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The Three Word Story Game

So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad," This is why
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen.
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me to the dungeon
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me to the dungeon beneath Pryce's gym
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me to the dungeon beneath Pryce's gym, which is where
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me to the dungeon beneath Pryce's gym, which is where Suicune lives now.
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me to the dungeon beneath Pryce's gym, which is where Suicune lives now that his wife
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me to the dungeon beneath Pryce's gym, which is where Suicune lives now that his wife Entei is dead.
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me to the dungeon beneath Pryce's gym, which is where Suicune lives now that his wife Entei is dead. Suicune has always
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me to the dungeon beneath Pryce's gym, which is where Suicune lives now that his wife Entei is dead. Suicune has always made delicious cupcakes
So, one day, the bird dies because of blizzards. They were caused by swarms of Lapras from the pits of the region of Kanto. The region smelled like overcooked, decaying, smoldering pants worn by Reshiram, a legendary dragon of the sun. But Reshiram's pants were never really clean. In fact, they had always been really, really Zekrom-ish, even though Zekrom isn't Reshiram. And, of course, they're complete opposites. Sometimes, when the world seems like Reshiram's pants, you keep thinking: "Wow, I really like ice cream." So you leave to catch a Kakuna to swap-train because Beedrill are cool. In the future, that Beedrill would beat up someone's grandmother because it was abused by Reshiram's pants that still smell bad. This is why life is cruel. It would also be just swell if ice cream was my wife because ice cream reminds me of my time in Johto with Brycen. He took me to the dungeon beneath Pryce's gym, which is where Suicune lives now that his wife Entei is dead. Suicune has always made delicious cupcakes made of mud.
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