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The Legend of Zelda

Uh, which island had the savage labyrinth in it, again? I think I've seen that name before...

Anyways, I've just beaten Gyorg on MM. =D Well, I did need six fairies and some Chateau Romani to do it, but....
It's past of the Triforce hunt(damn Triforce hunt). Only half of it is required.

What's at the end?
I thought it awka


Yeah, I hated that triforce hunt at first. Bleeping annoying until you get the hang of it.

Although I love the cut scenes from WW. They were all win.
Yeah me too.
That last one with King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule was...

If enough people complain then she'll come back.

She's too cute as an imp to not come back.

Midna gone, Link and Zelda are left in the mirror chamber.
How to they get out? There's no way back through Arbiter's Grounds, no Midna to warp them and I don't think Zelda can do magic in this game. Sages, maybe?
Oh hey, good point. Hang on, I cleared Arbiters Grounds again like, yesterday, and there should be a way out through it. I'll eat my hat if there isn't.
There's no door out of the boss room to the rest of the dungeon if you go there from the mirror chamber.
Yeah... I spent a while trying to get back to the temple on a whim. No way out. >> On a random note, Stallord battle is pure win. The Spinner is awesome! <3 I wanted to crush those annoying skeleton warriors that cropped up around 'im though.

Apparently the old gang that made OOT is together to make the next game =D I can't wait. Except it'll take years to be released, as I bet my post count on it being delayed. Ah well.
Yeah, I did that day before yesterday. Loads of fun. I liked getting to crush all those skeleton guys JUST because I kept missing Stallord's spine.

Although, how does Link suddenly get to the top at the end? The spinner can't go THAT fast.
Stallord is probably my favourite boss EVER.

I don't like it how there was hardly any more used for the spinner outside of Arbiter's Grounds. I few around Hyrule Field to get heart pieces and a hole in the City in the Sky to spin in. Oh and up the stairs in Hyrule Castle.

The entire game needs more spinner.

And octorocks.
No, it's the only game so far without any. :(

EDIT: Oh, there is a way to backtrack through Arbiter Grounds.

Also. NOOOOOOOOOOOO I tried to do the cave of ordeals and I lost in the 48th room!
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