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The Silence Game #5

*Looks from Spunky to Bakura, nodding*
*Charges a green ki blast in her hand and jumps into the air, launching it at the sea monster*

*Runs to the other side of the monster, shooting sky blue laser bullets at it*
*Grabs Bakura's hand and they shoot a crapload of stuff at the sea monster*

*Derp, sea monster in the sand is dead*

*Remarks that it was too easy*
*Falls over and winces as her back crashes to the ground*
*Asks what was that for with a scowl*

*kneels beside her*
*Offers hand to help her up*
*Says I didn't mean to knock you over but...*
*Sea monster, bigger than the last one, show up*
(*Read yo one-shot*)

*Takes Bakura's hand and jumps to her feet, her eyes narrowing at the new sea monster in the frigging sand*

*Face remains passive as he reloads his pistol*
*Screams his name as she bicycle-kicks the sea monster's hand, freeing Bakura*

*Falls in the sand, KO'd*

*Lands in the sand and picks up Bakura, shaking him lightly to hopefully wave him up*
*Says his name over and over again, her voice getting more fearful with every breath*
*Points at monster with two fingers*
*Screams "Ultimate technique! Fantastic thunder cannon!"*
*Arm crackles with electricty*
*Shocks monster, defeating it*
*Flies to Artica*
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