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The Legend of Zelda

I've decided to put my Collector's Edition to good use by beating MM. Wish me luck!
I got to the Snowhead temple! Turns out I forgot to defrost the old guy in the snowball with the spring water. But something stupid happened last night while I was playing. I punched a random snowball and then the game froze! I've punched plenty of snowball before! Oh well, I remembered to do everything else in different cycles so that if another freezing incident happened, I wouldn't lose as much data.

And to Ambipom, remember to do only one mini-quest per 3-day cycle! (that is, if you're game freezes every once in a while too) And when you quicksave, copy the file for later. (I think this method works...)
By quicksave do you mean the owl statues?

There's a good trick with them on the Gamecube version. Since it uses memory cards, you just have he memory card in when the game is loading, but just before you select the game on the game selection screen you pull it out. That way, when the game tries to erase the file, it won't be able to and you carry on like normal, but you can start from that point anytime given that you don't delete/save over that file.
Indeed, my game freezes a lot, too. >< Once, I opened a chest after almost completing Woodfall temple, and the game froze. I gave up trying to get through the game a second time after that.

Oh, and I found a glitch on MM, too. It might only work on the gamecube version, I'm not sure. Anyways, you know that chest in East Clock Town containing a silver rupee (Apparently it contained blue fire in the N64 version?) that you can reach with the Bunny Hood? Well, if you jump off of it while wearing the Bunny Hood in the direction of the closest gate to South Clock Town at the right angle, you'll fall through the floor. You'll just reappear in South Clock Town, but it's neat nonetheless.
Current Progress: Entrance to Woodfall Temple

I was busy, and I used the Song of Time and found out I needed to save Kotake again, then I did everything to get the Sonata of Awakening before I realized I could have just skipped it since I had the song.

Definetly not the sharpest quill on the porcupine.
you know that chest in East Clock Town containing a silver rupee (Apparently it contained blue fire in the N64 version?)

What? It has a silver rupee in it. O_oThere's no need for blue fire in the game, as far as I know. Silver rupees are much more useful. :P
Yeah, but I saw one video on youtube where somebody opened the chest and it contained a glitch blue fire item, and they said it apparently was "never meant to be in the game." I assumed that it was exclusive to the N64 version and removed when it was released on gamecube or something. Perhaps they were playing a beta version of it?
Me again. I just looked at that Midna picture from a few pages back, and it reminded me of how mind-numbingly awesome she is.

She needs to be in another game. Hell, she needs her own game.
XD She really should be in the next game. Which will definitely be mindnumbingly awesome, since the old team who did OoT is back again. ^^ Muahahaha, I can't wait. XD
I have aLttP now. I got it off of virtual console about an hour ago.
Too bad my brother it too busy trying to get his Xbox to work to let me use the TV. :(
I'm sure I'll have a chance to play it eventually.

What I've done so far is find Zelda in the Castle.
...and that's about it.
I have aLttP now. I got it off of virtual console about an hour ago.
Too bad my brother it too busy trying to get his Xbox to work to let me use the TV. :(
I'm sure I'll have a chance to play it eventually.

What I've done so far is find Zelda in the Castle.
...and that's about it.
Oh yay! aLttP is probably my second favourite Zelda game ever. I'm on Ganon's tower. Yay.

I was in the Dark Woooooooorld...*sob*
Here's a random picture of Midna washing Wolf Link I was just shown.


I thought I should share its insanity (and somewhat inappropriateness) with you all.

I'm going to show that to a friend.

I have Minish cap now, I've beaten it. MAN Vaati is hard. I've beaten him several times now, but it still hard. Hardest part though, is trying to get past the bleeping knights. one out of three times I'll die because I was too lazy to drink my milk.

Games I have/played:

OoT at a friends house. We work together on it, but we're stuck in the part just before the forest temple, looking for whatever item Sheik told us to find.

WW, which my brother owns. Beaten it loads of times.

MC: Got it less than a week ago, beat it in three days. I'm already bored of it.

TP: ... I brag about my feat of beating it in three days a lot, don't I? And I didn't get bored of it until seven days afterward.

PH: Beaten.

Also another friend of mine has ALttP and the console it was originally for. I've never played it though, I oughta ask.
I once found an ocarina of time gold cartridge at a store, and my mom wouldn't buy it. I had no money on me at the time; I told her I'd payer her back, but she wouldn't get it. The price? FIVE DOLLARS. no fair. ;-;
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