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Blaguarro Town The Dragon's Cellar

Tala didn't believe him. Couldn't blame her. Possibly for the best. Dave helplessly watched Wes rush out the door, then Mav, and tried not to think about what that could mean.

Staying on the tower. Maybe the things were too fucking zombified to climb to the top of a tower. Maybe. Maybe the much larger Pokémon was just, what, that Onix. Sure. Dumb fucking idiots, all of them. He'd tried, he'd fucking tried.

He considered asking about a room for the night, like he'd been meaning to, but his throat was tight, a horrid taste of acid in his mouth. His pathetic Poochyena body wouldn't stop fucking shivering.

Instead he just pushed the glass back toward Tala and produced another coin.
Tala looked down at the coin, then back at Dave. "Last one for the night," she said. "I don't want to be the one responsible for putting your liver on strike." She huffed and leaned back on the counter, opening her ears for any drunken rambling that was to follow.

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