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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

"Ok!" he called, "Wash, change it to Sun! Everyone else, let's go. Wash, you follow too!" Ohayou commanded, clamboring up Sinferno's side.
((*Ponders whether he should die or not* Not real pleased with Jason, more like a puppet of Patrick. On the topic of Patrick, can I make him a half robot half human for the next RP?))
"F*** off," said Jason to the crazy banana boy and Eric. Flip fell with a thud because of the electricity, and reverted back to a Ditto. Jason gave it a Revive. " Flip, be a man. Do the right thing. that Fridge Rotom! Glyde, dodge and then use Thunder at everyone but the Rotom! On them, use a Shadow Ball many times! Patrick, Dragon Pulse at everyone, and Flop and Cutzums, Hyper Beam!" Glyde got hit by the Shadow Ball and didn't dodge fast enough, but other than that everyone followed their orders.
EDIT: Can I control Gio this time?
"Heat, Spin, use a double Light Screen!" Ohayou called from Sinferno's back.
The Rotom neared each other, then created a barrier of light around Sinferno.
(o_O Sure to both of those)

Spirit rushed out and used Protect, taking the hits. He then went up to Jason, took out lipstick, put it on, put on blush, put a dress that came from nowhere on, then gave Jason a HUGE kiss! ...Which resulted in paralysis due to it being a Lick attack in disguise. "...Ohayou, what did I say about giving Spirit ideas?"

Spirit rushed over and got onto Sinferno. Now they were waiting for Mysti. The god continued to bathe helicopters in flame
"Go Spirit, Go!" Ohayou called, "You were awesome!"
He looked down, seeing Mysti still waiting.

Sighing, he said, "Spin, use Yoink attack on Mysti!"
Spin flew down to Mysti.
"Yoink!" He said, against all rules of Rotom speech, grabbing her and taking her to Sinferno.

(((Needed to put yoink somewhere in here. :3
Robo-Patrick would be epic.)))
Eric raised an eyebrow. "Yoink? Erm... Anyways... Sinferno! Take off into the sky, and get us the HELL out of here!"

He nodded and began to flap his mighty wings, soon blazing across the sky. Luckily, not literally, or we would be dead. However, due to not being able to light up, he was slower than usual, letting others give chase
"Frost, give me the cannon!" Ohayou commanded, taking the Banana-cannon from Frost.
"Ready... Aim... FIRE!!!" He yelled, firing bananas at the helicopter's windshields.

The banana-y goodness blocked the chopper's vision, and they began crashing into each other, until only one was left.

"Yoink!" Ohayou said, pulling Spin from his fan. "Go for it!!" Ohayou yelled, throwing the screaming Spin towards the last helicopter.

As Spin collided with the Helicopter, he began to attempt to possess it.
((YAY! Robo-Patrick shall live. And Jason shall die.))
Jason quickly hopped on a chopper that somehow made it past all the chaos after Jason became unparalyzed. They were chasing Sinferno.
((No, actually you posted like a minute before me, and I didn't see your post while posting.... So can we pretend that there's 2 choppers? :D))
Giovanni was pissed now. Real pissed. "GRUNTS!" he shouted. "GET SOME SALAMECHAS TO THAT AREA! NOW!"
Sinferno growled. "Damnit! You humans are inconvenient! I could be long gone by now!"

Eric frowned. "You are anti-social, aren't you?"
"Yeah. What is it to you?

Eric hugged the dragon tightly. "Almost as perfect as Pikachu!"
"Yay!!! Hooray for being almost as perfect as a PMS rat!!!" Ohayou cried, hugging Sinferno as well.
Sinferno sweatdrop, then saw some Salamence. But they looked odd...

Eric saw them as well. "Mecha's! They killed Pikachu last time!" he growled. He was going to have revenge now... "Sinferno, change of plans! Show Team Rocket that they will PAY! Blast those Pokemon now!"

The dragon turned and bathed the mechs in fire so hot, it glowed black. Nothing, not even a star, could match this heat. They would be vapourized in nanoseconds
(((Don't ask why he's this strong, yet has no muscle mass and never uses his strength.)))

"Ooohh! Pretty!" Ohayou cried, squeezing Sinferno with the strength to break Chuck Norris's spine.

Meanwhile, Spin succeeded in possessing the helicopter, and began firing thunder waves at Jason's chopper, trying to mess with it's computers.
Sinferno flared around Ohayou slightly, not enough to kill him, but enough to burn his skin a little. "Don't do that again, or next time, it will be worse than a little burn..."
Burning bits of the Salamechas flew at the chopper. "WE'RE GOING DOWN!" said the pilot.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious!" Jason said. HE returned all his Pokemon. "Well, they got me fair and square, so I might as well die," he said. He tossed his Pokeballs in the air, as the chopper epically fell down, bursting in an explosion, into the ocean.
((OK yeah... Never really felt as much for Jason as Patrick. YOU SHALL ALL BOW DOWN TO ROBO-PATRICK!))
"Yay!!! My skin's burning!!!" Ohayou yelled, inexplicibly happy. Wash shook his head(?) and doused Ohayou.

"OOH!!! Jason's dead!" Ohayou cried, pointing at the wreckage, "He just got pwned."

To silence Ohayou, Wash "ate" him, and started a rinse cycle.
"No-o-ot aga-a-ain!!" He complained.
Sinferno watched him do this and growled. "Are all people this stupid?"

"Yeah, pretty much," replied Eric as they continued to fly off, ready to bathe the land in fire. They soon arrived at a major Team Rocket base - the one Giovanni is hiding at. He grinned and knocked at the door.

"Sorry, no visitors," said the guard
"Oh, I'm not here to visit"
"Oh? Then what are you here for?"
"Turn your camera to the right"

The camera slowly turned to Sinferno, who was grinning maniacally. Spirit was on his head, grinned like a Cut Rotom on crack

The guard didn't even get to scream before the station was burnt to the ground, along with the door.

"The Burning Trainer is here, and he is ready to light up this place!"
Giovanni went to his Rocket Rocket. "SEE YOU SUCKERS LATER!" he said, zooming up out of the open roof too fast for anyone to possibly catch him.
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