oh man, good times.
- Pronoun
- she/her
[size=+2]TruetoCheese vs JackPK[/size]
TruetoCheese's active squad
Coulomb the male Pichu <Static> @ Thunder Stone
Rathian the female Noibat <Infiltrator>
Cuttler the male Inkay <Contrary>
Nosada the female Honedge <No Guard> @ Lucky Egg
Pants! the male Scraggy <Shed Skin>
Bram Stoker the male Zubat <Inner Focus>
Littlefoot the male Amaura <Refrigerate> @ Never-Melt Ice
FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY the female Zorua <Illusion>
Jupiter the male Drifloon <Unburden> @ Lucky Egg
Frog the male Croagunk <Anticipation> @ Lucky Egg
JackPK's active squad
Sheena the female Froakie <Torrent>
Reynolds the male Inkay <Contrary>
Lancelot the male Honedge <No Guard>
Louise the female Budew <Poison Point>
Since you've already decided to send out Nosada and Lancelot: JackPK posts commands first, then TruetoCheese posts commands.
Format: 2v2 single
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOes, Direct Recovery moves, Substitute, Sleep-inducing moves
Jerome the Swablu said he has leftover pizza and can’t finish it. In fact, he has exactly enough pizza to share with one(1) Pokemon. Jerome lives really far away though, so you’ll have to take the train. Jerome’s train.
The train is composed of seven carriages, at the end of every round the unruly passengers (unruly because you keep attacking things near them and oh my god you nearly hit a baby you monster) will attempt to shove you off to another carriage. The two battlers’ health and energy will be averaged (as in total health + total energy then divided by 4) and a random number between 1 and 60 added to it. If Pokemon’s total is greather than the passenger’s specified totals then they get to stay in the carriage.
The seven carriages and their passengers are:
Blue: The economy carriage, right at the back with the bathroom right freaking there. Everyone one here is kind of timid and doesn’t really want to speak out because maybe they can just stomach it before they get there. Of course, there are some who stand out from the pack. 50% chance that the passengers will have a 45 removal total, but a 50% chance they’ll have an 85 removal total.
Purple: The aristocracy lounge here. Well, that’s what they think. The carriage is populated by a group of people who willfully suspend the belief (high above their heads, in fact) that they are indeed the uppermost of the upper class. This is not true, but their rented suits for a train journey will not deter them. Passengers here will not tolerate any indecency, but are normally tolerant of plebian games. They have a 60 removal total that goes up for any loud or unruly move that is used. Just as well, because while they’re tolerant, they’re very much fakely so. They hold themselves so highly that all Pokemon in the carriage gain the Flying type in addition to all other types.
Green: The train’s greenhouse. Jerome actually has it powered by PLANT POWER, and when he says plant power he means they’re just electrical wires in the shape of plants hooked up to the engine. That’s not to say Jerome didn’t go all out. The room is rife with dangerous fake plants and their plasticy, oily stench. There’s a 40% chance that a Venus Wire-trap will fix itself on a battler at random, preventing the use of all physical moves. The battler may spend an action attempting to tear off the Wire-Trap. There is also a 40% chance that instead of a Wire-Trap, a Sun-Flower will emerge and soak up all special moves for the round, and can be destroyed using an action. This arena effect is calculated as soon as the battlers exit the previous carriage, and is told to the trainers before they give their commands for the round taking place in the Green carriage. The power plants have a 60 removal total. However, on every re-entry into the room, both the individual chances for the plants to hinder a battler and the removal total will go down by 10.
Orange: All the children are kept here. Every round spent in this cabin deals 5% typeless damage to each Pokemon present. There is also a 15% chance on each action that the Pokemon will be unable to perform its move because THAT UNATTENDED BABY IS OPENING A WINDOW. Upon leaving the carriage, the trainers will be absolutely pooped, and the Pokemon will get random orders for their next action. Passengers here love Pokemon, a lot, any kind, and have a 90 removal total.
White: This room is blindingly white. Like really, really white. All battler’s suffer a -1 Accuracy penalty. All trainers also have a 30% chance on each action to point their command at the wrong Pokemon on the field(i.e their opponent’s). If given their opponent’s order, the Pokemon will be considered to have access to the ordered move for that action. The room is empty but the doors are painted white, so they have a 70 removal total.
Violet: This is the carriage of true aristocracy. So true that they aren’t actually here because what kind of respectful filthy-richer would ride on a train? Disgusting. All that’s in this room is a really big jet made of solid gold, one of the spares of a regular train rider (but don’t tell his friends). This room is very cramped and any moves that don’t require the user to be a meter from their target will fail. It’s kind of hard to get out of this room, so battlers will stay in it for two rounds.
Black: It’s the train driver’s birthday party! He’s an old coot so he has a lot of friends in his lifetime, most of them being passengers. The room is absolutely brimming with people, all of them wearing conductors’ hats. Pokemon start on top of one of each of the people’s hats and have to jump about between the gaps in the throng, lest they fall in and take 5% typeless damage and are shoved grumpily back to the top. At the end of the round the party ends and everyone returns to their cabins, so the Pokemon are forced out no matter what.
The battlers will begin the battle in a random carriage (except the roof).
EDIT: The battle is now a 2v2. JackPK and I will both use our Honedges as our openers, then we plan to have Jack's Froakie Sheena versus one of my type neutral mons (Jupiter the Drifloon or Frog the Croagunk probably).
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOes, Direct Recovery moves, Substitute, Sleep-inducing moves
Jerome the Swablu said he has leftover pizza and can’t finish it. In fact, he has exactly enough pizza to share with one(1) Pokemon. Jerome lives really far away though, so you’ll have to take the train. Jerome’s train.
The train is composed of seven carriages, at the end of every round the unruly passengers (unruly because you keep attacking things near them and oh my god you nearly hit a baby you monster) will attempt to shove you off to another carriage. The two battlers’ health and energy will be averaged (as in total health + total energy then divided by 4) and a random number between 1 and 60 added to it. If Pokemon’s total is greather than the passenger’s specified totals then they get to stay in the carriage.
The seven carriages and their passengers are:
Blue: The economy carriage, right at the back with the bathroom right freaking there. Everyone one here is kind of timid and doesn’t really want to speak out because maybe they can just stomach it before they get there. Of course, there are some who stand out from the pack. 50% chance that the passengers will have a 45 removal total, but a 50% chance they’ll have an 85 removal total.
Purple: The aristocracy lounge here. Well, that’s what they think. The carriage is populated by a group of people who willfully suspend the belief (high above their heads, in fact) that they are indeed the uppermost of the upper class. This is not true, but their rented suits for a train journey will not deter them. Passengers here will not tolerate any indecency, but are normally tolerant of plebian games. They have a 60 removal total that goes up for any loud or unruly move that is used. Just as well, because while they’re tolerant, they’re very much fakely so. They hold themselves so highly that all Pokemon in the carriage gain the Flying type in addition to all other types.
Green: The train’s greenhouse. Jerome actually has it powered by PLANT POWER, and when he says plant power he means they’re just electrical wires in the shape of plants hooked up to the engine. That’s not to say Jerome didn’t go all out. The room is rife with dangerous fake plants and their plasticy, oily stench. There’s a 40% chance that a Venus Wire-trap will fix itself on a battler at random, preventing the use of all physical moves. The battler may spend an action attempting to tear off the Wire-Trap. There is also a 40% chance that instead of a Wire-Trap, a Sun-Flower will emerge and soak up all special moves for the round, and can be destroyed using an action. This arena effect is calculated as soon as the battlers exit the previous carriage, and is told to the trainers before they give their commands for the round taking place in the Green carriage. The power plants have a 60 removal total. However, on every re-entry into the room, both the individual chances for the plants to hinder a battler and the removal total will go down by 10.
Orange: All the children are kept here. Every round spent in this cabin deals 5% typeless damage to each Pokemon present. There is also a 15% chance on each action that the Pokemon will be unable to perform its move because THAT UNATTENDED BABY IS OPENING A WINDOW. Upon leaving the carriage, the trainers will be absolutely pooped, and the Pokemon will get random orders for their next action. Passengers here love Pokemon, a lot, any kind, and have a 90 removal total.
White: This room is blindingly white. Like really, really white. All battler’s suffer a -1 Accuracy penalty. All trainers also have a 30% chance on each action to point their command at the wrong Pokemon on the field(i.e their opponent’s). If given their opponent’s order, the Pokemon will be considered to have access to the ordered move for that action. The room is empty but the doors are painted white, so they have a 70 removal total.
Violet: This is the carriage of true aristocracy. So true that they aren’t actually here because what kind of respectful filthy-richer would ride on a train? Disgusting. All that’s in this room is a really big jet made of solid gold, one of the spares of a regular train rider (but don’t tell his friends). This room is very cramped and any moves that don’t require the user to be a meter from their target will fail. It’s kind of hard to get out of this room, so battlers will stay in it for two rounds.
Black: It’s the train driver’s birthday party! He’s an old coot so he has a lot of friends in his lifetime, most of them being passengers. The room is absolutely brimming with people, all of them wearing conductors’ hats. Pokemon start on top of one of each of the people’s hats and have to jump about between the gaps in the throng, lest they fall in and take 5% typeless damage and are shoved grumpily back to the top. At the end of the round the party ends and everyone returns to their cabins, so the Pokemon are forced out no matter what.
The battlers will begin the battle in a random carriage (except the roof).
EDIT: The battle is now a 2v2. JackPK and I will both use our Honedges as our openers, then we plan to have Jack's Froakie Sheena versus one of my type neutral mons (Jupiter the Drifloon or Frog the Croagunk probably).
TruetoCheese's active squad

JackPK's active squad

Since you've already decided to send out Nosada and Lancelot: JackPK posts commands first, then TruetoCheese posts commands.