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I just got home with Phantom Hourglass...
you know that chest in East Clock Town containing a silver rupee (Apparently it contained blue fire in the N64 version?)
Me again. I just looked at that Midna picture from a few pages back, and it reminded me of how mind-numbingly awesome she is.
Oh yay! aLttP is probably my second favourite Zelda game ever. I'm on Ganon's tower. Yay.I have aLttP now. I got it off of virtual console about an hour ago.
Too bad my brother it too busy trying to get his Xbox to work to let me use the TV. :(
I'm sure I'll have a chance to play it eventually.
What I've done so far is find Zelda in the Castle.
...and that's about it.
I was in the Dark Woooooooorld...*sob*
Here's a random picture of Midna washing Wolf Link I was just shown.
I thought I should share its insanity (and somewhat inappropriateness) with you all.
Also another friend of mine has ALttP and the console it was originally for. I've never played it though, I oughta ask.