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Closed .:Transformed:.

If her eyes hadn't been covered in shadow, they would have gleamed.

"No... not in here, I think. Maybe, if we create a distraction... I want to test my power too, and I could probably ride you when the time comes to escape... or maybe teleport to safety, though I won't be able to carry anyone else. Porygon, you willing to come? You should be strong enough, right?"

She frowned, floating the keys around her head in a circle Just Because.

"Cranidos are good for pure destruction too... and I think everyone else could escape, and provide another distraction when we have to leave the disaster zone, and we keep making distractions and make it seem like there are more pokemon than there really are. Skitty, you think you can use Attract? Don't test it out here - but if you can, maybe we can turn enemy pokemon to our side. Or if it's better that we all stick together, we'll break out with sheer power... we can try to be inconspicuous at first, but it's obvious that we'll get caught sooner or later." She glanced at the cranidos and doduo - Kram - as she said this. "So we'll plan for battle more than anything."
Eevee frowned,her mane and tail-tip turning bright green."What do I do in this plan?!"she almost yelled.
Balia blinked, already singing "Battle, battle, battle~" in her head. "Ride me?" she repeated. Was this a joke? Well, Ponyta were often used as mounts, but to think of the Ralts riding on her? The indignity of it all! Still, it sounded like a good plan, and personally, she wasn't that great when it came to huge strategies. "So you, the Skitty and Rock-head over there would stay, along with me, wreck stuff and let the others get out? Then, while they make a big noise and stuff, we follow?" she asked tersely. "And you might get a bit tired out after that, right? I mean, you've been floating those keys around for a while, and I doubt you can keep messing with people's minds and lifting stuff forever. So I suppose I can carry you..." Her mane and tail dimmed down again, until she could hardly see.

"...Crap." she said, edging close to Deuce so she could actually see the others again. At the Eevee's question, she snorted. "You, Fluffykins, get to run out, cause a distraction for us, and then leave with the rest. Happy? You're too bright anyways. Can you roll in mud or something? A colour-changing fluff ball stands out just a tiny bit."
Her mane and tail-tip turned dark blue as she walked in a corner,dimly lit because it's so far from the Ponytas.Why me?Why do I have to change colors?she thought to herself.
"The keys are really becoming easy to hold now, maybe since they're so light. The hard part is moving them precisely, but this isn't much harder than holding something in my hand when I was human." She tilted her head up to see the ponyta better. "And of course we'll get tired, all of us. I'm too slow, physically, to run around, since I'm not as physically powerful as you. But destroying everything is going to drain our energy... but I think there's hope. The Rockets, they're trainers, right? Trainers should have items on them. I think that once we knock them out or whatever, we can take the items, easy. I could carry any excess, I think, if I rode you out, and we'll be ready to cause more distractions if we have to."

The keys floated down in front of her. There really was no way to hold it physically, but she wanted to have a projectile ready. And this would be good stamina practise.

"I'll have to regain energy to see what I can read from a Rocket's mind, and after that I think I'll be tired... but that would be fine, wouldn't it? Skitty there should just be Attracting pokemon, and that won't be very tiring, and you can kick anyone in our way before they can do anything and they'll be down." She then looked down at her fingerless hands. "Hey... I wonder if I could fire a gun with my psychic powers. Think of all the damage that could do!"
Balia shrugged as best as she could. "So? We'd get revenge on all the ones that captured us! And it'll just be a few of us around, so only the humans will get hurt!" she retorted, flames returning to normal again. "Hee, if I practice kicking on the Rockets, I'll never have trouble with locks and cages again!" The Ponyta emphasized this by rearing, not caring which unlucky Pokemon might be behind her when her tail blazed out. Whinnying laughter, she dropped back to all fours and stamped a hoof. "Well, what are we waiting for?" And when I see a Rocket, I'm aiming for the skull! she added mentally, feeling more in control of herself than she had since she had woken up.
"Uh... I didn't actually smell the Porygon, but... didn't it use Tri Attack earlier? I think I smelled the remnats of the fire, ice and electricity from that attack. And as for the ghosts... yes, I think I smelled the Spiritomb's keystone and the Gastly's poison. And no, all the scents in here are unique, and besides, what smells like the humans is fairly faint..."

April blinked, surprised at just how fast she had been able to pick up on things by scent. It shouldn't have happened quite that naturally.

I suppose it's just Houndour instinct, she thought, shying away from the other possibility - that she was actually becoming much more like a natural-born Pokemon.

"As for the escape plan... which of us are going to create the distractions and which of us are going to escape? And how can we know you - whoever made up the plan, I can't see you - aren't going to lead us into a trap?" she asked skeptically. "And when are we going to battle, exactly - when they come in here or later?"

((let's hope I have the battle plan right, it was a bit confusing))
I see, she smelled remnants of attacks - I guess her count's skewed by the other attacks too.

Charlene shook her head.

"No, we're not fighting in here... not except to ambush whichever Rocket comes next so we can get out, and I'll take care of it if there's only one. I guess that's when we'll make our move, sneaking around, until we get caught - then our distraction group will launch our attack, and the rest of you guys just run like hell. When you get far enough, you attack too, and we'll slow down our damage to make it look like our situation is getting under control as we destroy the Rockets and get ourselves to you guys. If it's a trap, then - I'm not even leading it, unless you want me to." She shrugged. "If you can come up with something better, say it. Just make sure to account for us getting caught by the Rockets, because it will happen, and when it does, I'm going to kill them."
"Okay, that sounds reasonable enough. Which Pokemon here are going to be the first distraction group? If you're sure we're not going to run into a trap, I'd be willing to join the group."

((sorry, don't have much to say now... xD))
((Wow. Leave the RP's creator in the dust, eh? :sweatdrop:))

Now Rachel's head was beginning to throb. She was weak. Escaping from her cage had taken quite a bit out of her, and now she wanted nothing more than to lie down and go to sleep. But of course, her pride wouldn't allow it...

"And what will I do?" she asked, trying not to seem so helpless. She didn't feel up for breathing fire, but she probably would have to... So tired...
(o.O I had no idea you unlocked the cage)

Felsen had been trying to pull on the cage in the opposite direction to which it opened, and finally got fed up and slammed her whole body into it, and it swung open. She toppeled onto the ground. She collected herself in a few seconds and began running around, looking for an exit.
"We'll call the initial distraction group, Group One, and the other will be Group Two," Charlene decided. "Group One will contain me, and, er - I don't know all your names - skitty, the cranidos running around like an idiot and ignoring my plan entirely, and the, er, shiny-rapidash-flame ponyta. We're just going to be causing a lot of destruction, so any fire-types up to it are welcome. But! We'll need destructive pokemon in Group Two as well, even though they're mostly going to be running away. Everyone not in Group One is obviously in Group Two, so they can wreck everything as far off from Group One as they can get."

She was repeating herself more than she thought was necessary.

"I wonder if the Rockets are coming soon... if not, I guess we should just rest, since we can call up an attack pretty much whenever we want." She sighed, and the keys clattered on the floor in front of her. "They have to come, since they don't want their experiments to die. I'm positive of that."
"Right," said Rachel, the urge to prove herself rising inside her. "Well, I'll join Group One."

Despite her exhaustion, she knew her fire would be useful and destructive. However, she also was aware that she probably couldn't run very far or very fast right now. Staying behind as a distraction could ensure she wouldn't get lost from her "Group" as easily, what with how tired she was. She wasn't exactly used to these thin bird legs either.

Now all there was to do was wait. She slumped against a cage, keeping her eyes half-closed and watchful, ready for anything at any time.
"Okay, I'll go with Group One then, I guess, unless you'd rather me be in Group Two."

April walked around the edge of the table to see if there was any hope of finding an escape aside from risking capture running out past the Rockets. But no, the only way out was through that door.

"And we will have to go with this plan - there's no other way out."
"The more chaos we can cause, the better, but Group Two will only work if it's a larger group, I think, so that should be enough in Group One, unless someone very strongly believes they belong with our group. Everyone in Group Two, be quiet as you escape, okay? Or else immediately eliminate any Rockets that hear you."

She frowned at the houndour. Of course this wasn't the only possible plan, but nobody else was offering an alternative. She wasn't entirely sure if anyone else was even trying to think of one.

Charlene was almost positive that this wasn't the best plan, but she couldn't think of anything better, either.

I'm already the leader, she thought. It's obvious, even if I've never been a leader before or planned for this to happen.
Mysti overheard the plan,but was pretending not to listen.They dont want me. Mysti thought to herself.When the time comes,I'll make a run for it,and never return to them.They're a bunch of meanies.Can I really help it if I change colors?
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