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Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry


Dragon Enthusiast
Heartache staff
What... happened here?

The Grand Quarry had been transformed into something unrecognizable. What had once been spoken of as a long and winding road of rocks so uniformly dug out for stone and minerals was now... a thick, red miasma. Twisting walls formed a labyrinth made of purplish black rock. Once mundane sandstone emitted black mist. From within the Quarry, the sky was tinged orange like an eternal sunset. The clouds were an ominous purple, too.

Simply being there felt oppressive. Despite being low to the ground, it felt like they were halfway up a mountain, with thin air and a lingering sense of cold.

Occasionally, visitors would spot in the corner of their vision something black and shapeless. But the moment they turned their heads, it would be gone. Though, considering how all the wildlife and workers had vacated, or seemingly vacated...

There was one upside to the newly named Twilight Quarry: you were never alone.

[Ch05] The Usurper King's Darkness ~ Part 1
After a talk with Nova to finally reorient her mind, in addition to making certain that she was mentally prepared for whatever would come next, she helped lead the charge into the Grand Quarry. Though, according to the locals, it had already been renamed to Twilight Quarry...

And she could see why.

Mhynt allowed anyone to come along for this, as they needed the numbers, under one condition: They all brought Escape Orbs, and in great abundance. And when it was over, they'd all return to Sybil to test themselves against the relic. All for maximum precautions, and to minimize the hold Alexander could have on them, and for how long.

But even with all of those precautions, nothing could have prepared them for the oppressive aura that bombarded them the second they entered Twilight Quarry's domain...

"...Is everyone still okay?" Mhynt confirmed once they entered. "Remember. We are only here to scout, investigate, and leave at the first sign of trouble. We cannot afford any risks."
Grace nodded firmly, happy to just be of help. "Got it, and I'm here to provide emergency healing...!" she said softly. "I also learnt how to help calm down Shadowed 'mons a little, so I can try that when necessary..."

It was faster to fly just a little above the ground, like a little sprite. The way she tapped her paws together gave off the impression that she was nervous.
It wasn't that long ago that Aige had trailed Alexander, and now she was back. She couldn't tell if it was out of curiosity or a sense of obligation.

"A little bit different from last time," Aige muttered, glancing at the rest of the group. "Well, not like I can worry about what could have been."

She eyed her escape orb. "If these work like I've heard, then this feels like a safe bet," she said, letting a little bit of confidence seep into her tone. "I guess, provided their activation is relatively instantaneous and that no one can swipe them right from under us."

Aige thought about it for a moment. "About as fair a risk as we can ask for, at least, I think so."
Reflexively, Bellatrix had opted to fall under the guise of an illusion for better camouflage. How much it would help, she wasn't entirely sure given how Alexander was able to deftly navigate his blindless. "I'm fine," was her answer, taking a few steps forward. Alongside an extra Escape Orb just in case, she had also brought an Invisify Orb to further augment her own abilities to cover that extra bit of distance.

"I can take the front and perhaps extend my illusion to a couple more of you for better stealth. Otherwise, we may as well discuss what specifically we need to look out for this mission. What is it that you expect to see, Mhynt?"
"...I didn't know what I'd see," Mhynt admitted. "But this is... nostalgic. In a bad way." She pointed at the sky. "It's as if Alexander felt the need to turn this place into a miniature Voidlands. We should be careful. If you see any... blackened, shapeless things approaching, attack on sight. It won't be friendly."

She let Bellatrix take the lead with her illusions. Soon, they'd made it to their first small clearing in the quarry. They could take a slide down to a lower level of the open quarry--the very bottom was obscured by a red haze--or they could take a longer walk around the upper level. So far, it seemed empty, and yet they still felt watched.
"Ah... what if I try to heal them with Radiance instead...?" Grace asked Mhynt quietly. "It worked during the Cipher raid, so we might be able to help anyone this Alexander has with him...?"

Truthfully she didn't know. Grace had yet to see for herself what this guy was capable of. But the things she'd heard... the togetic definitely wanted to be sure that she was here to help.
It sounded like a bad idea. Heading out into the red, miasmatic haze to search for information and see how they fared. The emphasis on the need for escape orbs just furthered how dangerous the trip might be. So of course, Odette's dumbass self had to be there.

Of course, more for the possible chance to uppercut Alex in the jaw. Nothing more.

She'd taken on a darker outfit for today; not her usual off-white and maroon, but now something black and maroon. She felt like a mourner. Perhaps fitting; mourning the gradual loss of her patience and sanity.

Wiggling her bag--causing the two Escape Orbs she'd brought along to clatter together--she took another look around the immediate area. It didn't feel particularly safe knowing they were stepping into this shit without the slightest clue of what they were looking for, but that seemed to be what necessitated the trip. And, unfortunately, she was versed in stepping into the creek without a paddle.

She fell into step around the last place she saw Bellatrix. At least there was someone she knew for certain she could jive with here.

"Maybe if you can get a clean shot off," she said back to the togetic she didn't recognize. It probably wasn't aimed at her, but she decided it didn't matter. "But I wouldn't set my sights on it. He was a bitch and a half to deal with on the escort; I can't imagine what he'd be capable of out here being we have no idea what we're walking into."
"This is just a guess, but I don't think the black shapes she's talking about are someone," Aige interjected looking at Grace, "Rather, they're some 'thing'. Far be it from me to tell you what to do though, so I'd say go ahead if you're really inclined. If we find anyone though, say, Owen, it might be better to just table the matter for later."

She considered something for a second. "I say we go down." She looked at the red haze before glancing at the Mawile, Odette. "Based on what went down with you all and what Alexander has done with this place, why don't we proceed with the possibility that he already knows we're here? Second, since this is just scouting, it would pay to know if that red mist is harmful or adversely effective now instead of when later. Best to avoid surprises. On the off chance that it would directly kill us though, I'll volunteer to go first. Of course, it's the majority decision."
Astrid ran her tongue along her teeth as she scanned the eternal sunset, lost in thought. Miniature voidlands. Her heart lurched. This place had a certain gravity to it that she almost couldn't stand, and like Mhynt said, it was nostalgic in all the wrong ways. But with enough self-distraction, she'd manage fine, for now. She had Escape Orbs. She was in the overworld, technically. And she wasn't alone. She hadn't been last time, either -- but this was different, because she had Radiance.

"Radiance is... our friend here, I think," she mused. "But also risky. It can ward off Shadows, but it makes you more vulnerable to them too. And vice versa." Sierra's searing attack had taught her that.

Astrid put on a brave face and, with a huff, nodded grimly. "Mmh. Okay. Let's do it."
"Keep to the edges for now," Bellatrix said, eyeing the paths ahead. "I doubt escape will be easy from the lower level if we encounter something unexpected from our arrival."

She kept alert, listening closely for any sound that may have been coming their way, particularly focusing on the red haze below. With a moniker of "miniature Voidlands", there was no such thing as being too cautious.
Mhynt nodded. "We'll get into the haze soon enough," she agreed. "But let's not take any unsafe roads for now."

Aige's attempt to go down was met with a thoughtful frown. "We'll be ready to pull you away if the red mist does anything," she said. "We'll get close soon. But..."

For now, all was quiet. They were the only ones filling that silence. In the corner of the more alert's visions were odd black shapes that seemed to wobble to no particular rhythm. They were mostly around corners or across the quarry where the slight haze was hard to see.

In fact, that mist was starting to seem a little thicker. Once someone was about ten feet away, they gained a reddish tint thanks to the air between the observer and observed.

The Wayfarers gain 1 Shadow...
"Fair enough," Aige said, hiding a note of disappointment. "By your lead."

"Although," Aige glanced at Bellatrix. Though she knew her name, Aige had never spoken to her personally. "As far as escape, aren't the escape orbs the reason we can be a little cavalier here- the point being that we can reasonably escape with the same amount of ease wherever we are?" She paused. "Provided of course we're not caught unawares. I'm not saying you're wrong suggesting caution, I'm just wondering."

The Roggenrola resolutely avoided looking to the shapes in her peripherals. If anything, they were starting to irritate her a little.
"An Escape Orb can only help so much if you are attacked before you have the chance to react," came Bellatrix's reply. "Although if you are offering yourself to scout ahead, do not loosen your grip of that Orb." However ridiculous the image of a rock holding an orb was. "Otherwise I can move on ahead first." As she spoke, Bellatrix took a couple steps forward, trying to see through the mist though she had little hope in seeing anything given its thickness.

She took a deep breath after her deep examination of the mist, her attention very briefly flickering to the corners of her vision. Her fur stood on end at the sight of shadows in her peripherals. It's not the same, she assured herself. It was impossible for it to follow her here, but just in case, she asked, "What do you think those shadows are? Minions of Alexander or an effect of the dungeon?"
Different Shadows? Not Pokemon? Weird blobs in her vision? What was a Voidlands? Oh Stars... this wasn't something she'd prepared for. But... Grace was good at adapting.

If they did find Owen, she was resolved to help him.

"Is this... all because of Alexander?" she questioned softly. Grace swallowed her nerves and kept up with the group.
There it was. Fuck. Tangible Shadow. Only a drop in the bucket, but Astrid knew it could multiply without much warning. That’s how unwelcome thoughts worked without cosmic encouragement; this was surely worse.

Their progress into the miasma so far had offered less clarity, not more. The very air they breathed had bulked up into a red fog, almost like a gas struggling to become solid. It was showing no signs of letting up.

"Stay close", she projected through the network, unwilling to make more sound than she needed.

Those false shadows lurking at the edge of her vision… were getting tiresome. They acted like hallucinations. Like they weren’t outlasting her patience and she couldn’t help but glare, only to find nothing to glare at. But she knew better. She squeezed her eyes shut, breathed, breathed—and opened them with dilated pupils glowing a piercing, needlelike gold.

Astrid Radiant Focused!
Astrid used Radiant Foresight!
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Mhynt, too, kept a calm aura, breathing out of her mouth. She knew Shadows. She knew to control it. Even the smallest amount from Alexander's influence wouldn't be allowed in her system.

The Wayfarers advanced in this tense and careful advance for a while longer before their natural path took them a level lower into the quarry. Now, Mhynt noted idly that the upper level could lead to ambush attacks... but it was meaningless with Escape Orbs. Hopefully.

But just as they did, they saw someone up ahead. A Floatzel, staring at the wall. He paid them no mind. He seemed to be in a trance.

Mhynt held her arm out in caution, but in that moment, she couldn't hold the team back from doing anything else if they wanted.

"Hello?" Mhynt called.

No response. Floatzel continued to stare at the wall, ignoring them. Was he... pensive? Keen senses would suggest this wasn't an illusion, at least...

Astrid couldn't see too much in the haze, but her Foresight was allowing... some sense. That they were being watched--not just a feeling, but outright confirmation. And... whatever was watching them, Floatzel gave off a similar sensation...

The next nearest one was watching them from a crevice about twenty feet away, within a crack in the wall...
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"We’re not alone. Not just the Floatzel. Shadow hiding in the wall. Don't look at it," Astrid projected, fighting very hard to follow her own advice. Eyes forward, jaw firm…

Whatever this Floatzel was—if it were a Floatzel at all, who could really say—it wasn’t out for a casual afternoon stroll. It radiated the same offputting vibe that she couldn't pin down to anything she’d ever felt before. The Shadows she’d learned to wield had always weighed heavy on her shoulders, but they’d never felt this wrong.

Astrid sought out her breath as she mulled over what to say to the Floatzel, finally settling on, "Is this your domain? Or are you lost?"
"Another under Alexander's influence, like the guards?" asked Bellatrix in reply to Astrid. "But then why isn't he doing anything?"

Her illusion intensified as instincts screamed against the sensation of being watched as she allowed the others to interact with the floatzel. In the meantime, she contended with the temptation to ward the Shadows off with Radiance, weighing if the risk was worth it or not.
"I used to spend all day and all night," Floatzel said quietly, his voice echoed by the stone around him, "staring out the window, waiting for my past to return."

Mhynt stood on guard, taking a slow breath. The red mist was still eating away at them, but so far, simply focusing their minds was enough to outpace it.

"So many years... bleeding together... a haze of... endless nights that only ended because the sun returned..." Floatzel reached out and touched the wall, running his claws along the rocks. His claws broke apart, revealing black ichor as parts of him that fell became nothing but black smoke. "Just a waste. A waste of a life, I was. And then, one day, I wandered. Walked and walked and walked. Now I'm here. Now I... feel like I have a purpose."

As the Wayfarers eased around him to get a better position, they soon could only stare at his back.

"But isn't it funny... how I'm doing the same thing? Staring at a wall... in an endless night... time going on and on... But I feel better. Because the Void King said... let it be. And I will be okay. That is my purpose. I am free. Free from... everything..."

He turned his head around a full 180 degrees. Crick, sssssnpp, crrrrkkk...

"Do you have a purpose?"

Black bile spilled from the corners of his mouth, evaporating into mist. He was smiling, but there was no light in his eyes. He started to walk backward--such that he got closer to the Wayfarers.

The Wayfarers gained 5 Shadow...
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