless his life was. So Sokke enlisted himself in the military hoping to make a difference though ridiculed for his general uselessness with any firearm, his melee skills are constantly being kept an eye on by the military officials.
Other: No one quite knows why he was chosen to be apart of the mission. What use can he be if he can't wield a gun well enough to do any damage? Keep in mind no one knows about his Gauntlets, but they will be revealed in the mission.

Mobile suit details
Lycan-Ragehowl XII
Primary weapon: The Lycan Blades. Basically two large 'claw'-like metallic objects on each 'hand' of the mech, they can pierce most armour.
Special weapon: Ragehowl. The 'Ragehowl' is a concentrated EMP that can target a specific target and completely shut it down for 30-60 seconds. Though the 'Ragehowl' has to be charged via combat. The Lycan Blades on hit absorb small amounts of electrical energy which power-up the 'Ragehowl'
Other: The Mech is smaller than usually, not by much though. It's primary function is to be as swift and agile as possible and destroy other Mechs within a short time limit. Though lacking ranged attacks, the Mech itself is incredible quick, and often relies on decoys so it can launch it's attack.
Sock: Accepted
All right, let's get this thing started!
"Everyone in position? The shipment will be taking off soon." Talon spoke into his communicator, a mandatory chip implanted into the brains of military personnel, designed to improve communication within squads. He sat hidden within a large crate of bananas, wearing a hazard suit for space travel, and clutching his trusty pistol.

The main group was stowed away inside a food shipment hull. It was scheduled to be transported to Space Station Alpha-9, the destination they needed to go. So far, so good... but it's only going to get harder from here. As far as I know, they're still unaware of our presence. Talon had prepared an encoded signal, to send to their contact at the station once they arrived. It would basically inform him of their location and begin communications with him, allowing him to direct them to a rendezvous point. Then phase two of the mission could begin.
Sounds awesome!

Codename: Shadowcloud
Full name: Sam Crystal
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Speciality: Stealth.
Special weapon: Shadow Seeker - a small device which, when activated, effectively 'drags' any nearby shadows towards it. It can be used to cloak its user - in this case, Shadowcloud - in darkness. It also has a second function, Shadow Pulse, which releases a strange electrical charge, temporarily blinding anybody within its range (Except, of course, Shadowcloud).
Quick Biography: Sam was orphaned at a young age and lived alone on the streets of a major city on Earth. He was found by the military and offered a safe home, a job and a chance to protect the human race. He accepted. He was always interested in hiding in the shadows, sneaking up on enemies, and became a specialist in stealth.
Other: He is pretty outgoing and likes having a laugh with others, although this may make him seem like a split personality, as he spends a lot of his time hiding and sneaking around.

Mobile suit details

Name: BLAKPanther (Capitalisation and misspelling is deliberate. It stands for something.)
Primary weapon: Shadow Beamer - a small energy cannon which shoots a long beam of purple energy. It basically works as a typical offensive laser.
Special weapon: Crawler - A large, round projectile is shot from a shoulder cannon. The ball moves very slowly, and as soon as it hits a solid surface in unfolds into a spiderlike robot which can be directed via a small control panel inside the suit. It is equipped with a video camera which delivers a picture of what it can see back to Shadowcloud, and also has a small rapid-fire gun mounted underneath.
Other: Apart from the Crawler Cannon, the BLAKPanther is thin and lightweight. It is mostly black with some dark grey areas and a few silver stripes on the arms.
Sock flailing about amongst some sort of soft, squishy red things replied to Talons call. "Y-yeah.." He stuttered as his hand slipped through some of the red contents of the crate he was in. "I'm in position, got an estimated arrival time?.. I don't know how long I can stay upside down in this stuff." There was a slight sigh as the transmission ended.

Sock closed his eyes and attempted to get comfortable. "I hate these suits.." he mumbled himself as he began to fidget. He thought back to the breifing they'd had..

"I really should've payed more attention." He sighed.
((Geez, Kitten's the only woman...Tabitha Hunter surrounded by testosterone...*wince*...))

Kitten sat amongst the apples in the crate, taking advantage of her slender body to squeeze into a smaller crate than any of her teamates. Her legs did protest the current conditions, however, and she would no doubt be stiff when they arrived at their destination, but at the very least she was unlikely to be detected.

Talon's message came through loud and clear, as did the reply from Sock. She snarled to herself before activating her communicator. "I'm in position, sir," she said cooly, masking her discomfort with a slightly icy tone. She then cut off the transmission before she could give in to her urge to tell Sock to shut up and suck it up.

Kitten gently ran her hand over her viper gun, a smile twitching at her lips. Ready for another adventure, old friend? she thought to herself as she gently reached for her pistol and wrapped her fingers around it. She had been given a chance to really prove herself. If the team pulled this one off, there would be no more doubt in her abilities; she'd finally be seen as more than just a pretty face and a pair of breast that occasionally had good luck in a fight.

She blew at a strand of her blond hair to remove it from her field of vision, the only sound she allowed herself. It was a good thing her hair was pulled back in a ponytail; she could not be distracted on this important mission. She could not be distracted by her hair or anything else.
Garuku nodded upon hearing all the talk throughout the communication system. "I'm in position," he responded. He held his Socom tightly, looking through the small cracks of the wooden box he resided in. From there, he could clearly see just about anything in the storage container. The perfect place for a sniper. Inconspicuous.

No one would guess he was in the fruit-loop box.
( Btw, I have changed my sign up sheet a bit. His codename and his mechs Special weapon.)

A guard was walking down a hallway whistling, he was in a good mood as he did his daily patrol. After a while he arrived at the main security office and walked in, greeting another guard who was leaning back in his chair. The one who was in the chair spoke, “Hey there Rez, what have you been up too?”

“Ah you know, the same ole stuff.. Hey I just got orders to take your shift, why don’t you go relax?” replied Rez

“What? That shouldn’t be right I’ve been assigned to do this all night. I just checked 15 minutes ago…” with that said the man lend forward and checked the computer, apparently Rez was right. The man spoke again, “Heh..I almost swore it said something different.. Oh well, see you around Rez.” He got up and walked away.

This so called Rez grinned as he sat into the seat, “Fool, he has no idea about what’s going down tonight..” Ghost said under his breath. He stretched, then he put his feet up on the desk and relaxed himself for the big event.
Shadowcloud nodded silently and looked around at all the crates. He had refused to climb into one of those boxes, and had instead retreated to the shadows that filled the storage area. He pulled out of his pocket the strange, cylindrical tool that he always carried and checked the small ring that was wrapped around it. The small marker on the ring was currently in-line with the word 'off', carved into the tool in tiny font. He twisted the ring, taking it to the 'Seek' position, and pressed the small button below the ring.

It was as if the room suddenly grew darker, the shadows creeping across the floor and walls to throw the room into complete darkness. More darkness meant more stealth. Satisfied, Shadowcloud sat down on the floor, waiting...
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