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The Evolution Core (TEC)

Lars The Turtwig

Will probably not come back.
Well, this idea is just a test, and, in addition, the idea is still not finished- I still have to re-fine several things.

The world was once controlled by humen and pokemon- well, more human than pokemon.

However, one day, Arceus, the god of the world of pokemon, decided that he didnt like the way the world was going on- pokemon were used as pets, slaves, fighters and more. The world became a horrible place, with dirty factories everywhere, gangsters, assasins, murderers, rapists and more. Seeing all these, Arceus decided to start over.

A few days after that decission, arceus's power destroyed the whole earth, or rather, destroyed whatever lived on it, and whatever was on it. The only thing left was the round ball, now clean, ready to start over. Arceus planted pokemon around the world, however not creating human-kind this time. This was now a world where only pokemon existed.

Because of this fact, Arceus also created the evolution Core- a big, purple crystal, looking identical to the one containing Jirachi, which controlled evolution. It was kept in the drop cave, a cave where everything is made of crystal and stone, and where the ground was always damp.

However, one day, the evolution core disappeared. All pokemon were confused- who would want to do such a thing? However, no one could answer the question, because Arceus has entered a deep slumber, leaving the power of evolution corrupt.
From this moment on, pokemon started changing- they were still able to evolve, but not to mantain the evolved form permanantly.

This story plays in the (RSE) Region. However, most buildings and cities are now encampments.

You start as one, I wont say it again, one Starter pokemon. By starter pokemon I mean Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Torchic, Turtwig, Mudkip, Piplup, Treecko, and Chimchar.

Every chracter can have infinite pokemon, but only one active pokemon(*I'll clear it up later)

So, first of all, the rules!

The Rules (Their creator Rules so bad!)
1) No mary-sues.
2)No sexual activities.
3)OOC only in the OOC thread. There may be expections, but ask me about it first.
4) No mary-gary-barry- or whatever sues.
5) Godmod and Arceus will kick you're main pokemon's butt, all of his followers mysteriously disappearing.
6) No cussing, Flaming, and whatever else.
7) To prove you read these, put 'aqua ring&tail' in the end of your bio.

Bio Format

Name:(Be creative! Note: Dont call your character 'ash ketchum'.)

Age: (Pretty easy isnt it?)

Gender:(If you cant fill this one your a sad case)

Species:(The starter you are. Read the rules to understand)

Appearence:(Be a bit creative, at least 4 sentences)

Personality:(Really, its not that hard. At least 5 sentences)

Bio: (Your history. You can be either a gangster, one that bullies weak poke's around, a teamer, like a PMD guy, and villagers.)

More details later.

Player list: Name-Age-Gender-Species-Owner-Page

Camelia-12-Female-Chikorita-Darksong(yay!)- One post below me.
Ignaas-13-Male-Torchic-Storm, Earth and Fire- page one.
FireBlitz-13-Male-Chimchar-Xaldin- Page one.
Pocets-14-Male-Cyndaquil-The3FightingDragons- Page one.

Reserved pokemon: Currently unallowed.

PM me for bio's.

You might now post!

Note: Evolution, Energy, Mp, Power and Experience systems still need to be tweaked, but it wont take long.


Building your Team

Okay, first of all, you start off as a starter at level 5. As you go on, you might sometimes meet wild pokemon, which are controlled by me and moderators that I will appoint. Back to the main idea- if you battle the wild pokemon and impress it enough with good fighting, you might end up with a teammate. However, every player might have one active character- the rest are inactive and wait in the settlement they were deposited at.
(For instacne, if you got a partner near the lavender encampment, you will have to take him there safely.)
There is a slim(1%) chance that you will be attacked by bandits, and if you arent victorious, you will lose your loved partner. Well. If you defeat a wild pokemon, you get a very slim amount of XP, and there is a high chance they hold an item. There are some pokemon that can be 'hired'- you pay them, and they stay with you for a while. Hired pokemon are usually gangster or vilager characters that want to get a buck. (Not NPC's, PC's)

HP, A.k.a HitPoints
Hp, or hitpoints, are the value of health you have left. Some might call it 'healthpoints'.
The amount of HealthPoints your character has depends on level and pokemon. Health is the meter of how long it wil take until you will faint. Note: Your character dies if his/her healthPoints drop below -20.
However, to your relief, only carnivorous pokemon kill, and only if you are in a wild battle. Most pokemon wont kill if they arent agressive- and most pokemon in the young stages of your adventure arent very agressive, most of them simply leaving you incapated on the ground. Damage heals in a ratio of 1 Health per real-life 10 minutes. Health isnt based on percents, but rather on points.

Base Hp and Abillities

Lets say a level 50 blissey fights against a pack of level 40 hitmonchan's-
Blissey have a base hp of 20 in their Happiny form, base 40 in chansey form, and base 80 in Blissey form.
For every 10 points of base HP, the character gains 1 HP whenever he levels up- however, the base hitpoints vary between the forms. Meaning: The blissey would have 20 hp at level one in Happiny form, and 118 HP in level 50.
In chansey form, it would be 40 HP at level 1 and 236 HP at levle 50, while the Blissey form will have 80 HP in level 1, and 472 HP in level 50. After all these wild calculations, its time to clear some things up.
First of all, special abillities like 'torrent', which boost certain attack types once the health drops below 1/3, work once the total health drops below (health) X : 3= y(rounded down).
So, for instance, if the Blissey had an abillity called 'overdraft' which would boost normal attacks when her HP reach one third, then it would be activated at 157.333(lots of 3's).
Now it should be rounded down, meaning 157 HP and the ability is activated.

Health recovery
Health recovery is a little bit easier to calculate.
First, find out how much the move heals. Health Sucking moves, Like Giga drain, heal the amount of damage dealth, halved, and rounded up . Attacks like softboiled and restore heal half fo the HP, rounded down.

That's all about HitPoints!

Power(or attack)
Power is the energy used for physical moves. The cost for using physical attacks is calculated as follows: The energy expense equals exactly half of the base damage. Base damage is one tenth of the base power in pokemon games- flamethrower, for example, deals 9 HP base(95 power).
STAB is calculated as a 25% of the base damage- meaning that fire punch used by a charizard(stab bonus) will deal 11 damage. The base energy cost is 3.5 power, because its half of the base damage(7 HP). When calculating power costs, if a charizard uses fire punch twic,e it wont cost 6, but 7 Power points.
Energy boosts that do NOT cost additional power are as follows:
Attack boosts add a damage boost that raises the damage by 1 for every 10 power points total, and 1 per every attack bonus point.
(meaning: a plus 5 attack damage with 45 max power equals- 5x(45:10)= D(amage) Equals 5x4= D___20= D. So the base boost for that would be Plus 20 damage. Note: Attacks like sword dance boost attack by 2 and cost 5 energy per point of boost, so sword dance costs 10 energy per use.) You also gain a boost of 1 damage for every 7 points of energy you have left you gain a plus 1 to damage, but only every full 7 points, so 34 power will only buy you a 4 damage boost, not 5.

Defence is calculated this way:
((Max Power)-(Power used)):10= the amount of damage you dock from the damage you get from Physical attacks.

Note: I accidentaly, and quite often, wrote 'energy' in the power section. Whenever I say energy in this section, I mean Power.

That's all about Power!

Mp- Mana/Magic Points
Mp are almost the same thing as Power, only that the calculation is for Special attacks and not physical attacks.
There are some attacks that require mana to be charged, and power to attack, meaning that the cost will be ont 50% of the bsae damage, but 25% of the base damage for each stat instead. However, for such attacks, that are normally physical, the damage calculation is for a physical and not special attack.

here's an example to clear it:
Tyranitar fights against Golem.
Tyranitar decides to use an aqua tail.
First of all, Tyranitar's player calculates the base damage, something one doesnt need to be a genius to manage to do- 90 base attack halved by 10 are 90:10=9, something a 5 year old can calculate. Now, since its 9 base damage, lets halve the cost, leaving us with 4.5 points. Rounded up, it becomes 5(energy expenses are always rounded up). Now, sharing it between Mp and Power, it costs 2.5 for each stat, roundin' it up again, its 3 points for each stat, so a total cost of 6 points.
The damage is calculated by the power points, but that is no longer an issue on this topic.

Attacks that count under this rule: Razor leaf, Aqua tail/ Ice, fire and Thunder fang, Thunder ice and Fire punch(on the fangs and punches the cost is half of the base, then 75% of the half for the physical costs and 25% for the Mp cost, so if a thunder fang would have 10 base damage, that would mean 7.5 physical cost, rounded up 8, and 2.5 Mp cost, meaning 3), dragon claw, shadow claw(same rule)./ flameWheel(75% Mp 25% Physical).

Special Defence
The exact same as normal defence, if you didnt read it, read it now.

Mp section done!

Money system
The money system is quite flat- you start off with 3,000#(that's the symbol of the money),
and can do whatever you want to do with it.
The following stuff can be buyied with money:
Healing items/Berries:
Name- Recovery- Price
Oran berry-10 hp- 300#
Sitrus berry- 1/4 health- 800#

Berries can be consumed at any time, although it takes a shortr while, meaning its rather stupid to use it when you are a golem with a few hp left while a SolarBeam or Frenzy Plant comes speeding towards you.

Leftovers- 1/32 Health at the end of each of your enemy's action- 2000#
Black Sludge- 1/32 health recovery at the end of each of your enemy's actions if you are a posion typ, 1/32 loss if not, and 1/16 health loss of you are weak to poison- 800#
Shell Bell- Recovery equal to 1/16 of the damage dealth with every attack that hits(attacks like stealth rock dont count)- 1400#
Big Root- Draining moves restore 80% of the damage dealth instead of 50%- 500#

Recovery items must be held in battles to gain any efffects. Note: A black sludge held by a poison type pokemon or leftovers held by any pokemon heal 1/40 of the health for every 10 real life minutes.

These items may not be buyied, but do have useful effects IF you have the luck to find them:
Choice Scarf- Doubles your characters speed and locks them on 3 moves from their whole moveset- Hidden.
Choice Band- Doubles the physicla damage your character deals, but locks them on 3 moves from their whole moveset- Hidden.
Choice Specs- Doulbwes the damage dealth by Special moves your character uses, but locks them on three moves from their moveset- Hidden.
Expert Belt- Boosts the damage dealt by super effective attacks by 50%(rouned down if needed)- hidden.
Life orb- Reduces the users health by 1/16 max health whenever the user attacks, but boostsw the power of any attack by 300%(triple damage)- Hidden/Event.
Muscle band- boosts physical attakc power by 30%(rounded down)- Hidden.
Wise glasses- Boosts the power of special attacks by 30%(rounded down)- Hidden.

Done the money system, I guess.
P.S. I do realize its quite unbalanced but that's one of the parts that are the hardest to balance.


Experience is gained according to a system you will see at the bottom of the experience list. Grass type starters are fast learners, totodile+mudkip are medium learners, and all fire type and the rest of the water type starters are slow learners.

Experience needed:

Level 1: 1
Level 2: 60
Level 3: 100
Level 4: 150
Level 5: 210
Level 6: 275
Level 7: 350
Level 8: 440
Level 9: 540
Level 10: 660
Level 11: 800
Level 12: 1000
Level 13: 1250
Level 14: 1550
Level 15: 1900
Level 16: 2300
Level 17: 2750
Level 18: 3250
Level 19: 3800
Level 20: 4450
Level 21: 5200
Level 22: 6050
Level 23: 7000
Level 24: 8000
Level 25: 9100
Level 26: 10350
Level 27: 11750
Level 28: 13400
Level 29: 15200
Level 30: 17200
Level 31: 19500
Level 32: 22000
Level 33: 25000
Level 34: 28600
Level 35: 32800
Level 36: 37800
Level 37: 43800
Level 38: 51000
Level 39: 59500
Level 40: 69500


Levle 1: 1
Level 2: 75
Level 3: 125
Level 4: 185
Level 5: 260
Level 6: 340
Level 7: 440
Level 8: 665
Level 9: 805
Level 10: 965
Level 11: 1140
Level 12: 1340
Level 13: 1640
Level 14: 2000
Level 15: 2420
Level 16: 2870
Level 17: 3370
Level 18: 3970
Level 19: 4645
Level 20: 5345
Level 21: 6145
Level 22: 7000
Level 23: 8000
Level 24: 8750
Level 25: 9250
Level 26: 10650
Level 27: 12250
Level 28: 14050
Level 29: 16300
Level 30: 18800
Level 31: 21550
Level 32: 25000
Level 33: 29500
Level 34: 35500
Level 35: 43500
Level 36: 53500
Level 37: 66000
Level 38: 80000
Level 39: 94000
Level 40: 100000


Level 2: 80
Level 3: 140
Level 4: 215
Level 5: 355
Level 6: 445
Level 7: 570
Level 8: 830
Level 9: 1000
Level 10: 1200
Level 11: 1450
Level 12: 1750
Level 13: 2150
Level 14: 2650
Level 15: 3250
Level 16: 4000
Level 17: 4850
Level 18: 5850
Level 19: 7050
Level 20: 8350
Level 21: 9850
Level 22: 11450
Level 23: 13100
Level 24: 14800
Level 25: 16600
Level 26: 18500
Level 27: 20500
Level 28: 22700
Level 29: 25000
Level 30: 27500
Level 31: 30300
Level 32: 33500
Level 33: 37000
Level 34: 41000
Level 35: 45600
Level 36: 56000
Level 37: 70000
Level 38: 85000
Level 39: 95000
Level 40: 115000

However, fast and medium 'learners' will find that their growth rate going up by one stage for each evolution they gain access to- a level 32 bulbasaur will become one that learns slowly.
I made the exp. tables up to levle 40 because this thread wont live long enough anyway, I guess.

The experience system!

Okay, here it comes!

1)First, you gain base 50 experience points per 5 levels of yuor opponent, no matter if you win or lose. That is, if yuor fighting a levle 1 opponent, you will gain 50 exp points. However, from level 6 onwards, that is, if it's your opponents level. you gain base exp equaling their level times 10.

2)Second up, its time for 'post count'. For every post the battle continues, both sides gain 1 experience point, so a full page battle will give 20 bonus points.

3) The experience you gain also depends on how fast you defeat your opponent:
If you win within 10 posts, you gain a x3 multiplier to your experience gain
(that is 100 will become 300). If you win within 16 posts, it will reduce to x2.5. If you win within a page's length(20), it will become x2, and if it wil take 24 posts, it will become a 1.5 multiplier. If the battle wil go on longer you wont get a bonus. Also, only the winner gains this bonus, if at all.
If you battle for one round, and the opponent will suddenyl decide to quit, the battle will count as a 'cheat-battle', and both players taking part in it will be locekd out of the thread for 5 days unless one of them proves the other isnt guilt.

4) For every weakness you have to your opponent, you will gain a 1.5 multiplier ot your exp gain. For every resistace your opponent has to your types, you will gain a 1.5 multiplier. If your enemy has a full resistance to one of your types, it will become x3(poison to steel, earth to flying, electricity to earth, fighting to ghost). However, these still only count if you win.

5) I might give you a smal bonus if you have fought with surprising skill.

Example: A level 10 pinsir has beat a level 12 wingull within 20 posts.

So, here's the exp he gains:
Base 120(Level 12x10 becoems 120 xp).
20 For the 20 posts.
Double for it took 20 posts.
x3 because of flying weakness and enemies resistance to bug.

So, to the exp calculating:
((120+20)x2)x3= 840 experience points!

That's it.


Added the Experience system.
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Approved by Twiggy for victory.

Name: Camelia

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Species: Chikorita

Appearance: Chikorita only somewhat resembles a canine or feline; even then, the only reason is that it stands on four legs. It has a round body and head with no visible neck. Around the area where its neck would be, there is a "necklace" of seeds. A leaf sprouts from the top of its head. Chikorita has four stubby legs and a very short tail. Its body is colored light green.

Personality: Camelia is calm in a lot of situations, but mostly, is timid. Even though she's shy, especially around strangers, Camelia is intelligent and isn't tricked easily. She is also very strategic, focusing on how the battle goes to gain her advantage. Camelia also loves working on her attacks. She would prefer not to fight but retaliates powerfully if provoked. Even though Camelia is caring, she can often worry too much about her friends. She often focuses on healing.

Bio: For most of her life, Camelia has worked as a wandering healer to take care of sick and injured Pokemon. She started a solo rescue team, and began training hard. Her belief in herself has made her emotionally strong.
Name Fireblitz

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Species: Chimchar

Appearance: Has the shape of a chimp with an odd squiggle on the top of his head. He has hands and feet of a human. But with more prominent fangs, black fur and red undersides (face, hands, and feet stay the same). Has a flame where a tail should be.

Personality: Reckless, headstrong and overconfident to a fault. It was the main reasons he gets hurt a lot. Loves to be alone and sarcastic. Has little friends, and can trustworthy, but a little untrustworthy to others. Devious and cunning and has wits. In fact he even scammed a Metang, Kadabra and a Slowpoke all at the same time. (but then a again he gave them a sleeping pill each except the slowpoke).

Bio: Is a street orphan. Hatched with a bunch of other chimchars, but soon left them to the city ruins of Saffron city, and soon joined a explorers guild as a solo explorer. He scammed the leader of the guild to getting the full reward every single time , and he even scams the clients to get a better reward. Of course he was kicked out when his friend ratted him out. In one of his missions he saw a Chimchar fang and put a string around it and used it as a necklace and it soon became his most prized possession Now lives in Hoenn. 'aqua ring&tail'
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Name: Ignaas
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Species: Torchic
Appearance: Torchic is a small baby bird, orange in color, except the wings which are yellow. Their wings are small, undeveloped and thusly useless for the most part. They have thin, short legs and feet. Torchic have a vaguely flame-shaped yellow and orange crest on their head.
Personality: Ignaas is a cheerful and curious type. He tends to be quite naive, though, and also has a tendency to be out of it. Ignass is also a pretty apologetic type, and avoids fights. He is quite loyal, but also too trusting. He hates deceit and tricket, and is often angry at himself for felling into it. Ignaas tends to be quite simple-minded in a fighting, taking a head-on physical approach.
Bio: Ignaas has lived a fairly simple and unexciting life. He was born and raised in a small village. However, he has never left said village until now, looking to find things he never could at home. 'aqua ring&tail'
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Not accepted. First of all, you should send me the bio per PM, and second, its too short personality. Please delete the psot, fix it and send it ot me per PM.

Same for the3FightingDragons.
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Good question- No. Partners should rather be called 'squad mates'.

The diference between Henchmen(or rather henchpoke), Partners and Squad mates are:

Partners are friends from other teams that have decided that they would like to assist you. Normally it ends up on finding something and parting it. Most of the time, however, if a squad mate is added, the partner that joined someone(I.E. You go to viridian forest and someone tells you he wants to join you) wont get new team mates, only EXP and, maybe, treasure. If your character faints, you need to find a way to get the other Players to save you, or else, well, start over I guess. If a pokemon other than your captain(starter you chose) faints in a dangerous area, then you lose him if you wont get to rescue him/her.

Henchmen Are NPC's or PC's That you pay a certain amount of money, or give a certain item they desire, and, after being payed, will go with you for one adventure, gaining a 1/5 Exp share(every 200 EXP, for instance, go 50 for henchmen and 150 for captain). If a henchman Faints, he is mysteriously teleported away- he still keeps all paiments already done, however.

Squad Mates Are pokemon that used ot be wild NPC's and joined your squad. You can only use them if:
One, your Captain wants a rest or yuor going on an exploration that needs another pokemon, in which case the captain is in standby.
Two, In official Pokemon Liga(still exists but changed), in which there are 4x4, 3x3 and so on battles, in each round one pokemon fighting against another.
Three, in team battles, which are quite a mess. They can be 2x2 with 4 players, one controlling each poke, or a wild 3x3 battle. Either awy, the winner is the one that wins.

I'll give more details about battling later.
Repost! (approved already)

Name:Master Pockets (people call him Pockets)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Species: Cyndaquil

Appearence:Slightly stout, and pretty short. Has a long nose and a yellow colored belly. Messy Dark blue fur and looks a little battered. A scar on his gut. Has 4 red spots on his back that ignite when he is enraged.

Personality: Master pockets is typically a bit of a loose cannon. Due to his past "incident" he has no tolerance of useless fighting. He can get enraged eaisly and therefore battles a lot (hypocrite!).Pockets has a rarley shown sweet side at times. To sum it up Pockets is headstrong, quick to jump to his guns (figuaritvely), and has a strong sense of justice

Bio: In Short: Teamer
Extended version: Master Pockets' name is really is Jacob Blaze burner, Pockets is his nickname acually. Pockets had always lived the sheltered life. One day he was jumped by pokegansters and his quilava brother had fended them off, but not for long. His brother was killed by the same gang and Pockets since has vowed revenge.
Aqua Ring&Tail
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Yet another bunch of news: OOC is now free to be used. You can freely OOC, but BIo still MUST be PMed to me, or else I'll ask you to delete the bio or I'll report for spamming within 3 days.

T3FD, Please delete your previous bio post. The NOT approved one. it takes space and is Spam.
NEWS: From time to time there will be special events in the RP(Assuming it will survive) in which every player that has a character and has posted at least once at this day will get a mystery gift, with something within that will be revealed at a certain time in the game.
Note: Spam posts like 'posted' or 'hi can I get the gift now?' will only lead you to get kicked out. Also, if you already post, why not daily?

Another UpDate: Whoever will post tomorrow or will get accepted within tomorrow will get a mystery gift in the start of the RP. Note: The post shouldnt be senseless.
Right now, my case is similiar to yours. As I said, Im workign on it, but its rather complicated. And by the way, the reason I posted the previous post is that my best friend has his birthday tomorrow =P
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