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The Legend of Zelda

Majora's Mask was by far the best Zelda game. The time system wasn't a problem if you play the Inverted Song Of Time. It also added a lot of depth in the characters, such as their reactions to the moon. It also showed in the music in Clock Town over the 3 days:
Day 1-Music is cheery, as are the people. Very few citizens express concern over their doom.
Day 2-Still cheery, but with a sense of mystery in the air. Mood is overall positive.
3rd Day-This is where the mood takes a dramatic turn. The music is very creepy, but tries to "ignore" the doom--there is a cheery tone in the background. Likewise, the people are in denial. They try to brush it off, but deep down they know they're going to die. The head carpenter refuses to cease working--he's convinced it's all a hoax.
Final Hours: Depressing. Clock Town is deserted. By now, the mayor of Clock Town has ordered the guards/carpenters to stay behind. Link was the only one who could reverse time, but...he failed. And it's not like any other Zelda game where, "Oh, it's no big deal that you failed. [insert villain here] still won't succeed." Hell, no. What happens if you fail in Majora's Mask? Everybody dies. Not just you. EVERYONE. Every Zora, Goron, etc. All dead.
The funny thing that I've noticed about Majora's Mask is that none of the characters actually notice that the moon has a face. Check if you want, it's probably just to make the game scarier :D
The two juggling brothers talk about a face, but it was a joke. Also, our moon doesn't have a face but we still refer to 'the man in the moon' sometimes.

I'm sure you can find the Gamecube version on eBay for a good price, that's what I did, and I never found any bugs, except the ones that were in the original.
I have Twightlight, both Oracles, Links Awakening, Ocarina on VC and Phantom Hourglass. They're pretty good games but i never really liked the "cartoony" style that Wind waker and phantom hourglass had.
Having played only LttP, WW, PH and TP, Zelda is one of my fave series ^^ And Link is perhaps my best Brawl fighter, though he is only my second favourite (after Lucario).
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Link is my best Brawl fighter. I'm too addicted to his down-a move even though I miss most of the time.

So far in Twilight Princess I'm in the city in the sky, and I've hardly made any progress.

Also TP Link's facial expressions <3
Link is my best Brawl fighter. I'm too addicted to his down-a move even though I miss most of the time.

So far in Twilight Princess I'm in the city in the sky, and I've hardly made any progress.

Also TP Link's facial expressions <3

His Final Smash is so epic. It's all WHACKWHACKWHACKWHACK etc.

I'm gonna have to use Lucario a hell of a lot to demote Link to Second Favourite Character in the Records screen. He was just about the only character I used until I unlocked Lucario. ^^
I'm a third of the way through Twilight Princess. It's hard, but in a good way, and I like it. The trailer theme is the best thing ever, as well.
I'm a Zelda fangirl :O

Anyway.. I prefer Majora's Mask over Ocarina of Time for some reason. I didn't really like Phantom Hourglass at all. It was a bit too short. But my favorite will always be "A Link to The Past". I love its 2D gameplay. I have yet to play Twilight Princess, but I still haven't got a Wii. I will probably get one in my birthday(along with a copy of Brawl :D), though.
Yeah I'm not sure whether I like Majora's Mask or Ocarina of Time better now.

Ocarina is my favourite game ever, but I've played it so many times and it's starting to lost it's feel. WHAT AM I SAYING? I will never like any game better, I'm just going through a stage of not playing it is all.

I've only ever played Majora's Mask once and I didn't like it as much as Ocarina, but lately I've had a really big urge to play it again. The time system is just so cool.

I've never played A Link to the Past. I want to though, that's the one I want to play the most out of the ones I haven't played.
The original was for the NES though. Was the same game released for the GBA? If so, I'm getting it.
Where'd you get it/them? Because I want aLttP so much, it's one of the only ones I haven't played.

The first two I have on the Gamecube collectors edition, I just think it's a waste to play a game like that on a massive screen when a GBA is perfectly capable of playing them.
Where'd you get it/them? Because I want aLttP so much, it's one of the only ones I haven't played.

The first two I have on the Gamecube collectors edition, I just think it's a waste to play a game like that on a massive screen when a GBA is perfectly capable of playing them.
I got aLttP from Play.com. It has Four Swords in it too, but that's multiplayer only.
Thanks, I might look it up.
I don't really want Four Swords that much.

The only games I haven't played are aLttP, FS and LA, Minish Cap and OoA/S (I think anyway, I can't remember if there's others I haven't played.
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Zelda games I own:

The Legend of Zelda (original NES copy)
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (original NES copy)
A Link to the Past/Four Swords
Link's Awakening DX
Ocarina of Time (original N64 copy)
Majora's Mask (original N64 GOLD copy)
Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons

I would love to play WW or TP though.
I would love to play WW or TP though.
TP is my favourite Zelda ever, no doubt. Even though I only have four others to compare it to.

Three of which I haven't completed.

Oh well, it's still great. Despite the disappointing lack of Wiimote innovation.
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