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"Good point," answered Jackson. He turned and floated away as his Magnet Rise wore off. "The others and I will wait for the rest of us to escape, then we'll figure out how to get out of here."
Rachel glared at the bars of her cage, anger rising and brimming over inside of her. Fiery anger. That had to be it. How hot was the flame a Torchic could breathe? 1,800 degrees? That had to be hot enough to do some damage to the cage. And if her anger would get her to breathe it, this would be no problem.

A brighter flame lashed from her mouth (er... beak) the next time she breathed out. Then brighter. And brighter. Until finally, she aimed it at the cage bars. They slowly became a whitish pink color that glowed more and more... They were becoming weaker. Perhaps she couldn't melt them, especially not all of them, but if she managed to break them with force...

"Rah!" Rachel spat, charging at a pair of glowing, superheated cage bars. The blow, which happened to be something close to a Tackle attack, was painful to both her and its target. She let out a gasp as the wind was knocked out of her, falling back onto the cage's floor. The bars were bent, quite a bit actually, and appeared to be cooling down... I guess I just have to do that again? Already her whole body was throbbing with the pain of the impact, and breathing so much fire had her worn out. But she had to keep at it...
Mysti pushed open the door to her cage again.She jumped out,knowing the Ponyta was out,too."Hi!"she said,her mane and tail-tip turning yellow."I dont know what happened,but I was traveling,then saw something black with a big red R flaming in the middle.When I opened my eyes,I was this Pokemon!My eyes changed color with my mood,maybe that's why my mane does,too."
((Holy Crap! I wasn't gone THAT long))

Mark heard more people talking, or were they Pokemon? He was about to call out for help to get out of the cage, but a voice next to him beat him to it.

"Hey! Someone frickin' help us out!" Mark turned to see the other Doduo head next to him, steaming angry. The other head turned to him. "What do you want?"

"W-who are you?" Mark stammered.

"I'm you. At least, I'm a manifestation of you that is hidden deep inside that you can't normally access, but in becoming a Doduo, is now existant outside of your soul," the other head said in a bored tone. Mark stared at him blankly. The other head sighed. "I'm a part of you, just I was hidden and I have a different personality than you."

"You mean I'm a shizo?" Mark said, astonished.

"Now, sort of," the other head said.

"Wait, then what can I call you?" Mark asked.

"Kram. It's easy to remember," the other head said. "SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" Kram yelled angrilly.
Eevee heard someone call to thet them out.She saw the cage,thanks to Ponyta's flames,and used Double-Edge on the cage,breaking the lock and allowing the door to open.She saw a locked cage with a Pokemon next to the cage she just opened,so the used Double-Edge on that one,too.
((Welcome to my world, Blazking. I only posted once, and now look what happened))

"No," Kailani whispered, "I can't be this... this thing! I am a human! Not some multi-souled spirit!"

Kailani looked around. There were others in cages, all pokemon, and they too were shocked at their appearance.

They must be human-turned pokemon as well, he thought, So I'm not alone in this. Not that it would matter either way.

For now, he needed to get out of here. Turning transparent, He simply floated through the bars before returning to normal again.
Mysti saw a Spiritomb float out of the cage."Hi!"she said to it."I'm Mysti!What's your name?"
Charlene gasped as her cage was suddenly jolted, as if something had slammed into it with as much force as possible. Her concentration shattered halfway through bending the third bar. "What are you doing?" she snapped. Her cage hadn't been damaged at all, nor had the lock - perhaps it was simply because she had a different type of cage than usual, but she wasn't so sure if ghosts had been kept in cages too.

"Look," she said, "I don't know what kind of masochist you are, but running into metal is a bad idea, okay? I bet you're all bruised under your fur, and that won't be good when those damned Rockets come back and you can be re-captured twice as fast as usual. It's worse if you use a freaking recoil-causing move. And your bones are going to crack if you do it too much, and then break! I don't know what kind of modifications the Rockets made to you, but stop stupidly injuring yourself, got it? We don't know how long we're going to be stuck in these bodies, and you might not have one to return to. I don't care if they gave you Wish or Rest, either, or if you magically know how to use it - that'll just drain your energy and we'll have to drag you places."

If the eevee died, though, Charlene would want to dissect her to figure out why the eevee wasn't even flinching from the pain. The reckless charging move could tentatively be recognised as either Double-Edge or Take Down. It had been calculated that a full-health, full-energy pokemon could only use Take Down four times, and Double-Edge thrice, before they were too injured to continue. It had to be worse if the pokemon was running into something much harder than a regular pokemon's flesh.

She also saw a spiritomb drift out of the cage; it seemed that his very solid keystone managed to fit between the bars of the cage, while the rest of the body was unaffected. Strange. The Rockets must've been fairly stupid, at least the ones who caged them; surely, then, her cage had a weak spot as well.
It had been calculated that a full-health, full-energy pokemon could only use Take Down four times, and Double-Edge thrice, before they were too injured to continue.
((wow,I didn't know that :P))
Eevee wandered back to the Ponyta."Well,what do we do now?"
Mark looked at the area where what looked like the outline of an Eevee had charged. The bar was heavily dented, but not big enough to get out of. Suddenly, his feet were moving. He turned to see that Kram was charging his side of the body. Kram hit the bar with a powerful Peck attack, shattering the bar.

"Jeez, you could've given me warning," Mark muttered.

"You could've given ME warning when you screamed," Kram countered.
(( Double-Edge costs 1/3 of the pokemon's full health in the games, and Take Down costs 1/4. Mysti should act more injured, since she should be almost-fainted by now. D: It'll drive Charlene insane otherwise, and she's already empathic. ))

Charlene scowled when the eevee just totally ignored her, although at least the eevee appeared to be following her advice. Shaking her head, Charlene tried to re-focus on the bars. It was harder to concentrate as well as she had before, but she managed to slowly bend the bar anyway - it seemed that less concentration was required now. Soon she'd probably be able to break someone's arm with a mere thought.

She smirked at that. Well, maybe she'd try it, once she escaped.
Mysti looked back at the cage,really wanting to help.But,she was almost down to fainted,how could she do anything?She looked up at the table,and saw keys.She jumped up,grabbed them,hoping they were the right keys,and brougt them to the Ralts."Here,now you can get out!"she said,quite muffled,as she was holding the keys in her mouth.
Charlene had just finished bending the third bar and was getting to wondering how she could climb into the hole, as she couldn't really lift her feet when the eevee brought the keys over. She remembered asking for the keys when she first noticed the eevee, and apparently the Rockets had been stupid enough to leave them a way to escape, after all.

Perhaps this was all a nefarious plot of theirs, but if there was a way to freedom, Charlene would definitely take it.

Extending her mind, she grabbed the keys and levitated them over to the keyhole in the door of her cage. She had to prod around for the keyhole, and when she found it, she noticed that the key didn't fit. After flipping it around, there was the same result.

She had to try with more keys than she counted on the keyring before she found the right one, and she finally turned the key, smirking. The satisfying click was all she needed to hear, and she pushed the cage door out. She shuffled forward and looked down. It looked kind of high-up, but the eevee had managed to jump at her cage door, so...

She closed her eyes and jumped. A jolt of pain went through her legs as she landed, but it faded quickly; though she wasn't very physically powerful, she could take more damage than a human, and her triangular legs were more stable.
Finally, after another inferno was bent on the bars of the cage, Rachel sighed and lunged forward again. There was an obvious bending. A surge of pain. And then, a sickening, twisting sound of shattering. At first, Rachel wasn't sure whether it had been the bars or her bones that shattered. Then, she landed on a tile-like surface. The opression of the cage was no longer there. She was free.

Several other Pokemon were standing around, each looking more confused than the last. Despite the shock and disbelief she herself felt, Rachel swallowed it down and put on a stern look. She was too proud to appear scared or weak. She simply couldn't seem pathetic in front of these others, be them humans or Pokemon.

"What is going on here?" she asked aloud.
The other Pokemon were working on busting out of their cages around her, although April didn't quite know what she was supposed to do. It was true that metal melted with fire, but how on earth was she supposed to know how to perform fire attacks when she had just been turned into a Pokemon?

Oh well. She had to try anyway.

She took in a deep breath of air, and suddenly there was a weird sensation inside her, as if she'd just swallowed fire. The shock made her gasp, and she stuttered, temporarily choking on the breath she had taken.

After a couple more deep breaths, she felt that she was ready to try again, and took one more extra-deep breath, feeling the fire well up inside her again.

Then she exhaled.

A brilliant glow illuminated the cages around her, and she realized with a shock that she was actually doing it. She was actually breathing fire.

After a moment, however, she had used up all the oxygen of the breath she had taken in, and she broke off, gasping.

A yellow-orange light covered the bars of the cage as they melted slightly before her eyes. They had bent slightly out of shape with the heat of the flame and would have melted if her flame had been any hotter. Taking another deep breath, she blasted fire at the still-warm metal, and sure enough, when she stopped the flame, the bars had melted down to a pile of molten metal. She ran across the cage (unsturdily, since she still hadn't gained total control over her legs), and leapt out to land on the table.


((sorry, I actually don't know all that much about molten metal... ^^;))
Mysti saw the flames melt the cage,but couldn't see the Pokemon producing the flames.Her mane and tail-tip turned grey as she began to doze off.
Charlene was testing her legs and feet to make sure they weren't injured when a blast of light and heat licked the air behind her. She extended her mind to figure out what it was even as she turned around in surprise, but she sensed nothing. The source of the flames... did not exist.

Even so, her eyes and ears told her that a houndour landed on the table; if not for the flames of the ponyta, she probably would never have been able to see it. She frowned. She probably wasn't good enough with her psychic powers, but she was sure that she could sense everyone else in the room... unless...

When she counted the number of beings she could sense with her psychic powers, not including the ones in the cage, it wasn't the same as the number of pokemon she could see. There were two more pokemon free from their cages than she could sense, including the houndour.


She'd probably missed them, she decided, frowning. Or maybe the porygon didn't count; it was just data, after all.

Why do you not exist?

She'd have to figure that out, but later.

Charlene glanced at the eevee, who'd fallen asleep (which would help restore energy, and might do a minuscule bit of good for the damage she'd sustained from attacking cages, but came at an inconvenient time), and then back at the houndour.

"I have the keys," she told the houndour, floating the keys up beside her. "You didn't have to do that. Fire goes through the spaces between the bars, and you could've hurt someone..."
"And," Charlene added, "if they were dumb enough to leave the key for my cage lying around, this keyring probably can unlock everyone else."

Left on the table of all things; the Rockets were definitely just allowing them to escape, perhaps to test their power.

It had to be the Rockets, right? They were the ones who captured me.
Felsen was currently still shaking the bars like a wrongly convicted murderer who was about to be put to death in the electric chair, not paying attention to how her arms looked.
She heard the others talking and yelled, in a hoarser voice than usual (although she didn't pay attention to that either), "Jesus Christ will you SHUT UP I'm getting a headache!," not pausing in her bar-shaking.
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