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Vending Machine Game

Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes the apparently hated X-Factor, coming back to haunt you.

In goes Charlie Sheen, who's lethal enough to kill Two and A Half Men! :D
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes the fact he's supposedly going to be replaced on that show at some point!

In goes the fact that changes to formulae are always a good thing, Final Fantasy II being a good example of this, with its nonsensical levelling system!
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes Ashton Kutcher, the man replacing Charlie.

In goes my netbook as I break down into tears. All my precious documents...!!
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes the fact I still haven't transferred everything over from my old laptop...

In goes the fact I still need to get Microsoft Office on my new laptop, cuz I keep forgetting...
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes a new Microsoft Office kit, just for you!! :D

And in goes my fridge, because it didn't have any ice cream. D:
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes a Zombie, eating your plants. (PvZ reference)

In goes a Peashooter, defending your lawn...
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