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The Legend of Zelda


If it were that much longer, I would not have finished it yet.


It took me for-freaking-ever, and I didn't even use a guide like I did for Minish Cap!
Yay! Zelda!

I have all the dungeon songs from Ages and Seasons on my IPod, along with the boss battle music, the Ages final boss battle, the Seasons final boss battle, and
the Final Boss Battle with Ganon

I also have the credits, and the true credits on my IPod for both games, the boss battle for OoT, the escape from the castle song, the final boss battle, the credits, and Zelda's Lullaby (God I love VGMusic)

Trying to get an Ocarina of Time replica for my birthday :3
Or, she could drop a bridge on them.

Or they could get rid of Mr Game and Watch and replace him with Midna, since I've never come across anyone who likes him :3

Midnal, The King of Red Lions, or Navi should at least be assist trophies. Navi could annoy you to death =P

I can't beat Ganon in the final boss fight. When you lose, you have to beat Ganondorf, run downstairs, then watch yourself lose again =P
Anyway, does anyone else thing that PH was way too short? I wish it was about 5 times longer.


TP update: I'm on that giant Goron miniboss in Goron Mines where you have to hit his belly and then grab him with the Iron Boots on and chuck him into the lava.

Oh, and I know about the cucoos.
I don't think we figured that out until my dad beat the game. ^^;

What is wrong with me, you ask? You're speaking to the girl who couldn't beat Diamond for over a year.
AoS is the new Zelda Game Axis of Shadows the name was released at E4(or E3 or whatever)

I thought loads of people were complaining because Nintendo's E3 presentation was terrible, not mentioning anything about Mario or Zelda .
By 'Nintendo didn't' are you confirming what I said or proving it wrong?

Damn potential double negatives!
I'm guessing it's a hoax or something.
If it was real I would of heard about it by now; I look up on Zelda news practically every day!
And 'Axis of Shadows' doesn't really sound like a very Zelda-ey name.

I could be wrong, though.

Also google results for 'legend of zelda axis of shadows' don't look too promising.
I know there will be a new Zelda game, all I knew about it so far is that it's going to be more for casual gamers as well as hardcore ones.

That's about it.
I personally wouldn't call the Zelda series at all casual gamer-y.

(Incidentally guys I just opened a new forum which has a LoZ board. There's a link in my sig if you want to check it out.)
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