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The Legend of Zelda

But what would their other moves be? I at least want them as assist trophies. But I still wonder how Zelda knew how to turn into Sheik (and why Mewtwo was replaced... but that's another story) when you never saw Sheik in Twilight princess. I mean, did Zelda just randomly find a scroll that explained the moves her OoT self had in Melee or something?
SSBB Sheik's model was based off of the model that they were considering to put into Twilight Princess.
It doesn't really matter, it's like asking why Link in Melee could use the boomerang, even though he isn't young Link.

Progress in aLttP: Still in the first dark world dungeon (I'm missing one small key)
Progress in WW: In dragon roost cavern.
Yeah, Midna is pwn... but it wouldn't be dramatic with a wolf Link team up, especially when Link is in the same fight... xD That actually would be funny, I wanna see that.
They need to make Wolf Link a playable character, I mean in melee they had Link and Young Link who are practically the same person.
What about Wolf Link and Midna as a single character, like Pikmin & Olimar and the Ice Climbers?
Maybe Midna and Wolf Link could be the same character?

They should make a game with Zelda as the main character and it tells how she was able to become Sheik.
In unrelated news, I just got the final heart piece in Twilight Princess. Now I can rest easy. xD
Which was the last one you got?
Mine was one that was the one that was on top of a tree somewhere in south Hyrule Field.

Speaking of Shiek, what gender do people here think it is?
I generally think he's a man; Zelda changed the colour of her eyes, what's from stopping her from changing her gender with magic?
Because it's one thing to change your eye color, another thing to sprout a penis. *shot*

My last one was some one off in some hidden cave somewhere. Somewhere near the grotto place. or something.
Just to spite her. >:D

And yes, Wolf Link and Midna team up.

Srsly. PK is right.
Link can change into a wolf, Ganondorf can change into a giant pig monster and get swords from nowhere.
What's stopping Zelda from changing gender? (maybe we could add a poll?) Oh well, it doesn't really matter. Anyone else wonder how they thought of Shiek's moveset in SSB, do you think they just thought 'Ninjas have chains and needles, we'll make her (because SSB trophies say 'her') have them.'

Also you know Link's up taunt in SSBB which is the same thing that he does after he beats bosses? Well Did you know you can do that after beating almost any enemies in TP? As long as it's not a really weak enemy like keese (that's what the bats are called, right) then if you press A straight after you beat them, then you'll do it.

I was really annoyed because my brother kept on doing it accidentally and I couldn't work it out for ages. But I did eventually.
Okay, guys, I gotta know: Favorite boss. Out of all the games.

Possibly... Stallord? Or... I dunno.
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