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Closed .:Transformed:.

((Thanks! *eats cookie))

"Wait," said Jackson. "I'm not following you guys. You're all speaking too fast. What I can suggest is that the one of us with the best hearing sense should stick their ear, or ears, next to the door and see if they can hear anyone."
"I agree," Hoshizora said. Her voice sounded... ghastly. Evil. But she didn't mind. She would have to accept that she was a Gastly. The good thing is that she only had to concentrate to move, since she had no legs.
"We should be careful. Is it night or day outside?"
"I can sense... most of you, but I haven't detected anything outside the room," Charlene admitted. "Maybe the walls are blocking my senses, or my range isn't large enough yet. But ghosts can phase through walls, can't they? Some of them, anyway. I've heard spiritomb can't phase their keystones so they can't go through much, but gastly can, easy, if the doors don't have electric currents or anything going through them."

She paused, thinking as she shuffled over to the next cage. There was something small and... feline in there, though the ponyta's light didn't illuminate the cages well. Unlocking it was definitely faster than before, though she might've just been lucky with choosing the key.

"I think... if anyone comes toward us with really strong malicious intent, I can sense it before anyone, but not all the Rockets are necessarily sadistic. Some of them probably don't even care, so I won't be able to sense those ones well."
"So you're saying," Hoshizora asked, "That I float through the door, hide in the shadows, and see if anyone's there?"
Charlene smirked. "Yeah, that's it. Phasing should come naturally to a ghost, like floating, but - I don't know. It's different from your normal - er, your gastly - form, and I can't tell you how to do it. I guess it's like anyone who had to learn to walk on four legs - you'll get it with just a bit of practise once you figure out how it works."

She shuffled over to more cages, opening any closed ones that she found. Soon, she'd have all of them open unless she didn't notice some cages. Having learned from the first cage she'd opened after herself, she didn't only open the cages which she sensed had someone in them, but just the cages she could see.
Wait... what was that in front of her cage...? A Pokemon... yes... it looked like the outline of a Ralts... Was it trying to open the cage...? Maybe...

Yes! Arkra stumbled out of the cage, tripping. What a task, what a task it was to merely walk! It irritated her. But she could see the other Pokemon more clearly and now the room was filled with more light, this light looking more like fire. Gah, why couldn't she turn it off? It was so blinding, she had to look away again.

In the darkness she observed the others. So... the same thing had happened to them too...

"Thank you." She said softly to the Ralts, quite sure it would understand her. By now, she had gotten sort of used to the strange noises that overlapped her voice.
"No problem," Charlene said, looking back at the first pokemon she'd freed. A poochyena, she noted, and turned back to the last cage. Finding the right key and unlocking the cage was almost automatic now, and she had little problem with the actual unlocking part.

"That should be everyone... right?" she asked. It wouldn't do any good if someone still in a locked cage was asleep, but it would be better than not asking and letting someone awake despair - though she'd probably feel that.

I'm definitely getting the hang of this, she thought. I should be able to attack easily using my psychic powers too, then, throwing things around... though maybe I can attack someone's mind directly.

"If a Rocket comes," she said, "can you let me at 'em? The strongest of my attacks doesn't do anything without a mind to test it on, and you wouldn't like being the experiment. Putting 'em to sleep might be easier, but it's best if 'e doesn't have any injuries, so 'e can take more."
"Hey, the 'Doduo' has a name," Mark said.

Can't we just leave already? Mark heard Kram say. Mark turned and stared blankly at him. What? Kram didn't move his mouth. Good lord you idiot, don't you remember that Doduo heads can communicate telepathically? Now that Kram mentioned it, Mark did remember. Good, it's nice that you're not a total idiot.

How much more annoying can Kram get?

I heard that. God, I wish they'd hurry up and get the remaining Pokemon. Kram then spoke. "Hey! All you lazy freaks! Wake up already!" Kram yelled.

"Kram, that's mean," Mark muttered.
Charlene frowned at the doduo, feeling as if something was tickling her psychic senses. It was really annoying, like some sort of whisper she could vaguely hear but not understand. And, well, she thought it was coming from the doduo, but she couldn't really be sure.

"You shut up," she told the angry and impatient head. "And if you want us to remember your name, say it."
Arkra watched the two heads quabble, noting that it was lucky that she had not been turned into a Doduo. Even if walking in this form was still something she hadn't mastered, it was better to have four legs than two heads.

She had to keep her mind dull, numb to the situation. The only thing that kept her from panicking was the numbness and the vague hope that this wasn't perminant. It was more of a knowing than a hope, she was so sure that this wasn't perminant, due to her immense disbelief, her unwillingness to accept that it was forever, and that's what kept her calm.
April heard one of the Pokemon on the table ask if everyone had been freed. She couldn't actually look since she had fallen on the floor and couldn't get back up onto the table, but she knew that apparently canine Pokemon had an extraordinary sense of smell.

But what the heck am I supposed to smell?

Despite this thought, she took a large sniff, drawing the scents of the room to her nose. The amount of scents shocked her, and she realized what they said about canine Pokemon was true - they could smell more scents than humans. A lot more, by the looks of it.

How many Pokemon were in the room...? She closed her eyes, trying to block out all irrelevant thoughts and scents, and began to sift through the scents.

"Fifteen," she thought out loud. "I think there are fifteen Pokemon in here, though I can't identify them." She took another sniff and realized that one of the scents - the fiery one - was slightly stronger than the rest, and realized that there were two of it, proven by the fact that she had seen the silver flames and the regular flames too. "No, wait - make that sixteen."
Now look what you've done Kram! We're getting a bad reputation because we're squabbling, Mark said telepathically to Kram.

We wouldn't be arguing if you weren't such a dunce, Kram answered.

Shut up. Kram rolled his eyes at this remark. "Anyways, I'm Mark and the loudly annoying head that I take no responsibility for whatsoever is Kram." Mark said.

"And this idiot next to me happens to have an I.Q of twenty-four. Isn't that right?" Kram challenged.

"Oh hush birdbrain," Mark snapped. Kram laughed.

It's so funny to see you insult yourself! I'm a part of you, remember?

Mark sighed. He'd better become human. Fast,
Balia snorted her laughter. "I'm glad I only have one head to deal with. And I bet I can run faster than you." She needed to get her priorities straight: escape, then race. Or perhaps escape, find a way to turn back and forget the whole thing. But the Ponyta only had her mind on possible competition; she was busy calculating just how fast a Doduo could run, factoring that this was a human who had just been turned into one. "I wonder if we can evolve like this..." Her flames flared, growing much brighter as she whinnied. "It'd be awesome to fight in this form!" Forget turning back, this was going to be fun! And the insanity continued...

(Yeah, Balia = really insane, over-competitive person. Jeez. Get turned into a Pokemon and you wonder how it'd be to fight or evolve? *tsks disapprovingly* Well, that'd actually be what I'd be thinking too. XD)
"Shut UP," Charlene growled at the cranidos. The cranidos was still in her cage, and had apparently not noticed Charlene open it, but she wasn't about to tell a thickheaded brute to just open the door. It was unlikely that the cranidos would suddenly realise it, either, and kind of stupid for that to happen... but weirder things had happened.

She then looked at the houndour. Charlene had counted twelve - thirteen including herself - with her psychic powers, and she was certain that there would be more scents than just the pokemon here. What if the houndour was just smelling some people in addition to their group? Oh, and...

"You can smell ghosts?" she asked, blinking. Gastly would probably have a scent because of the poison, and perhaps smells clung to a spiritomb's rock, but still... hmm, maybe one of the ghosts was the one the houndour had missed while sniffing around. "Living data, too?"

She mentally agreed that it would be interesting to evolve and fight as pokemon, but she reprimanded herself. Escaping did come first.

"I say that we level some part of this place, then run away in the opposite direction while they're distracted," Charlene suggested, shrugging. "Capture a few scientists and extract information - I'll need regular grunts to practise on, but I think I can learn to break into their minds. If you, uh, porygon, managed to use Tri Attack, we could be a lot higher in power than it feels like. I'd say I can't be over level ten, but only really experienced porygon learn that move..."

Unless it was a Rocket-controlled porygon, anyway; she doubted people could really transform into animated, solidified data even if they could turn into living pokemon. Ghosts were probably easier to transform someone into, but... Charlene thought that one was irreversible. It would make sense, wouldn't it? But there was little Charlene could do about it, if the porygon was that much stronger than her. She'd keep an eye on it.
Balia sighed. "I don't know what level I could be. I don't even know how I attacked. I just felt really hot, and then the lock sort of melted." she admitted uneasily. "If I could figure out how to control it, I bet I'd do a ton of damange." Bragging again, but hey, if she could melt metal, she had to be good! "And my Pokedex said that Ponyta has hooves ten times harder than diamonds, so I guess it'd be pretty easy to trample something..." Her flames dimmed down for a moment; she was sulking. Then they brightened again, and she had to blink to focus. "Ow, I wish I'd stop doing that... But I bet I'd get some really good practice from demolishing stuff here!" First becoming way too excited over evolving, and now this. She sounded like some battle-thirsty terrorist.
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