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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Um... Hi?


New member
I'm ero98 (duh). Hi! I like pixel art (making it and viewing it) and I like the reading. Thanks for reading.
I'm ero98 (duh). Hi! I like pixel art (making it and viewing it) and I like the reading. Thanks for reading.

Stop being like me. Now.

Not really. Welcome and stuff. I'm sure you'll like it here.

PM me if you need to know anything. (If you didn't know already, just click my name on this post and click "Send a Private Message to Blastoise428")
Welcome to the forums. I'm the Nintendo screamish fanboy around here, nice to meet you. My name is Darkarmour, hope to see you around the forums.
ライチュウ;270080 said:
Welcome to the forums. You seem cool so you'll probably fit right in.

Did anyone else laugh after they read that? 'Cause it's pretty depressing if I'm the only one who did.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh geez... that is pretty funny though, I'll keep it there.
Hey ero98! I'm going to give a spriters tip: don't save in jpg. Your avatar sprite looks all jpgey, which is a no in the spriting community. I like how your background isn't jpged though, and the sprite is still cool, even with the jpg.
Your avatar sprite looks all jpgey, which is a no in the spriting community.

Why is it a 'no'?

No, I'm not being sarcastic. I've never sprited anything in my life, and I'd really like to know for future reference.

Anyway, Welcome, Ero. There's a lot here to tickle your fancy, but I'm sure you looked around by now anyway. If you need help with anything, then I'm sure you'll find someone who'd like to offer that help.

Just throw a Private Message (PM) at them, and I'm sure they'll be happy to lend assistance.
Why is it a 'no'?

No, I'm not being sarcastic. I've never sprited anything in my life, and I'd really like to know for future reference.

It's because when pixel art is saved in jpg format, it gets some pixels replaced by other colors, making it look...well, weird.

Welcome! I'm Flora. Enjoy your stay~
And if you save it as a gif (not sure about jpg) mspaint even tells you that it you'll experience color loss

Also hi
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