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Vending Machine Game

Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes hope! Cuz the vending machine is magical! Although, I think we'd already established that, like, a million times now...

In goes the ferret's new coat! That's coat as in what humans wear, by the by!

(Well, I thought I was imagining it, but then I asked his sister, PhaRaoH, if was jus me, and she pretty much assured me I wasn't going crazy!)
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comesa miniature version of the Cairo Overcoat.

In goes a broken robot.
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes that one robot from Final Fantasy I!

In goes the platforms me and PhaRaoH are jus making for the rats...
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes the cage the rats are usually contained in

In goes Christian's lab coat
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes a facepalming imperial drone.

In goes a pile of Sandshrew scales.
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes a pile of Sandslash... scales? (those thingies on its back)

In goes a violin
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Is that really a spoiler...?
Out comes the two Apples that the Kecleon bros gave them

In goes a Cyndaquil
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes an Earthquake and a Dragon Pulse
In goes a spoiler
(Penquin, I consider them spoilers. They're plot important NPCs, I think)
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out come dedicated fans who dislike spoilers and now, LuckyLapras as well.

In goes $1.25
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes a Lemonade. No, wait, two Lemonades.

In goes a furret.
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