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Vending Machine Game

Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes Scotties.

In goes tea and cod...
Re: Vending Machine Game II

*out comes a piece of paper with the words "Bloody Wankers"*
*in goes every single Super Sentai Warrior ever made so far*
Re: Vending Machine Game II

I likes/liked that show ^^

Out comes a Udon Boarder

In goes small people.
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes everything ever hyped.

In goes my extra pair of gossamer wings.
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes a wolf with a whale.

In goes Mystic!
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes plasma

In goes pie
Re: Vending Machine Game II

*out comes blueberry bubblegum*

*in goes a pair of strawberry-flavoured glasses*
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Ejects square tie DVD

In goes clouds.
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