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Thunderclap Amusement Park

We nead moar pokeymans hear, imma gettin repeats

You carefully walk inside, and the door slams behind you. A giant thing sits in front of you, and you realise it's a Golurk. A scream of fright comes from behind you, and you whip around to find Oshawott wailing his heart out.
Golurk [x]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 3, Drifloon, Shuppet, Mankey, Sharpedo

Wow, we are hitting the jackpot here. =P Catch. And before you ask I know I'm gonna have balls left over. I know what I'm doing with it/those.
. . . ?
Oh yes, I forgot to update the first post. There are now moar ride exclusives to catch~
You catch the Golurk and proceed on. Another puddle reveals a Carvanha ahead.
Carvanha [m]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Drifloon, Shuppet, Mankey, Sharpedo, Golurk
. . . ?
Oh yes, I forgot to update the first post. There are now moar ride exclusives to catch~
You catch the Golurk and proceed on. Another puddle reveals a Carvanha ahead.
Carvanha [m]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Drifloon, Shuppet, Mankey, Sharpedo, Golurk

Wow I've seen too many of these. =P I ignore. And I shall take the one ride + 5 balls package to the Ferris Wheel immediately.
Okay. with oshawott.
You return to the entrance of the park, immediately taking the path to the Ferris Wheel without leaving. You see many Pokemon, but they all run away before you get within throwing range. There are a couple ponds, though, and you see a Poliwhirl obliviously sunbathing in one of them.
Poliwhirl [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 7, Drifloon, Shuppet, Mankey, Sharpedo, Golurk
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Gazing jealously at the sunbathing Pokemon.

Ooooh alsoalsoalso. Your ticket to the Fun House is still valid so you can go back there whenever you want~
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Okay. with oshawott.
You return to the entrance of the park, immediately taking the path to the Ferris Wheel without leaving. You see many Pokemon, but they all run away before you get within throwing range. There are a couple ponds, though, and you see a Poliwhirl obliviously sunbathing in one of them.
Poliwhirl [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 7, Drifloon, Shuppet, Mankey, Sharpedo, Golurk
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Gazing jealously at the sunbathing Pokemon.

I am feeling very sleepy. When I wake up, I catch this Poliwhirl. *wakes up* Also, can I put my other Pokemon in my PC?
No. You haven't left yet and as such have had no occasion to do so.
[also when is cyberspace going to update D:]
And Save State is just for DeSmuMe.
You catch the Poliwhirl and continue on. A Bulbasaur pops out of a bush, but this time Oshawott starts snarling and growling so ferociously that it pops right back in. A Sewaddle instead takes its place.
Sewaddle [m]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 6, Drifloon, Shuppet, Mankey, Sharpedo, Golurk, Poliwhirl
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Barking.
No. You haven't left yet and as such have had no occasion to do so.
[also when is cyberspace going to update D:]
And Save State is just for DeSmuMe.
You catch the Poliwhirl and continue on. A Bulbasaur pops out of a bush, but this time Oshawott starts snarling and growling so ferociously that it pops right back in. A Sewaddle instead takes its place.
Sewaddle [m]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 6, Drifloon, Shuppet, Mankey, Sharpedo, Golurk, Poliwhirl
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Barking.

Can otters bark? I catch though. (I'm waiting for a few more people to post)
Oh nice Pearl Nuzlocke you've got going there. Where are you in the game?
You catch the Sewaddle and continue on. The path ahead is covered with leaves, and a Seedot pops out!
Seedot [m]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 5, Drifloon, Shuppet, Mankey, Sharpedo, Golurk, Poliwhirl, Sewaddle
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Sulking, but obediently following you.
Oh nice Pearl Nuzlocke you've got going there. Where are you in the game?
You catch the Sewaddle and continue on. The path ahead is covered with leaves, and a Seedot pops out!
Seedot [m]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 5, Drifloon, Shuppet, Mankey, Sharpedo, Golurk, Poliwhirl, Sewaddle
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Sulking, but obediently following you.

I catch. I remember importing one of these from Emerald to Diamond and how small it was. =3 (First badge. DH Dogma died.)
Apparently I couldn't be bothered to update this until now.
You realise you're a lot closer to the Ferris Wheel than you think, but suddenly you see that Oshawott isn't in his usual place behind you. You spot him chasing a Venipede holding a beak-like object, and you race to catch them.
Venipede [f]
[Catch/Ignore/Take Item]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 4, Drifloon f, Shuppet m, Mankey m, Sharpedo f, Golurk x, Poliwhirl f, Sewaddle m, Seedot m, Wise Glasses
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Angrily chasing the Venipede.
Encounter Counter: 4/7
Also, my apologies, the Golurk should have been holding Wise Glasses. You caught it, so you get some Wiseglasses.
Apparently I couldn't be bothered to update this until now.
You realise you're a lot closer to the Ferris Wheel than you think, but suddenly you see that Oshawott isn't in his usual place behind you. You spot him chasing a Venipede holding a beak-like object, and you race to catch them.
Venipede [f]
[Catch/Ignore/Take Item]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 4, Drifloon f, Shuppet m, Mankey m, Sharpedo f, Golurk x, Poliwhirl f, Sewaddle m, Seedot m, Wise Glasses
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Angrily chasing the Venipede.
Encounter Counter: 4/7
Also, my apologies, the Golurk should have been holding Wise Glasses. You caught it, so you get some Wiseglasses.

Oh yay, Wise Glasses and a Sharp Beak! =D Take, take, take!
oh look an incredibly late update
wow item rolls are really lucky today
You catch the Venipede and calm down Oshawott. You don't notice the GIANT TREE IN FRONT OF YOU while scolding Oshawott, and knock 2 sleeping Hoothoot out when you bump into it. One is carrying a Power Herb and the other is carrying a Mental Herb. You can catch one and take another's item, but you can only catch one Pokemon and take one item.
Hoothoot [m] Power-Herb or Hoothoot [f] Mental-Herb
[Catch 1st/Catch 2nd/Ignore Both/Take Power Herb/Take Mental Herb]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 3, Drifloon f, Shuppet m, Mankey m, Sharpedo f, Golurk x, Poliwhirl f, Sewaddle m, Seedot m, Venipede f, Sharp Beak, Wise Glasses
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Still mad.
Encounter Counter: 5/7
oh look an incredibly late update
wow item rolls are really lucky today
You catch the Venipede and calm down Oshawott. You don't notice the GIANT TREE IN FRONT OF YOU while scolding Oshawott, and knock 2 sleeping Hoothoot out when you bump into it. One is carrying a Power Herb and the other is carrying a Mental Herb. You can catch one and take another's item, but you can only catch one Pokemon and take one item.
Hoothoot [m] Power-Herb or Hoothoot [f] Mental-Herb
[Catch 1st/Catch 2nd/Ignore Both/Take Power Herb/Take Mental Herb]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 3, Drifloon f, Shuppet m, Mankey m, Sharpedo f, Golurk x, Poliwhirl f, Sewaddle m, Seedot m, Venipede f, Sharp Beak, Wise Glasses
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Still mad.
Encounter Counter: 5/7

Oh this is so hard. Umm, I'll take the Hoothoot holding the Mental Herb.
You approach the entrance to the Ferris Wheel. The door to the tiny passenger car is locked, but you have a ticket...
Would you like to enter the Ferris Wheel?
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Drifloon f, Shuppet m, Mankey m, Sharpedo f, Golurk x, Poliwhirl f, Sewaddle m, Seedot m, Venipede f, Hoothoot f, Sharp Beak, Wise Glasses, Mental Herb
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Enjoying the view.
Encounter Counter: 5/7
You approach the entrance to the Ferris Wheel. The door to the tiny passenger car is locked, but you have a ticket...
Would you like to enter the Ferris Wheel?
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Drifloon f, Shuppet m, Mankey m, Sharpedo f, Golurk x, Poliwhirl f, Sewaddle m, Seedot m, Venipede f, Hoothoot f, Sharp Beak, Wise Glasses, Mental Herb
Current Location: Ferris Wheel
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: Enjoying the view.
Encounter Counter: 5/7

Yeah sure, Wynaut?
No one looks for a bullet hole in a bomb blast.
You ignore the Mienfoo and turn around to find the same door you entered through. You go outside, glad to be out of that creepy place. An eyeless dragon Pokemon blocks your way down the path, snapping and drooling.
Deino [m]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 1, unown-y, lampent, sneasel, gallade, Darkglasses, Destiny Knot

No thanks. I'll wait for something good for my last pokeball.
Ugh, sorry for not updating. Forum server problems + school = upset me. Also, I typed up a ton of flavour text but then lost it. So no flavour text right now.
Parasect [f]
[Red Button/Green Button/Blue Button/Yellow Button]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Drifloon f, Shuppet m, Mankey m, Sharpedo f, Golurk x, Poliwhirl f, Sewaddle m, Seedot m, Venipede f, Hoothoot f, Sharp Beak, Wise Glasses, Mental Herb
Current Location: Ferris Wheel (inside)
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: :D
Encounter Counter: 6/7

Meditite [f]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 1, Unown-Y x, Lampent m, Sneasel f, Gallade m, Darkglasses, Destiny Knot
Ugh, sorry for not updating. Forum server problems + school = upset me. Also, I typed up a ton of flavour text but then lost it. So no flavour text right now.
Parasect [f]
[Red Button/Green Button/Blue Button/Yellow Button]
Inventory: Poke Balls x 2, Drifloon f, Shuppet m, Mankey m, Sharpedo f, Golurk x, Poliwhirl f, Sewaddle m, Seedot m, Venipede f, Hoothoot f, Sharp Beak, Wise Glasses, Mental Herb
Current Location: Ferris Wheel (inside)
Past Locations: Fun House
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner Status: :D
Encounter Counter: 6/7

Ooh. Need some Grass type TMs. I catch. Aaand I suppose I'll go blue button.
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