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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

This thread is made of Epic


soz i herd u liek mudkipz
Well, I told you so. :P

Uhm, I'm a fourteen year old dude that obviously plays Pokémon games, and goes to Pokémon forums. I also hack FireRed for fun (not with ARs and crap liek that). I've been here a while, but I've never made an account, 'til now.

If anyone wants to know, I've also got an account on PokéCommunity (Vrai). ;D

You'll probably find me most around the ASB and Insanity sections, I think. Soz I guess you'll see me around. ^^
Hi Epic! Nice choice of username.
Have a Mark I Virus. Please don't do anything bad or he'll eat you

I'm mostly a spriter but I also participate in certain RPs and man a art shop. Busy eh?
Errr I don't have anything to give XD
I can sorta hack, Whats the name of map hacking softwere and the text editing thing?

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