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D/P/Pt The Red Chain?

Dark Shocktail

There's something I've noticed that bugs me. The red chain was created through Azelf, Uxie and Mespirits powers and could drag Dialga/Palkia into the Sinnoh realm from whatever world they inhabit outside that dimension. Right?

The thing that annoys me is this:

Darkrai< See around it's neck?

That red brace looks kinda similar to me as the red chain and it doesn't seem to match the rest of it's antonomy (sp). Possibly an ancient device forged by the legends to keep Darkrai under control? Coindence? I don't know XD

I think... it's nothing to do with the red chain and you're reading too much into it. XD I don't remember ever actually seeing the red chain, or not properly anyway, so I'm not sure how you can tell it looks like the red chain, either. =/

Good job spotting that, though.
I think it's just there to make Darkrai look more colourful
People can over-think things if they like, though. ;D
...I get bored okay D=

XD Nah, it just caught my interest. You guys are probably right though, unless that new Pokemon episode suggest something.
Quite possible, but the Red Chain is what it says; a red chain.

Darkrai has more of a brace on it.
I thought it was his bottom jaw. But I'm just weird that way. :3
Now that you mention it, Echo, it does look like his bottom jaw...

I think it's just a coincidence, though.
I never noticed it but now that you mentioned it...

Darkrai looks cool when you look at it. It doesn't look so good if you're just focusing on the red chain thing...

It makes me think of donuts for some strange reason...

I watched Marriland's Platinum whatchamacallit on ThouTube and the Chain is an actual chain (granted, I didn't expect it to be a loop...). I think it's there for decoration.
Wasn't the Red Chain made from the jewels on the lake trio's tails? Because I thought Cyrus captured them so that he could rip off the gems to create the red chain...
Wasn't the Red Chain made from the jewels on the lake trio's tails? Because I thought Cyrus captured them so that he could rip off the gems to create the red chain...

No, it's exactly what it says: a chain that is red. Maybe it got it's coloring from the gems?
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