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The Legend of Zelda

I unlocked the OoT preview on Brawl today! Hurrah!!! Sure, it's only 5 minutes long and not worth playing, but what the hell!

(If anyone's wondering how to get it, you use Toon Link in 10 Brawls.)
Just beat that new file on Windwaker and am now playing through the "extra" game. One thing that's really odd, though - on my first file, I hit Ganondorf hundreds of times with the sword and never was able to beat him, but on the new file, I beat him in only about fifteen hits. o.o What happened?
I noticed the same thing...

I'm watching my bother play through OoT for the first time now. I wish I was like that. I've played it so many times that I know exactly what to do everywhere. My brother on the other hand gets stuck really often. wish I could for get things so that every time I play through it feels as fun as the first.

Another question:
In OoT is it possible to do the Water Temple before the Fire Temple?

EDIT: Started Majora's Mask again.
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Why are the dungeons in LoZ so darned difficult to find?... I've found the second at long last, but I've been everywhere I can get to and can't find the third for love nor money.

I found the sixth, though. Joy. The Wizzrobes in there own me just about instantly. v_v;
I've founf the first six and the eighth (I went looking or that one because people kept on saying how hard it was to find)

I'm stuck in the dungeon where the old man says 'digdogger hates certain sounds' or something like that. There's nowhere to go... there's a 'river' of lava but I don't know if I can cross it.

I'm currently watching my brother trying to beat Ganon in OoT
Why are the dungeons in LoZ so darned difficult to find?... I've found the second at long last, but I've been everywhere I can get to and can't find the third for love nor money.

I found the sixth, though. Joy. The Wizzrobes in there own me just about instantly. v_v;

In the first game?
Because if so I KNOW. LoZ is hard enough without the dungeons being sprawled out in completely random places. The awkward geography doesn't help much, either - if only you could use a map, although I suppose that would lower the difficulty too far. x3
In the first game?
Because if so I KNOW. LoZ is hard enough without the dungeons being sprawled out in completely random places. The awkward geography doesn't help much, either - if only you could use a map, although I suppose that would lower the difficulty too far. x3

Yup. I'm having trouble on aLttP too. I can't get into the eighth dungeon in the Dark World, the one shaped like a tortoise. I think I need a new tool to get in.
I was never able to even find the first dungeon in LoZ. ;;

I tried replaying through MM the other day too, but in Woodfall temple I opened a chest (the one that appears after you step on that switch near the torch in that main room) and the game froze. x_X I've sort of given up now since I don't want to go all the way through that temple again.
For the record I only watch youtube videos of the game if I've completed it, in case of spoilers.

And then the only videos I watch are basically showing you how to do glitches, like that different colour gauntlets one. Has anyone else seen it. I haven't ried it but I'm going to to see if it works.
I have collectors edition too.
It's how I have OoT, Majora's Mask, LoZ, and AoL without havinf a NES or N64.

Though I want those consoles so I can play the 'real' versions.
I play the Collector's Edition :D I got to the final level of LoZ. Daaarn hard game. You know that hint about some secret in the nose? That's the most farfetched hint I have ever seen in a videogame. When I went to try it out, I thought, "this totally won't work, it's too farfetched, I'm just out of options".

It worked.

I played Zelda II as well. I got to like the first level before I gave up ;_; I really should pick it up again. Some time.
I've done the first two levels in Zelda II.

The leveling up was a good idea but makes it too hard.

I can't even get to the third level without seeing the 'RETURN OF GANON' (and 'mwha ha ha' sound) at least ten times.
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