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Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Dining Hall

"Yeah, it's... nice that I get to be here without that guy breathing down my neck. Was better when I couldn't remember it, though. Now I'm just dreading going back."

He sighed, but forced himself to smile after. "Well, I should get to my food before it gets... cold." Berry jam sandwiches didn't really get cold. "You know what I mean. Bon appétit."

With that, he bit into his sandwich. Tasty as always.
Mhynt nodded. "Of course," she said, studying him quizzically for a moment. Bone... apple teeth? Did Betel translate that correctly? Maybe it was an expression for eating fruits. With teeth. Mm. Humans were strange.

"Can I try eating now?" Owen asked.

Mhynt sighed and, tentatively, she tossed a berry at the shade. He reached for it with his maw and... ate it, just like that. He munched and chewed and Mhynt could taste it, too. He swallowed, and...

"...Right." Mhynt rubbed her gut. "That one... mm. No. I need time to cope with that."


She decided not to answer.

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