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The Legend of Zelda


Spinner is so fun. :3

After that, maybe that big fat thing in the Earth Temple in WW. Why doesn't Wind Waker tell you the names unless you get their figurines. I just call it 'big poe'.
Favorite boss? I don't know...

Probably Ganon-the-evil-pig-thing from Four Sword Adventures. He looks so stupid. ^^

Or maybe Evil Zeldy.
... Oh. I suppose internet guides aren't always right. xD

Well, anyway. The zant battle took me like half an hour. Anyone else then Zant was way cooler before he was revealed to be batshit insane?
Oh yes, I know he's only a mini-boss, but Phantom Ganon in Wind Waker is one of my favorites.

His battle music is one of my favourite pieces of music ever.
Wikipedia says "'Jalhalla' also known as 'Big Poe'"
I was We were right!

Also, yay, MP3 player just stared playing my Zelda tunes.
I can play Midna's Theme as well, but not very well. Since there's only one instrument I can play at once, it sounds less... good .xD

That... Is WEIRD.

I am so serious. That is like, the weirdest thing EVER.

My favorite boss... Is... I dunno. Probably... Stallord. I'll be normal, fine.

BUT THE MONSTROUS HELMAROC KING'S MUSIC WAS AWESOME. I have tried so hard to get it stuck in my head. Sometimes I succeeded. Other times some other catchy song would stick itself in the cobwebs of my mind.

Oh, and the Link taunt thing? I've know that for ages =D He only does it after slaying certain monsters, like Deku plants or bulbins. Oh, and Lizalfos's too. I can't rememeber what else, but I love seeing that. It's awesome.
I'll join in with this discussion, i think. I've only played a few Zelda games, but it's complete awesome. I just finished Phantom Hourglass. The ending made me sad.

Oh, favourite boss? I'd have to say... Eox. It's fun smashing off all of his stone armour with the hammer.
Here's a random picture of Midna washing Wolf Link I was just shown.


I thought I should share its insanity (and somewhat inappropriateness) with you all.


I failed to even complete the OOT water temple. Used a key in the wrong door.

Sheet music for all!
It took my brother forever to figure that out as well. But it's kinda obvious.

And yeah, Eox was fun. I liked Gleeok more(Two headed dragons FTW) but have it your way.
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