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Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

"Alone? T-that's not the point-!" Corey had started to argue before he likewise heard the sound of knocking, and subsequently, Archie calling out.

"Indeed it is. He's probably wondering what the hell's going on... and you know what? Can't say I blame him!" Corey said, glaring at the toxel for a moment before walking over to the door, unlocking and opening it for Archie to come in.

"Sorry... seems our mutual acquaintance decided to let himself into my room and see what's up..." he murmured, rubbing at his forehead. "Everything okay? I ah... apologize for getting swept up in that bullshit back at the dining hall..."
“Oh, I was about to ask if you’d been hiding him in here,” Archie deadpanned. Then he waved at the Toxel, “Hello Tarahn. Doing better since the Silver River job?”

The Oshawott entered, then leaned against the door to shut it behind him. It seemed like Corey hadn’t wasted any time getting his new clothes broken in. Tarahn, on the other hand, seemed to have only gotten messier since the last time Archie saw him. He wondered how the Toxel would react to being told he needed a bath. Speaking of things the Toxel needed to be told...

“You know you made the paper, Tarahn?” The Oshawott said, “For licking yourself in public. The locals thought you were some wild Pokemon that wandered into the middle of town.”

Archie was getting a sinking feeling they were going to have to teach Tarahn how to function like a normal – well, normal for this world – Pokemon. And they’d have to do it sooner rather than later.

“And anyway, that’s my line,” he said, turning to Corey, “I’m walking past and all of a sudden I hear thumps and you screaming bloody murder. But –” he sighed, “Honestly, don’t worry about what happened in the mess. Whole thing was unproductive anyway. I’m just going to stick to the original plan. None of the bounty hunters I’ve worked with have much anything bad to say about Sonora and her gang, let alone seem much interested in capturing her. So I doubt she’s in as much imminent danger as Bellatrix made her out to be, anyway.”
“You know you made the paper, Tarahn?” The Oshawott said, “For licking yourself in public. The locals thought you were some wild Pokemon that wandered into the middle of town.”

Tarahn cocked his head at this. He didn't know how to make paper. That sounded like a human thing. But if people were gossiping about him grooming himself, that was really strange. They must not have anything to do, which was a horrible and frightening thought.

"Ohhhhh," Tarahn said thoughtfully, "it's because of how everyone acts like a human here even though they're pokemon. I know how to act like a human!" He stood upright, slumping his shoulders and putting his paws in his belt like they were pockets. "My family is mean to me and the boy I like doesn't like me. I'm sad. Let's listen to sad music."

"Everything okay? I ah... apologize for getting swept up in that bullshit back at the dining hall..."
“Honestly, don’t worry about what happened in the mess. Whole thing was unproductive anyway. I’m just going to stick to the original plan. None of the bounty hunters I’ve worked with have much anything bad to say about Sonora and her gang, let alone seem much interested in capturing her. So I doubt she’s in as much imminent danger as Bellatrix made her out to be, anyway.”

"What happened?" Tarahn asked. "Is that why you're sad, Corey? Did you lose a battle? It's okay, some people think if you lose a battle you have to do what the other person says, but you can actually just leave and do whatever you want." The toxel patted him on the shoulder helpfully.
Corey stared blankly at Tarahn as he attempted to pull off what he apparently believed was typical human behavior. He... did mention having a trainer, yes? Well, whoever they were, they sounded like they had... ah... problems to work out.

"Alright, uh, good attempt, maybe try something a bit more... positive?" Corey suggested. "Or, y'know, just... you see how we act, right? Just try to follow along with that kind of behavior as best you can... No licking yourself, try to bathe regularly... in a bath, no eating bugs off the ground, and for the love of whatever god you might believe in, don't break into anyone else's room, okay?" At least the toxel seemed interested in making an attempt... for however well that would turn out...

With the topic shifting back to the matter of Sonora's gang and Ignatius' gala, Corey quietly nodded at Archie's words.

"Yeah... I suppose that's the best option, sticking to that original plan of yours... I haven't really had the chance to talk to the other bounty hunters about Sonora myself, but no one ever seemed to bring her up when they were discussing the sort of scum they were looking to rid the town of... Still can't say I approve of her lifestyle, at all... but... I suppose I don't have to support her, or hell, even like her in any fashion, to accept that the mayor has clearly got some kind of sinister motives of his own. I'm intending to see what kind of dirt I can dig up during the gala, figure there might be some clues to find before things inevitably go haywire."

"What happened?" Tarahn asked. "Is that why you're sad, Corey? Did you lose a battle? It's okay, some people think if you lose a battle you have to do what the other person says, but you can actually just leave and do whatever you want." The toxel patted him on the shoulder helpfully.

Corey actually seemed to freeze up for a moment at the mention of 'losing a battle'. Briefly his breath rate went up and he had to make a point to look away from the other two in the room, taking a few deep breaths to steadily right himself again.

"...No, Tarahn... I... don't do that kind of thing anymore. 'least I haven't for a very long time..."
“I-” Archie began, before realizing he had no idea where to go with that sentence. So instead he just frowned at Tarahn and groaned. The Toxel maybe didn’t understand how serious the people here seemed to take things like that. And Archie wasn’t exactly sure how he’d even begin explaining it. Thankfully, it seemed like Corey had a number of the same ideas Archie did when it came to how Tarahn could act more, uh, normal.

“Too many egos in too small a space is what happened,” Archie explained, “What those people down there need is a single leader who can make decisions and be decisive, but the problem is half of them seem to think they’re the only suitable option and the other half would never deign to be lead. So trying to make a solid plan just leads to a lot of cross talk and bickering.”

Back home, their Branch Master – or more likely his second in command – was in overall command of the day to day operations of their guild location. They got their marching orders from her, no one argued, any questions were handled personally, and it all worked like a well oiled machine. Archie feared that until they likewise coalesced around a command structure here, they were never going to get anywhere. But, to be honest, was anyone that that cloud picked really leader material? To be honest, the Oshawott kinda feared the answer to that was a resounding no.

“Well, just be careful, I doubt the mayor’s going to be very happy if he finds you sneaking around where you shouldn’t be,” Archie said to the Ralts. Corey wasn’t exactly what Archie would call fast. And he couldn’t teleport yet either. And even if he could, that would still reflect badly on Bellatrix, Archie, and Wes. Also, he was hyperventilating.

… Wait.

“Are you… Good?” Archie asked, looking at the Ralts with a concerned frown.
Corey actually seemed to freeze up for a moment at the mention of 'losing a battle'. Briefly his breath rate went up and he had to make a point to look away from the other two in the room, taking a few deep breaths to steadily right himself again.

"...No, Tarahn... I... don't do that kind of thing anymore. 'least I haven't for a very long time..."

Tarahn frowned sympathetically as Corey's body reacted to the thought of battling and patted him on the shoulder again. That happened to people sometimes, if they were in a fight for their life, or got really scared or both. They still felt like they were in the fight sometimes.

No licking yourself, try to bathe regularly... in a bath, no eating bugs off the ground, and for the love of whatever god you might believe in, don't break into anyone else's room, okay?

"But I'm not taking a bath in water," Tarahn said firmly. "That's disgusting. That's how you get a Vaporeon using Acid Armor and swimming into your butthole. You can't bathe and let your guard down in water like that. And where else am I going to eat bugs? They live on the ground."
“Are you… Good?” Archie asked, looking at the Ralts with a concerned frown.

Corey turned to look at Archie, and for a moment there seemed to be a glimmer of surprise... but just as quickly it fades.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine Wot-... Ah... sorry... I'm fine, Archie." he said. "I don't mean to worry either of you or anything, just..." Okay, he knew that probably wouldn't be satisfactory enough. He'd have to at least clarify a little...

"...See, some years back, I got roped into a battle and... something happened, kinda messed me up good... Every so often I get little um... flashbacks I guess you could say. It's fine, I've dealt with them for a while now, I'll be alright..." Yes, he'd be alright... about as 'alright' as he could manage ever since that day...

Unsurprisingly keen on changing the subject, he thought about Archie's remark that this band of interdimensional Pokemon were very much in want of a standout leader to help keep things sorted out. Too many egos indeed, and Corey absolutely couldn't bring himself to see the majority of the ones he met follow anyone else in the line-up without question. No, that just wasn't likely at all... though perhaps if one were to think a bit smaller...

"Finding a leader doesn't seem likely at all, you're right... but maybe we're thinking too big. Maybe what this whole collective needs is to organize into smaller teams. Easier to manage, fewer egos to get in the way, and when we need to we can share our findings to the others. I mean, already it feels like the three of us have become something of a team just by the happenstance of knowing alternate versions of each other. Could be more productive to just assure that we're watching each other's backs and not constantly worrying about how the others are all faring... y'know, unless they legitimately need our help, of course."

And of course, in the midst of that suggestion, Tarahn had to go and make yet another comment that made it all too clear he was still having some trouble with that whole 'think like a human' thing.

"Alright, one, your previous experience with Vaporeons concerns me greatly... two, when I say take a bath in water, I mean in a bathtub, not just some random pond! I swear to you, no one will swim up... there... while you're washing in such a place. And three, you're not supposed to eat bugs, you're supposed to eat the food they serve in restaurants, or at the dining hall. Surely you've seen your trainer eat in such a place?"
“Wait, what were you about to call me?” Archie’s frown deepened, but, Corey soldiered on with his explanation. Well, honestly, maybe it was for the best. The Ralts looked like he was liable to fall to pieces at any moment. He really hoped Corey would prove to be reliable going forward, Archie wasn’t actually any good at helping pick up the pieces when people fell apart around him. Arceus, he really did rely on Spencer for a lot, didn’t he? Separating from the Treecko was really starting to get the Oshawott to realize how much he took his partner’s interpersonal skills for granted. And he wasn’t even going to remember this in the end to know to appreciate him more! For now though, Corey was talking again, so, at least, that seemed like an improvement over a minute ago?

“Uh, yeah, you’re probably right,” Archie said, folding his arms. At the very least, the three of them could interact without too much worry about bruised egos. Who else could the Oshawott trust like that? Maybe Clover, but he didn’t know how seriously the Shuppet took all of this. Kalas seemed practical and not easy to upset, but he hadn’t seen the bird in some time. He’d had hopes for Bellatrix but he was less sure now. And he just didn’t know anyone else well enough!

Actually, he couldn’t worry about all this right now, he had to parent Tarahn. Or at least, that’s how it was starting to feel like.

“Tarahn, where have you been staying? You know there’s complimentary breakfast down in the Mess Hall? You can eat real food, not random insects you find in the dirt,” the Oshawott said, “And I swim in Silver River all the time and never have I once encountered a Vaporeon. And even if I did, I’m sure they’d have much better things to do then swim up your butt.”

He had half a mind to drag the Toxel down to get some real food that very second, but he didn’t know if anything would be prepared at this hour. So for now, he just had to focus on the conversation at hand.

“Seriously, though, you look filthy, if you’re trying to lick yourself clean, who knows what germs you’re ingesting,” the Oshawott sighed, “They don’t have Pokecenters in this world, you know, you need to be careful about getting sick.”

That was a lesson he’d had to learn the hard way once upon a time...
And three, you're not supposed to eat bugs, you're supposed to eat the food they serve in restaurants, or at the dining hall. Surely you've seen your trainer eat in such a place?"

Tarahn raised his brow ridges, giving Corey a skeptical and slightly pitying look. "I like to beg Moriko to let me taste human food or steal it too, but you'll get a sore stomach from doing that too much. I know because I did it a few times. Maybe that's why you don't feel good? Eating bugs and other little animals is good for you and no one gets mad, and they're free." Tarahn considered their back-and-forth for a moment and then sighed. "I really miss the pokemon center. I didn't really think about it, but only having berries sucks. You can barely get any training done, and what if you get really hurt?"

“And I swim in Silver River all the time and never have I once encountered a Vaporeon. And even if I did, I’m sure they’d have much better things to do then swim up your butt.”

Tarahn waved his tail at Archie's attempt to persuade him to bathe. "To properly evaluate risk, you have to consider consequences as well as likelihood, and the consequences of an Acid Armor Kancho are too darn severe to hinge your decision-making on casual, intermittent observations. Swimming is fine if you don't let your guard down. Bathing's different. Also the water is really cold."
"...Tarahn, I appreciate your... unique health diagnosis, but I'm afraid this is an emotional issue, not a physical one... and anyways, it's not worth getting into any further right now. My personal problems from years back shouldn't be getting in the way of the here and now... and right here and right now, I know one thing for sure, and that is... you are taking a goddamn bath." Corey said, wanting to make it very clear this was not an issue of debate.
"Look, it's not gonna be all that bad at all, it's a contained body of water, and it's hot water, to boot. Come on, you can't say no to that, right?"

It genuinely felt like he was back at some of the labs that specialized in Pokemon behavior, trying to get more unruly Pokemon to bathe or eat... He never really loved the jobs that made him a glorified breeder, but those memories were coming back in full force here. Well, hey, on the bright side they proved a capable distraction from his earlier minor breakdown...

"Look, Tarahn, you gotta trust us here. Think of us as a team... For as long as we're stuck in this world, we need to look out for one another, and that's exactly what Archie and I are trying to do for you. If you agree to take a bath, we will be absolutely certain that nothing can possibly acid-armor its way into any invasive situation, you have my word on it."
Archie buried his face in his paws, and massaged his temple.

“Tarahn. I’m going to lay this out for you best I can. The odds of Zapdos parting the clouds to personally come down and smite you with lightning are higher than the odds of a Vaporeon deciding to do a full body cavity search,” the Oshawott muttered into his paws.

It was true though that there not being any modern medicinal services was going to present a long term problem. Thankfully, Archie was used to working with less from his time in his previous universe, and there was actually a doctor in this world – the Oshawott had passed their office several times while going about his business in town – but at the same time, who knew how much actual medicinal experience said doctor actually had. It was better not to press their luck if they could avoid it, he thought.

Thankfully, Corey seemed to have a much better grasp of what Tarahn needed to hear right now. The Oshawott raised his head from his paws and gave his best smile and nod in agreement with what the Ralts was saying.

“That’s right, you’ll love it,” he said, “A hot bath will loosen up all those knotted muscles and help you relax. And once you’ve bathed, we’ll treat you to some good food in the mess hall. They’ve got jams and juices made from berries, it’s all made with Pokemon stomachs in mind so you won’t get sick eating it.”
"Look, it's not gonna be all that bad at all, it's a contained body of water, and it's hot water, to boot. Come on, you can't say no to that, right?"

“That’s right, you’ll love it,” he said, “A hot bath will loosen up all those knotted muscles and help you relax. And once you’ve bathed, we’ll treat you to some good food in the mess hall. They’ve got jams and juices made from berries, it’s all made with Pokemon stomachs in mind so you won’t get sick eating it.”

Tarahn visibly brightened at the mention of hot water. "Oh! You should have said! I like hot water! My teammate Rufus will go in hot water even though he's a fire-type."

Think of us as a team... For as long as we're stuck in this world, we need to look out for one another, and that's exactly what Archie and I are trying to do for you.

"We're a team!" Tarahn repeated, eyes crinkling, and grabbed Corey in the hug threatened earlier, patting him on the back. "I'll protect you guys too when you're bathing! Just say the word!"
"We're a team!" Tarahn repeated, eyes crinkling, and grabbed Corey in the hug threatened earlier, patting him on the back. "I'll protect you guys too when you're bathing! Just say the word!"

"Y-yes, a team, I'm glad you approve," Corey said, trying to avoid getting bowled over again by this latest hug from the Toxel. Good thing he wasn't wearing his entire outfit, but the shirt would definitely need a bit of a clean before the gala now...

"Anyways, now that we're in agreement, let's get you to that bath and a decent meal, yeah?" he turned toward Archie, motioning him toward the door to lead the way. This would no doubt be a little on the strange side, but, Tarahn really did need to be attended to and properly cared for until he got used to the whole idea of doing this sort of thing on his own.
Oh, wow, that actually worked pretty well. Well, the Oshawott guessed that meant they were off to play Pokemon Trainer for a while. Hopefully with some coaching Tarahn could be brought to the point where he could pass for eccentric, rather than almost-feral. For now though, Archie set his nice clothes on Corey’s bed – made no sense to change into them now, they’d just get dirty – and rolled up the sleeves of his coat past his elbows. Just in case the Toxel needed some encouragement scrubbing.

“Just like taking care of your Pokemon back home, right?” Archie asked the Ralts, lightheartedly. Had Archie had Pokemon back home? He was still kind of hazy on that. Surely most people had some kind of Pokemon companion, right? Well, hopefully Corey would know what he meant. For now, the Oshawott could just fake it ‘til he made it.

And with that, he lead their bizarre little procession out of the room and down to the baths.

[Ch01] Not My Business! [Silver Solo]
Silver walked into his room, humming to himself. Small strands of fur of all kinds littered his own pelt, but that wasn't in his mind at the moment.

It had been a productive day, way more than he expected. With so many last-minute requests of new fur styles for the tonight’s gala, he had gathered his own little fortune out of generous tips from high society 'mons. So, the countdown to the celebration had been beneficial for him, too.

He placed the pouch of gold on the table, accidentally jolting a loose coin that rolled toward the other side of the table. With swift reflexes, Silver slammed his paw on the table to stop its journey. By doing so, the tips of his claws brushed a familiar paper piece, and he immediately retracted his arm.

There it was, the invitation to the gala. Its brilliant ink seemed to stare back at him, mocking silently. Grumbling to himself, Silver grabbed the ticket, holding the extremities between his pairs of claws.

What compelled him to get that invitation, anyway? It's not like he fancied expensive business parties and the limitless fakeness surrounding them. Heck, that kind of party only dredged up bad mementos…

Alone. Despite being surrounded by fifty or more people, he felt so alone. The atmosphere was stifling and lifeless, and the ten-year-old Silver felt so out of place with those elegant-looking men and women. All of them chatting about all kinds of questionable business, drinking expensive sake and savoring Qwilfish sushi.

And those glares. Countless poker faces staring down at him. Silently studying every single movement. Waiting for a slipup, a simple mistake to latch onto him like a pack of famished Houndoom.

Home. He wanted to go home. Why was he there? Why couldn't he be anywhere but there? It wasn't his business. He didn't want it to be his business. He just—

“…Are you sure about that, Madame? The Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town?”

Silver winced as he was dragged back to the present. Hesitantly, he looked up, his gaze landing on the apprehensive expression of the admin beside his grandmother. Then he glanced at her. She looked bored.

“They are just a pile of dusty graves,” she said, her tone as cold and emotionless as ever. “Such a waste of valuable space. Those worthless remains don't deserve an entire tower dedicated to them.”

“But Mr. Fuji—”

Madame Boss interrupted the admin with a swift glare. “Mr. Fuji will not be a problem.” Then she sported an unsettling smile. “I have my ways to persuade that old bleeding heart.”

“But if the Pokémon Tower will be torn down, then what will be built in its place?”

At hearing that question, Madame Boss’ smile shifted subtly, from cunning to calculating. “Well, I have heard that the radio business has become extremely lucrative as of late…”

…And she did just that. Mr. Fuji couldn't do anything to stop her ambition and the much more modern Radio Tower replaced the ancient cemetery. A monument from Kanto’s past… destroyed mercilessly. Just because it wasn't lucrative enough. And by doing so, Madame Boss extended her own clutches further, gaining a sizable profit out of radio programs as a sponsor. The sponsor who crushed the memories of helpless citizens… for power.

Disgust and dread gnawed at Silver’s guts. Everything about that gala felt like one massive déjà vu. Lands and landmarks stolen through morally dubious legal ways. Greedy business men — ‘mons — gathered to gain even more money and power. All at the expense of people who sacrificed sweat and blood for some food and a roof over their heads.

However… was it really his business? That world wasn't his world, and he doubted that Cloud brought him and the others there to solve some political tussle. Unless matters were so desperate that the local population wasn't enough to stop that madness. But again, a bunch of random humans and ‘mons plucked from random worlds wasn't exactly the best way to solve that situation, was it?

“What do I do?” Silver murmured to himself, flipping the invitation over and over. “Should I really get myself involved in this mess?” He closed his eyes and took a shuddering breath. “Even then, what can I do? Should I… even do anything…?”

“Why should I listen to the words of an egotistical jerk who would have let a sick Ampharos die? I’m going into that Rocket base because it's the right thing to do, and you can't stop me!”

Silver tensed. Even after all those years, Kris’ admonition and recklessness haunted his mind from time to time. Against better judgment, he replied to that memory, “It’s not like… I don't want anyone to die! But… Should I get myself involved and risk potential consequences, or…?”

“But what do you know, anyway? Have you ever cared about anything or anyone but yourself?”

“Of course I care!” Silver screamed at the phantom voice. “I’m not that heartless!” He paused, his breathing raspy. “I’m not… heartless…”

Uncomfortable silence filled the room, with only the random squeaks of Maus offering some faint ambience. Heartbeats reverberated in his lone ear, making it harder for him to traverse his own internal turmoil. After minutes of pondering, he breathed out, hard.

“…Gods.” He shook his head. “So, I’m really gonna do it, huh.” A soft chuckle slipped out of his lips, equally amused and kicking himself for his decision. “I guess attending those business parties and learning about dress code wasn't a total waste of my time, after all…”

Sound of mind and heart, Silver reached out for his brush. He needed to get ready for his party, and his fur and attire needed to be immaculate. Attending the gala might not have been his business nor in his best interests, but he was going to make it his, if he had to! Consequences be damned!

[Ch02] The Mummy Returns or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Break Into My Friend's Room a Second Time. [Corey, Archie, Tarahn]
Still plenty exhausted, and more than a little irritated from the lingering, painful burns, particularly around his well-bandaged face, Corey could do little more than lay down on his bed and try to get his thoughts in order once more...

He hoped Lorenzo wouldn't put him in some kind of massive debt, especially since he needed to buy himself a new, more practical outfit for this rough lifestyle he was increasingly getting involved in. Moreover, the words his 'guide' had spoken to him were also running through his mind on constant repeat.

Yet, above all else, he just wanted to be left alone for a little while. The embarrassment he'd suffered at the gala was just something he was having difficulty letting go, even with the knowledge that he'd played a vital part in Ignatius' defeat. He felt he'd let the other human-turned-Pokemon down by having them all outed like that... and those who were Pokemon to begin with would have the stigma of associating with them as well... To say the least, he was feeling mighty guilty about the entire matter, and these injuries ultimately felt like a karmic reminder he'd be stuck with, even as they faded, leaving plainly visible scars in their wake.
There was a scrabbling noise under Corey's bed, and Tarahn emerged and stretched, yawning.

"Hi Corey!" the toxel said brightly. "Is your face okay?"
There was the sense of… eager curiosity… one that passed through Corey’s mind soon enough where he couldn’t even jump in surprise upon the sound of a certain Toxel scampering from beneath his bed.

“Tarahn… what did I tell you about coming into my room uninvited?”
"Oh sorry!" Tarahn replied, not sounding very sorry. "I wanted to see if you were okay, but then the doctor wouldn't let me see you, and she was really scary. I just waited for you to come back!" He patted the recumbent Corey helpfully on the shoulder. "You were really cool in the battle! It's better if you don't get so hurt and knocked out though. That's why I like to let tougher pokemon take the hit!"
He’d paced up and down the hall a few times, trying to run how he wanted the coming conversation to go. He’d practiced what he’d say under his breath, imagined what Corey’s responses would be, how he’d respond to said responses. Trying to build up his nerve to just get it over with. The Ralts had been in rough shape the last the Oshawott had seen him. Archie was honestly kind of surprised he’d been let out of the infirmary already. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to visit.

Eventually, though, Archie took a deep breath and tried to steel himself. Then, finally, he stepped up to Corey’s door, and knocked.

“Corey? Are you awake?”
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