• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

The man of a thousand usernames is back just in time for Platinum.


New member
I'm baaaack! Who am I, you might ask? Well, some usernames I used to use were Neon Duskull, SunnyBLU, Monsieur Mime, and Wediwraith. Don't worry, this'll be the last username for a long time. I've already commited it on Starmen.net, Steam, Animal Crossing: City Folk and my email, so I'm not just saying that. Possibly permanent...

I honestly left because I was disgusted by this forum's "Trademark Drama", and I still am. I've only returned for trading because my little brother's stupid friend decided he'd delete my Pearl Data w/ all of its non-4th Gen Legendaries and Starters I received from here. I NEEDZ DEM BACK. :(
Welcome. Well, Man Of A Thousand Usernames, I don't have starters, but eat tea, drink cod, enjoy your (repeated) stay.
Well, I have evos of the starters or the starters themselves. All twelve of them. I suppose I could Ditto-breed them for you if there's something in it for me.

Anyways, welcome (back) to TCoD!
Well, I did get my hands on a spare Event Regigigas (The one that lets you get the Regis in Platinum) and a Shiny Cacturne. I'm not willing to give those up for that. I could transport TMs from my Pearl onto Platinum for trading, though.
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