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Vending Machine Game

Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes a melted gear.

In goes my favorite rock.
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes a giant pile of sand

Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes the main guy from a weird RPG.

In goes fanmail in a weird made up language.
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes Dragonball: Evolution (Bleh)

In goes that 30 year old they had playing Master Roshi.
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes some random American thing, that being British despite what I'm expected, don't understand!

In goes American terms used by British people!
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series and Joey the Nyeh Cat! (Sega Sonic all the way!!!)

In goes the horrible job Nintendo have done with Sonic the Hedgehog since they bought the rights about 10 years ago when Sega went bust!
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