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The Legend of Zelda

I'm trying to learn how to play it on my Harmonica. Not going too well, as it can't go high enough...

And yeah, Eox was fun. I liked Gleeok more(Two headed dragons FTW) but have it your way.

Oh, yeah, Gleeok was good. I have to say I really didn't like the Diaboloical Cubus Sisters. It was simple, but still hard.
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It's just passback DS style. I remember how hard they were the first time I tried to maul them, I nearly died. The second time(On a different file) was very easy.

Passback is fun.
I'm trying to learn how to play it on my Harmonica. Not going too well, as it can't go high enough...

Oh, yeah, Gleeok was good. I have to say I really didn't like the Diaboloical Cubus Sisters. It was simple, but still hard.

Is it just me or does EVERY Zelda game incorporate a boss you must beat in a volleyball-style battle?

Cubus Sisters in PH, possessed Zelda in TP, Aganihm in aLttP, someone I've forgotten in WW... and that's just the games I've played.
I've never played TP or WW and I've never got very far into aLttP. Oh well.

Well, the games I HAVE played are as follows:

LOZ, aLttP, LA, OoA, PH, MC... and I think that's it.

Due to my recent obsession with the series, I scratched this sprite...

...Haha I've played nearly all of them. Only ones I haven't played are OoA, TP (probably going to get that soon though) and the GBA games (MC, FS, FSA).

But migawd that sprite is WIN :DDD
I want to get TP, and probably WW (As it's the prequel to PH) and OoT (Via Virtual Console, obviously).

Thanks =3
I finally beat
Helmasaur King

Got revived twice by fairies but oh well.

Now just to figure out
Swamp Palace
I failed to even complete the OOT water temple. Used a key in the wrong door.

... you can't use a key on the wrong door. It's impossible. But I know I thought I had used the key on the wrong door, as well... so it's probably the same mistake... yeah...
... you can't use a key on the wrong door. It's impossible. But I know I thought I had used the key on the wrong door, as well... so it's probably the same mistake... yeah...

If I remember correctly, there is a way to break the Water Temple. It was a big issue on the Zelda's Secret ocarina forums years ago.
Did I ever mention how awesome LTTP is? Because it is.

I'm stuck on the Shadow Temple though. (or whatever it is, the first dark world dungeon) D: Im at that part after where you shoot the statue in the eye and go down the stairs, and there's this block thingy that I can't figure out how to pass.

Oh also, what does the "Ether" do? I can't seem to figure out; it just seems to be a pretty thinger that uses up half your magic meter.
Which block thingy do you mean?

If you're I'm guessing right, you need to beat the mini-boss to get the hammer first.
I'm stuck on the Shadow Temple though. (or whatever it is, the first dark world dungeon) D: Im at that part after where you shoot the statue in the eye and go down the stairs, and there's this block thingy that I can't figure out how to pass.

Oh also, what does the "Ether" do? I can't seem to figure out; it just seems to be a pretty thinger that uses up half your magic meter.

1. It's called Dark Palace
2. Just use your boomerang to hit it. You could use an arrow or bomb, but with the boomerang you won't waste one of those
3. It's supposed to be a weapon that you can use. Have you visited the imp yet? He'll make it so that only half your magic is used than it was before. Also, I think that there's some stone tablet that you read with the Book of Mudora, and then use the Ether medallion and get something

Anyway, I managed to defeat Arrghus and am working on Skull Palace. Can't figure out where that key is D:

EDIT: Sorry, I was wrong. Apparantly it's a different medallion. The Ether medallion is used to open up the sixth Dark World dungeon, Misery Mire.

Also have managed to defeat Mothula, Blind, and Kholdstare. And I'm hugging the Fire Rod because it was needed to beat two of them :D
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I bought TP earlier today. Very pleased =D

I'm at the first dungeon, where you have those monkeys following you around. I can't figure out what to do after you free the second monkey...
Is it just me or does EVERY Zelda game incorporate a boss you must beat in a volleyball-style battle?

I call it passback, and I believe every game since OoT has had it.

Twilight Princess is made of win.

Hell yeah. and it's funny, what the cuccos do when you maul them in TP. :D

I bought TP earlier today. Very pleased =D

Good. If you would have critisized it, I would have been mad. TP is made of win, awesomeness, own, and uber-ness. And passive cuccoos.
>: The fortune teller keeps on telling me to inquire about treasure chests in the Gossip Shop (in the Dark World) but I can't find it. Damn. Little help?

It is awesome, what they do. :D
You know, shadow_lugia, you don't have to put everything in spoiler tags. Especially boss and dungeon names. Those aren't going to spoil anything for anyone.

Anyway, does anyone else thing that PH was way too short? I wish it was about 5 times longer.
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