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The Prediction Game

True. I drew My-melody doing a Pikachu magical girl cosplay earlier (I need to colour it)

The next person enjoys colouring books :3
The next person thinks Alexa(Pokémon) would look pretty as a ballerina.
Sure, I've never played Digimon, but I'm open to the idea! It seems interesting. And more story-driven than recent Pokémon games.

The next person to post will be trans and/or otherwise gender non-conforming
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She's just a little kid so she gets a slap on the wrist at most.

The user below is still shocked that Jason David Frank is dead.
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I don't even know him or that he WAS dead!

The next person to post likes Splatoon
Oh yes!
The next person thinks Candice would be a ballerina if all Gym Leaders had hobbies/careers aside from Gym Leader(Like every Unovan Gym Leader.)
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