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This Nintendo fanboy got an Xbox 360... (game recommendations please)

No, you won't. You'll get the first Mass Effect because there's no point in playing the second if your not going to follow through on the excellent story the first has to offer. /rage

Plus, you might be better off getting a game you can actually find.

Here are some that you should definitely consider: Bioshock (omg yes), Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey. Final Fantasy is coming out soon, and so is Resonance of Fate, two RPGs that look amazing.

End of Eternity and FFXIII don't look amazing, they are :D
End of Eternity's quite fun. Being an RPG coming from tri-Ace, it's a little odd playing something that doesn't play like Star Ocean, but all the fun shit you can do with the guns are fun. And grenades are broken as fuck.

FFXIII's pretty fun too. Though I still maintain that Squeenix's storytelling ability hit its peak back in the days of FFTactics, and Xenogears, and it can't ever get that back, the story's still fairly decent, plus the battles are like Xenogears on crack :D
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