• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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I managed to find that pesky "New Thread" button. Something to remember.

Anyways,hi. My name is Kathy but call me Vaporeon for Pete's sake because people end up calling me Katherine which I HATE. If I was ticked enough, they'd probably end up in the emergency room. And YES, that means I have quite a temper. But I've softened up, don't worry. Anyways, I'm in the fifth grade and I'm a little shy. I am a little obsessed with Pokemon though. :blank: I love to draw and naturally, I rock at it. I also rock at writing and I get a little carried away with reading.

Now you know me. Yay.:sweatdrop::sweatdrop:
Hey, Kathy. I don't think you're shy at all after reading that post. In fact, you seem quite outgoing to me.

It feels sort of odd to be welcoming a new member when I only joined earlier today. I'll see you around the forums, yes?
Hey, how's it going! Welcome to tCoD, the place where everyone is happy and stuff! ;) Hope you enjoy your stay!
Hi, Vaporeon. You seem to be an Eeveelutions fan. My name is Cathy with a 'C'. I'm good at drawing and writing as well!!! but also Maths *sigh*. Nice to meet you Vaporeon. Please be active and don't waste an account on nothing.

Edit: Wow, looking back I suck.

Not that I don't suck now but I could say I'm better.
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Welcome! You do seem quite outgoing, from that, and I quite enjoy writing and drawing as well and... yes! Have a good time here. :)
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