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Vacation time!


local hellion

I'm going on vacation tomorrow!

It's my first time out of the US (or my timezone, for that matter), so I'm very excited!

Of course, we do have to get up veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery early in the morning. -.- That's one part I'm not looking forward to.

And packing. I spent ten minutes reorganizing everything I packed. -.-

I can't wait!
Yay for you!
I've already been on holiday so I have to wait another year to feel that excitement again. :(

You should also be celebrating the fact that you made the 100th thread in the laughing cupboard. xD
How far outside your time zone is it? You haven't lived until you've felt the unbearable pain of jetlag :3

Have an awesome time while you're away~
^ I kept singing that about every day. :D

It was about one timezone away.

Oh, and we brought the Wicked book, too. What happened:

Me: How did he write out What is This Feeling?
Julie: Galinda hates Elphaba, Elphaba doesn't care.

That book slightly scares me. @_@

On an unrelated note, they spell stuff the British way over there, so I may be typing like them for a while. :D

And I'm half-deaf because my bad-luck-with-vacations syndrome has returned.

Thus, Disney World is still my favourite place. (It's fun to type stuff like that.)

Until possibly when we go to Britain. :D
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