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Open Ultra Mystery Dungeon

Oscen gently takes the sack with telekinesis, and it disappears into his plumage. "Thank you for your concern, but I am quite capable of carrying this small burden myself." He then nods to the shopkeep.
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Kallie giggles to herself, then grabs the sack with Psychic and floats away.
Fafnir says "Hi. I'm here for the expedition, laddie"
"Excellent!" said Teo. "I'm here to assist on any questions you may have regarding your journey."

Oscen gently takes the sack with telekinesis, and it disappears into his plumage. "Thank you for your concern, but I am quite capable of carrying this small burden myself." He then nods to the shopkeep.
Kallie giggles to herself, then grabs the sack with Psychic and floats away.
Kecleon thought to himself, "Agh, such a blunder... Oh well, they seem to have taken it in stride. Just smile cordially." He politely nodded to both.
"You'll be traversing the woods that surround our fair town to arrive in Roholi, our neighboring village, for a quick status report!"
The Kecleon gulped, the cold emanating from Calvin putting his nerves on end. "A-ah, we have a se-selection of the finest wares... I would definitely recommend this," he pulls out a small bag. "This has a few apples- enough to tide you over for a day, I reckon- along with berries essential to the health of the body should you be in poor health. They're also organically and locally grown! The producer is right here in town, and she is simply the best at what she does."
"That pleases me to hear; I enjoy helping out the locals when I can. I would like to take one of these sacks along with me on my journey, if you are not opposed to that, of course. I thank you for the recommendation."
"That pleases me to hear; I enjoy helping out the locals when I can. I would like to take one of these sacks along with me on my journey, if you are not opposed to that, of course. I thank you for the recommendation."

Kecleon smiles brightly."We're glad to provide you with it!" They hand them the bag.

[If it's good with y'all, we can skip ahead to the forest?]
After finishing up at the guild, Teo and Tea led the party out of the guild. As they cut through the town, they garnered a few quizzical stares from shopkeeps and citizens alike, most of them unused to seeing a good number of the species present in the team. The town itself was bustling, but there was an uneasy tension hanging above it. Folks hurriedly rushed from place to place, not stopping to chat with anyone, keeping interactions at a minimum. Whenever Teo greeted somebody, though, their worries seemed to melt away, if even for a second.

Soon, the group was at the edge of the woods. They formed an impenetrable barrier around Hubb Town wherever it wasn't surrounded by the sea. Nonetheless, the trees bent to form a great arch.

"This was the main entrance up until the woods began transforming into a mystery dungeon. For those of you unfamiliar with mystery dungeons, most teams report the formation of unnatural stairs, often how teams traverse it. However, the Hubb Woods instead have arches like this one. The ones inside the dungeon have a pitch-black interior, and once you exit the other side, you cannot return to where you came from. That is, you cannot come back to town until you reach Roholi, and you cannot return to Roholi once you leave to return here." Tea nodded along as he spoke. "The guild wishes you the best on your first expedition!" With that, the two Meowstic turned and left.
Oscen steps towards the entrance to the forest.
"Hmm. Well, nowhere to go but onwards, may the Great Sun guide us." and he enters the mystery dungeon.
Once the last member of the exploration group entered the forest, the exit disappeared behind them. All around them were dense, impassable thickets of trees that served as walls for eerily straight corridors. Even the traditional murmurs of the forest were almost gone, only the rustling of the wind-blown leaves staying constant. The local fauna was equally scarce; most Pokémon who came across them ran away in the face of such a huge group.

However, once they had found the first exit, their path was suddenly interrupted by a mob of wild Pokémon. A Kricketune and an Amoongus herded a frenzied flock of Rattata and Bunnelby- every single last one of them had blank white eyes. The smaller Pokémon lunged madly at the party, a whirlwind of claws and ears desperate to tear into the explorers.
"Well, seems like we can confirm it's a mystery dungeon, at least."

Kallie floats around the normal-type attacks, then blasts a Psywave at the group of wild Pokemon.
Ireri isn't so entranced by the disappearing exit or the strangely consistent thickets to stop shying away at the sight of every other Pokemon. The horde of attackers is honestly a relief - at least her nerves are objectively right for once!

As the others attack, she scrambles away to the back of the group.
The Psywave sends the Normal types flying in all directions. Most return squealing back into the depths of the forest, a few lay limp on the ground. A number of stragglers still stands firm, unfazed by the Misdreavus's powerful attack.

The Krickcetune, meanwhile, reels from the attack. It has some fight left in it still, though, and it propelled itself at Ireri through the air, expertly twisting through other party members more preoccupied with smaller pests. Its scythes glow with an eerie green.

The Amoongus, a bit distraught by all the racket, begins spitting out a variety of powders around itself. Iridescent particles hung in the air, the green and purple and yellow fogs intermingling.
Gerald dives in front of Ireri, a scythe digging into his arm.

"You really should sharpen these things," he grunts. He then grabs the Kricketune by the arms, spins around, and flings the bug at the Amoongus in an act of Revenge.
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