• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

The Neo Era

Neo Pikachu

New member

Hey everyone! My name is Neo Pikachu but you can call me NP or Neo for short. I will not entertain people who call me out of those three names. By that I mean, don't call me Pika Pi, Pikachu, or any of that other crap.

I am a very talented writer and Role Player. One thing that I love to do is write. I have also been voted as "The Best Member on Staff" on more than three other Pokemon Forums. I have been Moderator, Global Moderator, and Administrator so I have a lot of experience in that field.

I hope to meet new people on this Forum. I prefer making new friends than enemies, but you can't make everyone happy right? That's all for now, let the Neo Era begin!

Hey! I'm Flora, and I happen to be a write/roleplayer as well. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay!
That's good. Thanks for the welcome. So, since you're a writer/roleplayer as well, if I write a Fanfic or Roleplay, I can expect to see the face of your avatar there somewhere in the thread, huh?
Welcome, Neo Pikachu, to the Cave of Dragonflies forums. I'm Kai, and you'll mainly see me around the artwork forum and its sub-forums.

I enjoy RPing, but I can never really find any RPs that I'd like to join.
Well, if it is because of the quality of the RP, then don't worry! I have arrived and things in the Roleplay section are about to take a turn for the better.
Uh... thanks? I'll figure out what to use that cat for later... Ah, so you call "The Cave Of Dragonflies" TCOD. Well, now I won't have to say the whole thing. Thanks!
Yes, welcome t tCoD, Neo Pikachu! Much of my time gets spent at the RP forum, so I look forward to what you can offer.

I also write, but haven't gotten anything up here.
Hello Neo! *gives you a welcome hug* I'm Ibiku. You can find me usaly around the RP and Games sections of this site. *is in a hurry* I hope to see you around! ^.^
The mods might yell at you for formatting posts. It's rather annoying and pisses off 56k users and such. You seem rather... self-confident, too.

Uh, the RP forum is over there. It's already mucked up, so... enjoy it?

Welcome to the Cave, though.
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